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Turkey, Israel near clash after terror cell exposed on flotilla.
Israel flies embassy families out

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

June 2, 2010, 7:21 AM (GMT+02:00)

Early Wednesday, June 2, US president Barack Obama stepped into the fast-deteriorating flotilla crisis to stop it from spinning out of control. In secret phone calls, he asked Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu to release all the remaining passengers without delay as well as the six ships. He then tried to reason with the incandescent Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan, who had just branded the Israeli raid a "bloody massacre."

Offering deep condolences for the loss of life aboard the flotilla, the US president said better ways must be found to bring humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza without undermining Israel's security. He supported the UN Security Council's call for "a credible, impartial and transparent investigation" of the event, but refused to condemn Israel or take the inquiry out of its hands. debkafile reports from Ankara that Erdogan declined to be talked round, declaring that if America did not punish Israel for insolently "trampling on human honor", Turkey would.

Overnight, Israel began evacuating diplomats' families from Turkey. Diplomatic and consular staff were left in place in Ankara and Istanbul and told along with security firms to stand by for departure.

Netanyahu called the second security cabinet meeting in two days after the first on Tuesday approved the continued blockade of Gaza against all attempts to break it.

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad again threatened Israel with destruction for any action it may take  anywhere and its Western supporters with international trial as war criminals.

Israel is preparing for Ankara's next steps that would defy President Obama's bid to find a way out of the crisis between the two former allies. In Jerusalem, Erdogan's accusations were deemed an unfounded and unjustified assault considering the evidence that he had consorted with terrorists, including an al Qaeda offshoot, to bring Israel under pressure in support of the Palestinian extremist Hamas.

This evidence released by the IDF Monday night, June 1, described how the Turkish Marmara, the flotilla's lead vessel, had been commandeered by terrorists indirectly supported by the Ankara government's subsidy to the Turkish Insani Yardim Vakfi - IHH, which is listed by the American CIA as an al Qaeda-linked Islamist terrorist organization with bases in Turkey, Bosnia and Bulgaria.

Those passengers attested to more than a hundred members of terrorist organizations aboard acting like a quasi-military group with a command hierarchy, whose leader forced the other four or five hundred passengers to fall into line behind them. The group was split into sub-sections, each in charge of a section of the ship before and after it set sail from Istanbul. Its members were all armed with an assortment of chains, iron bars and knives as well as night goggles and gas masks.
Although they appeared to hail from different terrorist organizations from various countries, they were all ordered to say they belonged to the IHH. The group kept the ship to a strict military regiment, including round-the-clock guards in the different sections of the Marmara.

When the ship was brought to Ashdod port and the passengers removed early Tuesday, the IHH members were found without identification papers of any kind. Either the Turkish authorities at Istanbul were instructed to let them embark aboard the Marmara without documents or they threw them overboard before the ship docked at Ashdod. Each had an envelope stuffed with thousands of dollars.

debkafile's intelligence sources disclose that, when first brought in, the Turkish terror activists refused to answer questions. By Tuesday nightfall, a few began talking and admitted to being members of IHH and its ties with al Qaeda's Balkan outfit. Throughout the interrogations, Israel intelligence was in contact with colleagues in Western services for help to identify them by means of fingerprints and other physical features.

Our counter-terror sources report that Israel must now decide whether to prosecute some of the activists, including Israeli Arabs, on board the Marmara, on charges of collaborating with an international terrorist organization.

During Tuesday, Israel began deporting the 679 passengers - including 128 for Arab and Muslim countries through Jordan. The rest will be flown out within 48 hours. Three Turkish jets were due to collect them Wednesday. Eight Israel trucks brought assistance products from the ships to Gaza Tuesday; another 10 will make deliveries Wednesday.

Israel intelligence agencies too have questions to answer - principally, how they missed spotting the terrorist presence aboard the putative aid-for-Gaza convoy and let a naval force undertake the mission to divert the ships to Ashdod, without preparing them for a violent confrontation with a determined, well-organized group of violent men.
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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 10:23:49 AM »


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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 10:55:34 AM »
Debkafiles is pure propaganda. Also, as we have seen over and over again, they are wrong far more often than they are right.

There were no weapons on the boats. The only thing that Debkafiles is bitching about are the opinions of several of the people on the boat.
People on a boat bringing aid to the imprisoned people of Gaza oppose those who have imprisoned the people of Gaza, invaded Gaza and destroyed homes and infrastructure and made the lives of all Gazans even more miserable.

