Jindal HAS to suggest something, preferable something that is difficult for Obama to do, so Obama will take time to do it and Jindal can jump upand down and blame Obama.
There are a variety of prospective GOP candidates: Romney, Huckabee, Palin and Jindal. Jindal is the only one who has any real political job. Obserev how he pretended that wanted to turn down the Stimulus Money on principle. When it was clear that he had stated that he had principles, then the LA Legislature took the money. Jindal HAS to act like he is doing something better than Obama if he has any hope of running against him (probably as VP: I tend to doubt that the GOP would run a dark-skinned Roman Catholic for president, as that would surely bring a TeaParty spoiler into the race. There is no way that the many racists in this country would accept a double-fudge presidential race.
If you put up sand berms, what will you end up with: millions of tons of icky tarry sand that will need to be disposed of somehow. You can pump oily water: you can't pump tarry sand. So this should be used sparingly and strategically or perhaps not at all.