<<Hitler proclaimed in a speech near the end of his life: "Against the Jews I fought open-eyed and in view of the whole world....I made it plain that they, this parasitic vermin in Europe, will be finally exterminated.">>
THAT'S a confession? LMFAO. It doesn't confess to a single act of violence. It was a prediction of what would happen to the Jews. Doesn't say at whose hands. Hitler often referred to the fate inflicted on the Jews by the "spontaneous outrage" of the local populations and in fact a lot of Holocaust massacres were carried out by locals, in Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Lithuania and Romania, to name just a few.
A first-year law student could make mincemeat out of a "confession" like that. That's total bullshit. "I fought open-eyed and in view of the world" = I caused them to be rounded up and shot or gassed? Nonsense.
As I said, there is NO direct evidence at all linking Hitler to the Holocaust.