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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 10:57:31 AM »

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla

06/01/2010 22:41

Fifty 'Mavi Marmara' passengers tied to global jihad network

Dozens of passengers who were aboard the Mavi Marmara Turkish passenger ship are suspected of having connections with global jihad-affiliated terrorist organizations, defense officials said on Tuesday, amid growing concerns that Turkish warships would accompany a future flotilla to the Gaza Strip.

According to the defense officials, the IDF has identified about 50 passengers on the ship who could have terrorist connections with global jihad-affiliated groups.

During its searches of the Mavi Marmara on Tuesday, the military also discovered a cache of bulletproof vests and night-vision goggles, as well as gas masks. On Monday morning, at least nine foreign activists were killed during the navy's takeover of the Mavi Marmara, which was trying to break Israel?s blockade of the Gaza Strip.

The group of over 50 passengers with possible terror connections have refused to identify themselves and were not carrying passports. Many of them were carrying envelopes packed with thousands of dollars in cash.

The military is working to identify the passengers and is looking into the possibility that some of them have been involved in terror attacks. Some of them are apparently known Islamic extremists.

"This is the group that was behind the violent lynch against the naval commandos," a defense official said. "They came on board the ship prepared and after they had trained for the expected navy takeover."

Late Tuesday, there were reports that Issam al-Budur, Jordan's consul in Israel, reached an agreement with Israel according to which another group of 124 detained flotilla activists would be taken by bus to Jordan and sent from there to their home countries. The detainees are Jordanian, Mauritanian, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Pakistani, Indonesian and Syrian.

Meanwhile Tuesday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Israel not to test Ankara's patience.

"Turkey's hostility is as strong as its friendship is valuable," he said. "Israel in no way can legitimize this murder, it cannot wash its hand of this blood."

This comment, officials said, could signify a change in Turkish military posture in the event that another flotilla is dispatched to the Gaza Strip. One official said that the chances that Turkey would send navy ships were slim "due to its membership in NATO" but that the issue was of great concern.

"This is a definite possibility that we need to prepare for," a senior defense official said.

The flotilla that arrived late on Sunday night comprised six ships, and another two ships, including the Rachel Corrie, are expected to attempt to enter Israeli waters in the coming days.

Greta Berlin of the Free Gaza Movement, which organized the flotilla, said that two vessels, one a cargo ship and another carrying about three dozen passengers, would arrive in the region late this week or early next week.

"This initiative is not going to stop," she said from the group's base in Cyprus. "We think eventually Israel will get some kind of common sense. They're going to have to stop the blockade of Gaza, and one of the ways to do this is for us to continue to send the boats."

Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen described the Rachel Corrie as Irish-owned and said it should be allowed to finish its mission, according to Reuters. The ship was carrying 15 activists, including a northern Irish Nobel Peace laureate.

"The government has formally requested the Israeli government to allow the Irish-owned ship... to be allowed to complete its journey unimpeded and discharge its humanitarian cargo in Gaza," Cowen told members of parliament in Dublin.

Navy sources said that the ships sailing toward Gaza would be intercepted the same way the flotilla was stopped on Monday morning, although it had yet to be decided if the operation would be carried out by Shayetet 13, the navy's commando unit.

"We are tracking the ships and are under orders to stop them," a top navy officer said.

According to the sources, in a future operation, the navy would use more force.

"We boarded the ship [the Mavi Marmara] and were attacked as if it were a war," one officer said. "That will mean that we will have to come prepared in the future as if it were a war."
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 11:18:27 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2010, 11:27:35 AM »
I read the Jerusalem Post last night on the internet.  Smart fucking bastards, they had set up a link on Hufpo that gave the reader no idea he'd be linking to them.  They hit all the "talking points" the ZioNazi bullshit machine had set up in response to the massacre:  "terrorists," self-defence (in the course of committing an act of piracy on the high seas, that's gotta be a first-ever!!!) secure borders, five out of six, etc.  It was hilarious. 

Looks like the bastards are going to once again escape the consequences of their actions, even with the Turks.  What a fucking game.  Everyone lets off steam with two or three days of yelling and screaming and then it's back to business as usual.  Far from severing all ties, the Turks are going to accept the scheduled delivery of a new Israeli weapons system, Obama isn't even gonna yell and scream as much as the other world leaders, the UN Security Council has already been rendered powerless by a US veto and by this time next week the whole thing will have blown over,  like the Gaza massacres or the Goldstone Report. 

Also by this time next week, the US will probably be back in business demanding punishing new sanctions for . . .  IRAN!!! 

