Author Topic: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released  (Read 10756 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #60 on: June 18, 2010, 10:37:58 PM »
Pooch, we are just going to have to agree to disagree.

My common sense tells me that concealment of evidence = consciousness of guilt.  Each and every time?  I'd say nine times out of ten.
My common sense tells me that lying about what happened = consciousness of guilt.  Why conceal a truth that would exonerate?  Again, nine times out of ten.

Maybe your common sense doesn't work the way mine does, and that's OK.  For me, the concealment of the tapes and the lie (while the tape was concealed) that the victims died in a combat operation were both damning.

In addition there was the tape itself - - absolutely no visible evidence of hostile action on the ground or of fear or danger in the chopper.  Add to that the glee with which the civilians were blown away, the glee when one of the wounded was crushed under an American vehicle, and you have (IMHO) a horrifying picture of a bunch of untouchable sadistic punks obscenely enjoying the gratuitous violence and mayhem that they are inflicting on helpless civilians, one of them the murdered father of two children they also wounded in the van.

Honestly, I pity anyone who can defend or rationalize that kind of conduct when it's so in-your-face obvious as to what's going on .
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 10:49:28 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #61 on: June 19, 2010, 08:43:03 AM »

the truth is probably closer to this...we aren't getting the full picture

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #62 on: June 19, 2010, 11:02:17 AM »
<<the truth is probably closer to this...we aren't getting the full picture>>

Actually, CU4, you DID get the full picture - - you got the tapes the Army tried to hide, thanks to a courageous whistle-blower and thanks to WikiLeaks.

What you got from the Army was a lot of lies and bullshit, about those 12 civilians being killed in a combat operation.  You did not get the full picture because the Army was covering up the biggest part of it, the actual videotapes of the incident.  They refused all applications by Reuters News to produce their tapes.

When you finally DID get the full picture - - no thanks to the Army - - you couldn't handle it.

Really, CU4, I honestly don't know what else I can say to you at this point.  If you can't see the truth by now, the odds are there is nothing else I can think of that would make you see it.


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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #63 on: June 19, 2010, 11:19:57 AM »
Actually, CU4, you DID get the full picture - - you got the tapes the Army tried to hide, thanks to a courageous whistle-blower and thanks to WikiLeaks.

Tapes that are missing a 20 minute section is hardly "the full picture."
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Michael Tee

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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #64 on: June 19, 2010, 11:24:32 AM »
<<The picture on the left is a widely circulated photograph . . .>>

What a crock of bullshit.  Who the hell knows the real story behind THAT?  

First of all, until this morning, I never in my life saw the "widely circulated photograph."  Where the hell was it "widely circulated?"  In the DEBKRAP cafeteria?  Secondly, WHO "widely circulated" it?  DEBKRAP?  The Mossad?  For what purpose?  To sting the media by coming out later with the "full picture" they themselves held back when they "widely circulated" the cropped version?  To discredit in advance or retrospect any and all photos of wounded or dead Palestinians or Lebanese?

With 1,400 civilians killed by Israeli strikes in Gaza and thousands more in Lebanon, many of them children, it just staggers the imagination that the ONLY pictures available of wounded Arab children had to be faked.  What on earth would be the point of it.?

What you are distributing, CU4, is an OBVIOUS bit of the usual ZioNazi propaganda, so crude and stupid that it is kind of surprising you couldn't recognize it as such.


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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #65 on: June 19, 2010, 11:30:37 AM »
Michael you probably correct...we are not going to agree.
I can't agree with someone I see as being so far from reality.
Someone that thinks US Military choppers just headout
on thousands of missions and that it is routine and/or
common practice to just liftoff and look for innocent
civilians standing around on street corners to kill.
That you really think along those lines amazes
me because I see you as bright and pretty honest.
But unlike some people we can "respectfully disagree".
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #66 on: June 19, 2010, 11:31:58 AM »
<<Tapes that are missing a 20 minute section is hardly "the full picture.">>

That's really hilarious.  After the Army tries to bury the whole fucking tape, now they are complaining that there are still 20 minutes of it that they are still holding back?

First of all, who says the tape is missing 20 min.?

Secondly, even assuming that 20 min. are missing, what does it mean?   The only two REALISTIC possibilities here are that the missing 20 min. are even more incriminating than what we've seen or that the Army's PhotoShop specialists are hard at work fabricating the "missing 20 minutes" which were never missing in the first place to show fake evidence of battle, of fear inside the chopper, etc.

Oh, and one more possibility - - 20 minutes of flying around looking for action and bitching that they've wasted 20 minutes and still haven't found any plausible targets to kill.


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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #67 on: June 19, 2010, 11:39:48 AM »
What on earth would be the point of it.?
Staged desperation

Watch out for co-liars - this is the way the press cheats us

You've probably seen dozens of pictures of Palestinian women crying.
The wire services love 'em, decent people sympathize with them.

We all were misled once or more.

