"The cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops that come to me and say, 'We want you to pass immigration reform,' and I said, 'I want you to speak about it from the pulpit. I want you to instruct your' -- whatever the communication is. The people, some (who) oppose immigration reform, are sitting in those pews, and you have to tell them that this is a manifestation of our living the gospels."
- Nancy Pelosi at the Nation's Catholic Community conference
Where's the outrage?? Where's the MSM?? Where's even the slightest hint of condemnation for an acting legislator, and leader of the House of Representatives, advocating the need of the church to push specific legislative policy??
Can you imagine the 24/7 MSM howling if this were John Boehner advocating a similar stance in pusing the church to support enforcing current immigration law??