Like the whole thing just never happened.  It is absolutely amazing what these little fuckers can get away with. 


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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2010, 12:08:07 PM »
I doubt that Israel will be able to enjoy the same relationship they formerly had with Turkey.
The Miami Herald opined that Israel has done the right thing. An Israeli propagandist named Ghitis ran a column in which she claimed that Israel had done the wrong thing, as it should have EXPECTED resistance to their act of piracy and come better prepared to subdue the evildoers, who she failed to mention, had come to donate food and materials to the people of Gaza.

I am wondering what Mohandas Gandhi would have done. Surely there is a more effective way of winning public sympathy for the cause of the Gazans that firing those stupid rockets. I am pretty sure that some form of passive resistance would work against the hardline Israelis like Netanyahu. Firing rockets expresses rage, but it is counterproductive. Grabbing and holding hostages is also counterproductive.

Some Israeli clown claimed that for what the rockets cost, Hamas could feed Gaza many times over. he claimed that the existence of fancy food on Gaza restaurant menus proved that Gazans were not mistreated.

In the West Bank, they can negotiate over territory, but the only things that the Israelis could grant the Gazans seem to be faster checkpoints and better infrastructure, ie water, electricity and sewer, and stuff like that. They are not going to allow a functioning and unrestricted airport of seaport. All Hamas has that Israel wants seems to be that one hostage and a cutoff of rocket attacks.

Israel's posture towards Gaza seems to be one of simply ignoring the 1,500,000 prisoners of Gaza for another 60 years or so. There are cultural differences between the West Bankers and Gaza, and Gazans are looked down upon by the WB'er Palestinians. The Israelis have successfully managed to exploit this rift.

What do you think the people of Gaza should do? I tend to think that Hamas has no functional plan, other than sending more rockets and staying in power.

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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2010, 01:36:26 PM »
In the short run, the Gazans are fucked.  Even the Turks are unwilling to sever ties with Israel over this.  The delivery of new Israeli weapons systems is more important to them than revenge for the killing of their own citizens.  The real problem of the Gazans (and the Palestinians generally) is that for all practical purposes, they're virtually isolated.  Apart from Iran, the U.S. seems to have locked up all the regional states under corrupt puppet regimes, and the Israelis seem to have locked up the U.S. itself.  It seems airtight.

Long-run, they've got only two hopes, neither of them exactly locked in.

Europe and Iran.

If Iran can grow its position as a regional power, as it seems to be doing, and specifically with the acquisition of a credible nuclear deterrent, it will not only be able to give more direct military aid to the Gazans and the Palestinians in general, but it may promote an increasingly powerful anti-American wave that could topple some or all of the puppet regimes of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.  This could happen through direct spread of Shi'ite religious dogma among the general population and/or through reaching out to Sunnis across the sectarian divide,  convincing them that as fellow Muslims, their common enemies are the U.S. and Israel, rather than one another.  Either way, the puppet, American-owned collaborator regimes in the Middle East will have to fall before the Gazans can expect to receive some relief.

In Europe, the Gazans and the Palestinians have more support among the people than would seem to be reflected by the ruling political parties.  The boycott of Israel has a firm foothold there and now seems to be growing.  Norwegian public opinion is now 40% in favour of boycotting Israeli goods, and in Italy, two big supermarket chains have just agreed to the banning of produce from Israel's biggest exporter of farm produce from the illegal settlements in the occupied territories.   Solid steps are being made in the European boycott process, which appears poised for a big expansion, particularly in the wake of the latest Israeli massacre.

The long-term future of the Gazans and the Palestinians generally will have to depend on the armed struggle, but unless Iran significantly increases its clout and unless the bigger puppet regimes in the region are toppled, the only certainty is that they'll vanish in the absence of an armed struggle and their chances of winning it are still very unclear.


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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2010, 01:46:58 PM »
...or until the Middle East Arab countries finally stops harrasing & targeting Israel.  Letting Israel live in peace would be the fastest track to peace, for all concerned, including the Palestinians
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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2010, 02:13:36 PM »
Letting Israel live in peace would be the fastest track to peace, for all concerned, including the Palestinians

Israel living in peace would be a constantly expanding Israel, an Israel that used more and more water resources of the area, leaving less and less for the Palestinians. The more peaceful Israel is, the more Jewish immigrants come, and the greater the strain on the environment. The Palestinians  would be progressively marginalized. With resources like land and water this is a zero-sum game: what is taken by Zionists will deprive the Palestinians.

