Author Topic: Looks Like I have to do Your Job For you -- for inquiring small minds  (Read 24518 times)

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I'm sorry that this information takes the mentality of an educated mature adult to understand, comprehend and analyze but here you go anyway. This is for folks that are too lazy, too stupid, or both to seek out answers and truth regarding crime and illegal aliens in the US.

Note: It should go without saying they will claim this information is bogus.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 06:27:51 PM by Kramer »


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Thanks Kramer

sheer lunacy!

but when ya got votes to get....

well who cares who gets killed/maimed on the way to the final goal of a democratic super-majority

but since that majority will have come illegally...that will justify secession.

illegality has consequences

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"The percentage of all federal prisoners who are criminal aliens has remained the same over the last 3 years--about 27 percent."

So, they DON'T commit the majority of crime. Thanks for providing that information.
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"The percentage of all federal prisoners who are criminal aliens has remained the same over the last 3 years--about 27 percent."

So, they DON'T commit the majority of crime. Thanks for providing that information.

I guess you missed the part where is states that much of the crime goes unreported as I stated before.


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Hard to validate an "unreported" #, especially if any claim is being made that a majority of crime is being committed by illegal immigrants, (outside of coure of their already illegal status).

Speculative, at best
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Hard to validate an "unreported" #, especially if any claim is being made that a majority of crime is being committed by illegal immigrants, (outside of coure of their already illegal status).

Speculative, at best

So-called victimless crimes like ID theft, forged papers, theft of SSI #.

How about poor employer that hires Illegal with fake papers then the government finds out and the innocent victim small business owner gets the shaft from the gov.


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I don't doubt it doesn't happen, Kramer.  The issue is what % of that makes up crime in general, and what % of that is perpetrated by illegal immigrants.  The best you have currently is your documeted 27%.  I'm pretty confident many of those ID thefts & SS thefts are done by good ol fasioned home grown legal Americans, though I wouldn't be able to put a % on that either
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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honestly in matters of ID theft I hear more about somebody stealing money(creditcards) with it than just an illegal using it to get a job.

I`m pretty sure the dealer get a bigger and faster payout by running up a tab than supplying fake ID`s.
harder to trace also.

Michael Tee

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THAT'S what you call "research?"  Shoulda stayed in bed and watched the Late Show, Kramer. 

I stopped reading here:

<<How much of that is consequence of illegal alien crimes is largely unknown because NOBODY IS TRACKING IT. >>


<<However, we do know that a large portion of the surging prison population is due to illegal alien criminals – a subject addressed later in this section. Also note the correlation with the increase in the illegal alien population since 1989.>>

whoopee doo - - more aliens sneaking into the country, more aliens in the jails.  What a surprise.

The stats you need would go something like this:

total no. of illegals in the country, average Jan. 1/09 to Dec. 31/09 = a
total no. of legal American (immig. & native-born), average Jan. 1/09 to Dec. 31/09  = b
total of illegals convicted of murder in 2009 = c
total of legals convicted of murder in 2009 = d

illegal conviction rate = c/a
legals conviction rate = d/b

Then you see if c/a >d/b, in which case you are right, or if d/b>c/a, in which case you are wrong.

You're welcome.


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THAT'S what you call "research?"  Shoulda stayed in bed and watched the Late Show, Kramer. 

I stopped reading here:

<<How much of that is consequence of illegal alien crimes is largely unknown because NOBODY IS TRACKING IT. >>


<<However, we do know that a large portion of the surging prison population is due to illegal alien criminals – a subject addressed later in this section. Also note the correlation with the increase in the illegal alien population since 1989.>>

whoopee doo - - more aliens sneaking into the country, more aliens in the jails.  What a surprise.

The stats you need would go something like this:

total no. of illegals in the country, average Jan. 1/09 to Dec. 31/09 = a
total no. of legal American (immig. & native-born), average Jan. 1/09 to Dec. 31/09  = b
total of illegals convicted of murder in 2009 = c
total of legals convicted of murder in 2009 = d

illegal conviction rate = c/a
legals conviction rate = d/b

Then you see if c/a >d/b, in which case you are right, or if d/b>c/a, in which case you are wrong.

You're welcome.

Note: It should go without saying they will claim this information is bogus.


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Two new public opinion polls reveal that the majority of the American public believes the U.S. immigration system is broken, and that fixing it should include the creation of a pathway to legal status for unauthorized immigrants already in the United States. The polls, conducted by the New York Times/CBS News and USA Today/Gallup, indicate that Americans are deeply frustrated over unauthorized immigration and the dysfunctional U.S. immigration system that fuels it. Yet most of the respondents in both polls don’t believe that a get-tough, enforcement-only, deport-them-all strategy towards unauthorized immigrants is the best way to move forward. This should be heartening news to advocates of comprehensive immigration reform who understand that smart and targeted immigration enforcement must be coupled with a thorough revamping of our immigration system in order to be effective.

The New York Times/CBS News found that “the overwhelming majority of Americans think the country’s immigration policies need to be seriously overhauled.” Specifically, 44 percent said it “needed to be completely rebuilt” and 45 percent said it “needed fundamental changes.” When asked in particular about “illegal immigrants who are currently working in the U.S.,” 43% of respondents concurred that “they should be allowed to stay in their jobs, and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship,” while an additional 21% said agreed that “they should be allowed to stay in their jobs only as temporary guest workers.”

