Again with the yelling. Does your chest puff out a little more when you type in all caps? Anyway, I did not say, 'no term'. You're clearly not paying attention.
Let's hope for your sake, no one is paying attention to your repetition of the same dren
Prince, just say, I refuse to call out anyone calling law enforcment, legislaters and supporters on the rule of law, as it relates to this AZ law, as fascists & racists.
Once again, if I had meant to express that in some way, I would have said it. I did not say it. Can you guess why? I doubt you can. I did not say it because I do not refuse to call out people who label law enforcement, legislators and supporters of the rule of law fascists and racists. Not that I expect you to grasp that concept. But most other English speaking people who read it will.
Your grand verbosity, minus the pertinent answer to the direct question posed, is what
most other English speaking people who read, willNo clearly it's an answer that doesn't answer the question. [...] I clearly demonstrated how it wasn't (a lie as you claim).
What you demonstrated, and continue to demonstrate, is a complete lack of reading comprehension and/or honesty.
Possibly the former, yet that's largely debatable given this back and forth clarity of events in this thread. Not the latter, as I've cleardly demonstrated how its not.
Your aim to avoid making judgements on ignorant morons who profess to claim how AZ law enforcment, their legisature, their Governor, and supporters of current federal immigration law are akin to racists & nazis is what is "clearly" demonstrated, for all to see.
Sigh. Again with the stupid mind reading. Here is a clue: Ask me what my position is on those people. Assumption only makes an ass out of you and mption.
I've already tried......multiple times in fact, with the effort to find the "pre-approved Prince adjective". Again, for all to see and read
And your repetition of that position in not passing judgement & claiming that's "your answer that I don't like" is specific to how you obviously had no plans to address this.
Except, of course, for all the times I did address it.
Except of course for all the times you haven't
Not sure why you want to keep harping this point however, as its there for all to see.
Well, see, you got me a little upset with the constant attempts to claim I mean something I've never said, and snide remarks indicating I'm some how being unreasonable and incapable of substantive debate because I dared to argue and support my argument that you were wrong to label certain folks who were not exhibiting hysteria as hysterical.
Well Prince, when you fail to provide the judging I kept asking for, one then is left to speculate why. When one fails to provide a simple response to simple question, one is left to deduce for themselves what the answer would likely be, given the parameters & disposition of the person failing to answer in the 1st place. This wasn't a "So, how long have you been beating your wife" kinda question. You took exception to my use of the (appropriate) word hysteria in judging folks demonstrating woeful idiocy & ignorance, so when asked what you'd use, you kept (and still do) repeating what you wouldn't call them, and have called that "your answer in plain sight"
Sorry, that's not
Let's move on, shall we? Or are you compelled to get the last word in, and/or call me some more names? *sigh*
You've grabbed enough rope, and I think you've got the noose around your neck. So I'm done. I'll say no more to you in this thread. You, Sirs, have the last word. Berate me to your heart's content. Though I think you'll only be kicking the box out from under you.
And for the rest to have read, (of they were so bored, they continued to do so), I haven't been the one doing the berating, or insulting, or namecalling. Condescending tone?, yea, I concede that. Intermittent sarcasm in posting extremes of what you might answer?, yea, guilty of that too. Repetative name calling & berating?, nope, all you big fella
i think you guys should just "agree to disagree"
it has reached a point of debating the debating
reasonable people can just arrive at different conclusions
Sounds reasonable to me