Michael you are completely wrong if you are implying I don't believe what I have stated.
I have arrived at a different conclusion than you. As usual you are in a rush to judgement
of anything and everything American military.
Basically in my opinion there are two explanations to this story.
#1. This action was justified when the whole picture is considered.
#2. This action was not justified, was a mistake, or was improper conduct by a handful of people
that should be dealt with in the appropriate manner if purposeful wrong-doing is proven. But this
video in no way indicts the entire US Military because there are countless stories of our men
and women in the US Military doing all kinds of good deeds and life-saving actions towards
the Iraqi people.
Michael I dont think war can be micro-managed from Starbucks Coffee counters in Berkley.
Men facing unfathomable circumstances chuckle during an engagement when they
see people carrying weapons in an area where American soldiers bodies are being
blown to bits daily.....So F-ing what?...I would probably chuckle too....I would hate
the enemy too....and I would enjoy seeing a guy with a weapon that is probably
involved in killing Americans lit up like a bottle-rocket. Give me a break...leftist
sitting in Starbucks judging - second guessing these guys while these guys are
living and dying in a hell-zone!
If I was a helicopter pilot in a very hot zone during a bloody war and was watching
fellow helicopter pilots getting shot down, watching fellow Americans being killed
everyday in this same exact hot zone battle area HELL YEAH I might be concerned for
my own safety like every minute! You think these guys are like taking a stroll down
5th Avenue?....Death could come at any moment....One RPG shot away from death.
In a war because one side is destroyed by superior force does not mean there is no
battle. These exact streets were a battle zone every single day. There are no
time-outs like in a football game.
We would prefer fighting an enemy that would not run in and out of civilians
all the time...hide behind women/children/schools/hospitals but thats the enemy's
choice. We have to deal with it the best we can...it is no easy chore fighting an
enemy that will kill you in a second with an RPG and 5 minutes later look like a
shopper with women and children in a bazaar. I can't imagine the difficulty
our guys face....and I am astounded by what an over-all great job they have
Rush to judgement and second guess these guys?...while they are living
and dying in a hot, stinky, dangerous, hell zone? I dont think so. Are
there isolated "bad apples" in very facet of life? Yes. Does that
tarnish the big picture? Not in my mind.