<<That is why nobody liked to be there , if they know the whole of it. >>
Who says "nobody liked to be there?" Kind of a ludicrous statement considering there are more people there than in any other country on the face of the earth.
<<Wherever keeping the facts from the people is important to do, the people ought to show suspicion, lots .>>
Again your understanding of life in a communist country seems to be formed wholly from the unthinking absorption of decades of bullshit Cold War propaganda, with absolutely no connection to objective reality.
First of all, you don't "keep the facts" from the people who live there. They are smart enough to know when they've got food in their bellies and a roof over their head. They know if their kids are in school getting an education or not. At any scholastic level. They know if they have access to medical care when they get sick or injured, and they can form an opinion of the quality of medical care based on a number of things, the doctor's attitude to them, his apparent grasp of the subject matter and the results obtained. They know from conversations at the family dinner table how their situation compares with their parents' and their grandparents' situation, how the family lived before the Revolution and how it lives after. And they know all of that intimately - - far better than you or I or any of the CNN/MSNBC/etc. news media know or will ever tell you.
The people are suspicious when they have cause to be suspicious, trusting when they feel its time to trust. They certainly don't need YOU or any other American to tell them when they ought to be suspicious of their leaders. That is the height of arrogance.