Universe Prince

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         By conventional wisdom, El Paso, Texas should be one of the scariest cities in America. In 2007, the city's poverty rate was a shade over 27 percent, more than twice the national average. Median household income was $35,600, well below the national average of $48,000. El Paso is three-quarters Hispanic, and more than a quarter of its residents are foreign-born. Given that it's nearly impossible for low-skilled immigrants to work in the United States legitimately, it's safe to say that a significant percentage of El Paso's foreign-born population is living here illegally.

El Paso also has some of the laxer gun control policies of any non-Texan big city in the country, mostly due to gun-friendly state law. And famously, El Paso sits just over the Rio Grande from one of the most violent cities in the western hemisphere, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, home to a staggering 2,500 homicides in the last 18 months alone. A city of illegal immigrants with easy access to guns, just across the river from a metropolis ripped apart by brutal drug war violence. Should be a bloodbath, right?

Here's the surprise: There were just 18 murders in El Paso last year, in a city of 736,000 people. To compare, Baltimore, with 637,000 residents, had 234 killings. In fact, since the beginning of 2008, there were nearly as many El Pasoans murdered while visiting Juarez (20) than there were murdered in their home town (23).

El Paso is among the safest big cities in America. For the better part of the last decade, only Honolulu has had a lower violent crime rate (El Paso slipped to third last year, behind New York). Men's Health magazine recently ranked El Paso the second "happiest" city in America, right after Laredo, Texas—another border town, where the Hispanic population is approaching 95 percent.

So how has this city of poor immigrants become such an anomaly? Actually, it may not be an anomaly at all. Many criminologists say El Paso isn't safe despite its high proportion of immigrants, it's safe because of them.
         Following up on my story about El Paso's large immigrant population and low rate of violent crime, the Immigration Policy Center points to a study I missed by the America's Majority Foundation. The study looks at overall social indicators in states with high immigration rates versus the rest of the country during the immigration boom between 1999-2006. On the subject of crime, the study finds....

• While the overall crime rate in the U.S. dropped 10.9 percent, the crime rate in the 19 states that saw the largest influx of immigrants dropped 13.6 percent.

• In 1999, the 19 states that would settle the largest number of immigrants over the next seven years had a crime rate higher than the national average. By 2006, their crime rate was lower.

• Violent crime in the 19 high-immigration states dropped 15.0 percent over seven-year period. Violent crime in the other 32 states (the study included D.C.) dropped just 1.2 percent.

The authors are careful to explain that lots of variables contribute to a state's crime rate, and they warn that one should not conclude from their study alone that immigration reduces crime. But it does present a pretty strong refutation of the argument that immigrants are creating more crime in the states where they settle.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram columnist Bud Kennedy also kindly mentioned my article today, and added an interesting statistic of his own: "Illegal immigrants generated an extra $17.7 billion in the Texas economy when the state comptroller checked in 2006. That was after subtracting the cost of emergency healthcare and their American-born children’s education."
         A 2007 report by the Immigration Policy Center noted that "for every ethnic group, without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants, even those who are the least educated. This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the undocumented population."

Harvard sociologist Robert Sampson, who has focused his research on Chicago neighborhoods, documents that felonious behavior is less common among Mexican-Americans, who constitute the biggest share of Latinos, than among whites. Second and third generation Latinos, contrary to what you might expect, fall into more crime than immigrants. But Sampson says that overall, "Mexican-American rates of violence are very similar to whites."

The phenomenon is so evident that it was even recognized in a recent article in The American Conservative—a magazine founded by the lusty nativist ("we're gonna lose our country") Patrick Buchanan. It was written by Ron Unz, who made some enemies among Latinos by pushing a California ballot initiative to sharply limit bilingual education in public schools, but who knows better than to regard Latinos as the enemy.

Unz points out that in the five most heavily Hispanic cities in the country, violent crime is "10 percent below the national urban average and the homicide rate 40 percent lower." In Los Angeles, which is half Hispanic and easily accessible to those sneaking over the southern border, the murder rate has plummeted to levels unseen since the tranquil years of the early 1960s.

This is for folks who are too lazy, too stupid or both to seek out answers and truth regarding crime and illegal aliens in the US. Note: It should go without saying they will claim this information is bogus.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--

Michael Tee

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<<Note: It should go without saying they will claim this information is bogus.>>

I did not say that any of it was bogus.  I said it was irrelevant.  None of it provided any information demonstrating that the rate of criminal conduct among the "illegals" is any higher than the rate of criminal conduct among the "legals."


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El Paso sits just over the Rio Grande from one of the most violent cities in the western hemisphere, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, home to a staggering 2,500 homicides in the last 18 months alone. A city of illegal immigrants with easy access to guns, just across the river from a metropolis ripped apart by brutal drug war violence. Should be a bloodbath, right?

Here's the surprise: There were just 18 murders in El Paso last year, in a city of 736,000 people. To compare, Baltimore, with 637,000 residents, had 234 killings. In fact, since the beginning of 2008, there were nearly as many El Pasoans murdered while visiting Juarez (20) than there were murdered in their home town (23).

   This means that Mexicans behave better as guests than they do at home?

    At one point one in seven employed Mexicans worked north of the border , leagally and oherwise.

     Yet the situation seems to be bad for Mexico , are we an attractive bait that draws their most honest, hard working and , capable away from home , leaveing a dearth of these qualitys at home?

Universe Prince

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This means that Mexicans behave better as guests than they do at home?

It means this group of Mexicans behaves better than that group of Mexicans. Luckily for us, most of the ones coming across the border are in the first group.

Yet the situation seems to be bad for Mexico , are we an attractive bait that draws their most honest, hard working and , capable away from home , leaveing a dearth of these qualitys at home?

Possibly, Plane. Though I would guess that is a bit too simplistic an answer.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--