some women are pro-choice because of guilt
they had an abortion when they were "young & dumb"
we all...or most of us...made mistakes when we were young
i dont really fault them...they didnt know what else to do
but after maturing, with better understanding and wisdom
they may realize their position has since changed
but then they have to deal with....
OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE?""I killed my own child?"instead of dealing with their guilt head-on
they get angry...really at themselves...when they know what they did
but they project that anger at the pro-life movement to shield
themselves from their own gigantic failure, guilt, and short-sightedness
as long as society says abortion is "ok" or "legal" then that can help shield
them from dealing with their own inner guilt.....
they rationalize..."well I guess I'm ok if society says so"
but many of them lay awake at pain...thinking about that baby.
it's a tragedy of unspeakable proportions and I feel for both parties involved.
it's not the way it is supposed to be.....this is the way it is supposed to be