<<We know now what we didn't know then, Kruchev didn't have the missles he claimed. The soviet Sub launched missles of the time were unreliable . The missle production he claimed was "like sausages" was more like mom and pop butcher shop. >>
So what were the "missiles" that the U.S.S.R. was installing in Cuba? Dummy sausages?
<<If the US had been bolder earyer the USSR would have had to fold.>>
"Earlier" meaning when it had a nuclear monopoly? What's up widdat? Why DIDN'T the U.S. strike? The only reasons I can think of are that (a) the Russians had already dispersed, so the strike would kill civilians and left the Red Army intact, to roll over Europe to the English Channel at least, taking permanent possession of all of a devastated and war-torn Europe and (b) an early and decisive victoryh over the "Red Menace" would have deprived the military-industrial complex of its primary raison d’être, at least its raison d’être for public purposes, the bogeyman through which it scared most of America into coughing up the shekels.
<<Later when the Soviets had caught up both sides had the blasting power to extinguish civilisation ,if not all animal life . It turned out that the old guys were not absolutely barmy and didn't want a war that hurt worse than the "Great Patriotic War".>>
Any way you slice it, plane, they lost their nerve. THAT'S the bottom line and that's why they did not deserve to win.
<<When Reagan proposed a series of upgrades ,that havent ever hapened, the Soviet Planners were overwhelmed , practily overwhelmed by our bluff.>>
Where do you get this stuff from? Reagan? I know that's the "official explanation" but I ain't buyin' none of it. One day I'm gonna find out the real story of why the U.S.S.R. fell apart.
<<The Soviet Union fell apart and the Warsaw pact clamored to each join NATO.>>
Fuckin A they "clamored" - - with the exception of Poland and the Czech part of Czechoslovakia, they were all former Nazi satellites and huge admirers of Adolf Hitler. This was a real fine day - - for Nazis.
<<A lot of Submarines were just parked and left unmanned , a lot of equipment was abandoned. And the US took this long awaited oppurtunity to pounce , invadeing on a long frount and airlifting commandoes to key....pfh!>>
In fact, a lot of Americans took the view that it was all a fake, that the Soviet Union hadn't really fallen apart, but that it was all a huge act put on to get American aid for an economy bankrupted by Star Wars. The same debate probably occurred in more responsible circles. How many subs were there, how many were really abandoned, if any? etc. They didn't know and they couldn't take the chance, not initially. Later, like jackals, emboldened by what they thought was the true stench of death coming from the U.S.S.R., they DID attack - - first in Afghanistan, then for the Big Prize, Iraq.
<<The Soviet Union fell apart and lost iron controll of the people , what rises from the ash might be a friend might not be, but the riseing from the ash is still going on. The US and NATO don't need or want to invade . That was hogwash in the fiftys and was hogwash the whole time. >>
The U.S. had already invaded the U.S.S.R. once to crush its communist system and there was no reason to think it would not do so again. In many respects, the U.S., Britain and France overlooked a lot of shit as Nazi Germany rose to power, Hitler having made it crystal clear in Mein Kampf that he regarded the primary threat to Germany (and the world) to be "Jewish Bolshevism" and knowing full well that he would inevitably invade Russia, bleeding to death (they hoped) both Germany and the U.S.S.R. in the process. Hitler fulfilled their every dream, but unfortunately for them, through a stupid series of miscalculations, also found himself at war with both Britain and France at the same time. To your "hogwash!" I reply "bullshit!"