For the Palestinians to accede to this would be like you to volunteer to be a Black garbageman in Memphis c. 1960 or a cotton sharecropper c. 1890.
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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2010, 02:23:31 PM »
I do not see armed struggle as being effective unless, of course, far more countries attack Israel than just Palestinians. This was tried, and the Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians and Jordanians were routed.

There is not going to be any mass conversions of Sunnis to Shiites. That would be like New York Jews becoming Falashas.

Eventually, the Palestinians will outnumber the Jews in Israel proper, and will be able to vote themselves into power, or more likely, to make a coalition with Israeli peaceniks ad shut the Likud and fanatical religious parties out.

A boycott of Israel in the EU is possible, but not terribly likely: it would have to be at the consumer level. For the very first time, the Hengst Diesel filter for my car claims to be "Made in Israel" other than in Germany or the Czech Republic. It is identical in every way to the Hengst filter I removed.
Perhaps I will simply wash them out with degreaser and not buy any more. This is a clear plastic thing and washing takes about a week of shaking and refilling and another two weeks to dry. It saves me all of $2.50.

I was thinking of a passive resistance tactic. As I said, what would Gandhi-Ji do?
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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2010, 02:28:47 PM »
Letting Israel live in peace would be the fastest track to peace, for all concerned, including the Palestinians
Israel living in peace would be a constantly expanding Israel, an Israel that used more and more water resources of the area, leaving less and less for the Palestinians.

ONLY in the regions that Israel had to take in originally defending itself.  And some of that they've already turned over.  They're not expanding, just to expand.  They're expanding ONLY in the areas they already occupy.  Sorry

The more peaceful Israel is, the more Jewish immigrants come, and the greater the strain on the environment.

Ahhh, so Xo is supportive of more violence? because Israeli Peace is detrimental to the region? since Israelis would supposedly want to return to their roots?  Interesting

The Palestinians  would be progressively marginalized.

They already are, but not by your standard bad guys, the U.S. & Israel, but by all the Arab nations in the region & UN as well, using the Palestinians as political fodder to keep harrasing and targeting Israel

And the cycle continues

See Tee, no insults, no calling Xo a liar.  Actually substantive dialog.  You should try it sometime.  You might learn something.  I might even learn something

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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2010, 02:55:22 PM »
I don't recall Tee EVER calling me a liar.

I am not for aggression or war, as they always cause more problems than they solve, unless Group A totally wipes out Group B with no destruction of habitat. Ants seem good at this. people, much less so.
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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2010, 03:03:48 PM »
So many problems in the world could be averted if we just had some of those cool Star Trek weapons: the one that puts everyone to sleep, and phasers set to "stun".

Jean-Luc Piccard could have settled Palisrael in 49 minutes. With some help from "Q", a realistic fake beard and wig and a long robe, fifteen minutes is all it would take: time for dalliance between Riker and an alien, or Data and a malfunctioning planetary terraform device.
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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2010, 03:13:34 PM »
What do you think the people of Gaza should do?

Obviously what they are doing isn't working. Look at them.
Life is racing by. The world is passing them by. They
remain in a bad situation because they will not
admit/give-in to the obvious.

What would I do if my enemy was winning,
and 100 times stronger than me? What would I do to
allow my children to "move on"? Personally I would be at
my enemy's office tomorrow morning and say "ok you win,
you are stronger, you are wealthier, you live, we suffer,
and I want to change So I will lay down
my arms, I will announce publicly that the State of Israel
has the right to exist, I will call for an immediate stoppage
of all violence towards my enemy, and I will do anything
asked to promote a sincere friendship, co-existence, and
moving forward relationship with Israel and I will be ok
with Israel living in peace and making the final decisions
as long as I can maintain my dignity and we both work
honestly to end my people's suffering moving forward.
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Re: Terrorist Cell Exposed on "Aid-For-Gaza" Trojan Horse Ship!
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2010, 03:24:26 PM »
I don't recall Tee EVER calling me a liar.

I don't recall saying Tee EVER did

I am not for aggression or war, as they always cause more problems than they solve, unless Group A totally wipes out Group B with no destruction of habitat. Ants seem good at this. people, much less so.

Yet you yourself conclude that a peaceful Israel is detrimental to the region.  If so, how could you not be supportive of anything other than violence to prevent such a peaceful resolution??  You think Israel's just going to roll over and become the spanking boy to its Arab neighbors??  I sure don't see that happening anytime soon.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle