<<Never in history has there been a better educated Army , Navy , at all levels. >>
Better educated, my ass. You maybe upgraded from Grade 9 dropouts to Grade 11 dropouts, if that. The kind of scum that tortures their prisoners was never seen in WWI, WWII, or as far as I know the Korean War. With an all-volunteer force, you virtually began selectng for killer instinct.
<<Never in the world has there been a more effective fighting force ,man for man or pound for pound.>>
Are you out of your fucking mind? With a monopoly on air power and the most sophisticated weapons in the world, they can't beat the Taliban in 9 years of fighting and it's only a matter of a few more years before their sorry asses are kicked out of Afghanistan by a rag-tag bunch of REAL warriors.
<<Where and when was there a more loyal , more dependable , more moral or rightious armed forces ?>>
Let us know what you're smoking, plane, it must be outtasight. Stick to predator drones and you'd be making more sense with those remarks. Anyone who can talk of morality and righteousness after Abu Ghraib, Baghram Base or Guantanamo has got to have some memory-deficit problem that probably can't be fixed.