<<I do not see armed struggle as being effective unless, of course, far more countries attack Israel than just Palestinians. >>
This is more or less my view. Alone, the Palestinians are fucked. All they can expect from the rest of the world is words. Denunciations, expressions of shock and outrage, recalling of ambassadors and then . . . nothing. Everybody gets back to business as usual. The Palestinians? FUCK the Palestinians. And this is not only the reaction of the U.S. and Israel, but the reaction of the entire Arab world as well.
<<This was tried, and the Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians and Jordanians were routed.>>
Add the Iraqis to that list, they also sent a small contingent to join the effort in 1948 and again in 1967. As did the Saudis and other North African Arab countries. The short answer is, that was then, this is now. In 1948, the only effective fighting force in the whole mix was Jordan's Arab Legion, a modern, British-trained, British-officered Bedouin force under the command of the legendary Glubb Pasha (John Glubb,) The Egyptian army today would turn in a much better performance than it did in 1948, 1956 or even 1967. A pan-Arab army would do a lot better today than it ever has in the past, but the problem of course is the control of many Arab countries by U.S. puppet cliques ruling with an iron fist and backed by U.S. dollars, and, when necessary, U.S. torrpl.
There is not going to be any mass conversions of Sunnis to Shiites. That would be like New York Jews becoming Falashas.
<<Eventually, the Palestinians will outnumber the Jews in Israel proper, and will be able to vote themselves into power, or more likely, to make a coalition with Israeli peaceniks ad shut the Likud and fanatical religious parties out.>>
Yes, the "Revenge of the Cradle." I don't think the Israelis will ever let that happen. They have already planned to settle Orthodox Jewish families whose fertility rates are equal to or higher than the Arabs' in northern settlement areas where the Palestinians are actually predicted to outnumber the Jews by natural increase in a few years. I believe that through a policy of deportations, forced evictions and, if necessary, mass murder, the Israelis are determined not to let this happen.
<<A boycott of Israel in the EU is possible, but not terribly likely: it would have to be at the consumer level. >>
That's exactly what is happening in Europe as we speak. As I say, the boycott has only a foothold now, and only in some countries. But as Israeli crimes and atrocities multiply, count on the boycott to spread. It's already gotten quite a boost from the aid-ship massacre.
<<For the very first time, the Hengst Diesel filter for my car claims to be "Made in Israel" other than in Germany or the Czech Republic. It is identical in every way to the Hengst filter I removed.
<<Perhaps I will simply wash them out with degreaser and not buy any more. This is a clear plastic thing and washing takes about a week of shaking and refilling and another two weeks to dry. It saves me all of $2.50.>>
To be effective, the distributor has to be officially advised that a product is being boycotted and WHY it is being boycotted. Preferably on the letterhead of an organized boycott group. Preferably with a list of thousands of signatures of real boycotters. While a spontaneous boycott by one individual is commendable, it's not likely to be very effective.
<<I was thinking of a passive resistance tactic. As I said, what would Gandhi-Ji do? >>
Whatever he'd do, the ZioNazi-controlled MSM would find a clear way to block or counter it. Their control of US MSM is legendary - - you can be sure the whole Ghandian effort would be relegated to the back pages or to a 15-second clip, drowned in the "reaction" to the action by dozens of Israeli spokesmen or professional ZioNazi apologists, and would vanish from the 24-hour news cycle in about 2 days, never to reappear.