Have a look now for a second behind the scenes. Today another revealing photo slipped
through the ideological filters, showing the scene as a Palestinian woman performs for a
hungry battery of cameramen, staged carefully in front of a picturesque section of the
security wall.

By mere co-incidence she chose the English inscription where to cry. One look
at the smiling child on the right side makes it clear that this kid well understands the
cheating media circus. Is it possible that hundreds of news editors and human
right organizations do not?"


Photographers take pictures of a Palestinian woman as she cries next to the 8-meter-tall wall part
of the barrier Israel is building to separate the outskirts of Jerusalem from the West Bank in the village
of Abu Dis Saturday Feb. 7, 2004. .. (AP Photo/Enric Marti)
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #68 on: June 19, 2010, 11:40:51 AM »
<<Someone that thinks US Military choppers just headout
on thousands of missions and that it is routine and/or
common practice to just liftoff and look for innocent
civilians standing around on street corners to kill.>>

That's not how I see it going down, CU4.  I see a bunch of bored, trigger-happy cowboys looking for action, hoping each time they lift off that they're going to get some.  They probably wouldn't light up a street full of women pushing baby carriages because it's kind of hard to say they perceived any threat there, but 12 guys walking down a street and some with a couple of AKs and a camera that looks like an RPG?  Hey, close enough, man!  Forget that they're not running for cover or taking up firing positions when they see the gunships; forget that they're walking the street in a distinctly non-military manner, just out in the open, casually strolling.  Forget that there's not hostile actions.  They're looking for action, and any male civilians are fair game.

Not only this one time, CU4 - - it's happened over and over again.   That other post I put in this thread, about the orders to shoot up the whole street if an IED goes off, that's just one other example.  These guys are thugs - - ask yourself, who else would volunteer for a career in an organization whose sole purpose is to kill other human beings.?  The aggression levels in these guys has to be abnormal.


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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #69 on: June 19, 2010, 11:45:44 AM »

That's not how I see it going down, CU4.

So now you disagree with what you stated on page 4 of this thread?

CU4: "You think our guys just fly around Baghdad & stop any ole place and
say "Golly Jeee...there's a few people down there standing around lets
just start shooting them". Thats non-sense and you know it."

Michael Tee: "Yeah, that's right, I guess my eyes didn't see that tape and my ears
didn't hear that sound-track. That is EXACTLY what those kill-crazy redneck morons did,
and that's exactly what they got away with, too"
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #70 on: June 19, 2010, 11:51:30 AM »
<<Have a look now for a second behind the scenes. Today another revealing photo slipped through the ideological filters, showing
the scene as a Palestinian woman performs for a hungry battery of cameramen, staged carefully in front of a picturesque section
of the security wall.

<<By mere co-incidence she chose the English inscription where to cry. One look at the smiling child on the right side makes it
clear that this kid well understands the cheating media circus. Is it possible that hundreds of news editors and human right
organizations do not?" >>

Same story as the other one, CU4.  First of all, English slogans are common everywhere.  You should have seen the Berlin Wall, which my wife and I viewed in 1988, before it came down.  Probably more English than German.  Slogans are propaganda.  Propaganda is aimed at specific targets.  The Palestinians know they are oppressed, the Israelis know that they are oppressing the Palestinians, who is the propaganda aimed at?  The Americans, who support the Israeli oppression, many of whom don't know what the hell is going on.  So the propaganda is aimed at the Americans to let them know WTF is going on, WTF their tax dollars are actually doing, and what language do the Americans speak?  You got it, English!!  So there are probably plenty of English slogans on that wall.

Also, what is the job of the journalist?  To tell the true story.  Of the photo-journalist?  To take pictures that convey the true story.   What was the story here?  That the woman was crying because of some Arab policy that was fucking up her life?  Of course not.  Yet had the photo shown the woman crying against a BG of unintelligible Arabic script, who the fuck would learn anything at all from the picture?  In front of the English inscription, the picture DOES tell a story.  She was crying in front of THAT WALL, and the picture tells us WHAT wall.

Finally the smiling baby.  Did YOU see a smiling baby?  I sure as hell didn't and even if I did, WTF does a baby know?  What are these fucking morons trying to tell you, that the mother doesn't know shit and is crying for nothing but the baby knows everything and doesn't see any problems?  Honest to God, CU4, this DEBKRAP shit gets crazier day by day.

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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #71 on: June 19, 2010, 11:53:19 AM »
<<Michael Tee: "Yeah, that's right, I guess my eyes didn't see that tape and my ears
didn't hear that sound-track. That is EXACTLY what those kill-crazy redneck morons did,
and that's exactly what they got away with, too">>

That's pretty much what I said about cowboys flying out looking for action, minus the colourful description of "kill-crazy redneck morons."
"Cowboys looking for action" is pretty much the same thing.  IMHO


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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #72 on: June 19, 2010, 11:54:40 AM »

Watch the Palestinians create fake "news items"

Watch the Palestinians create "news items" of faked wounded and killed:
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #73 on: June 19, 2010, 12:00:31 PM »
Here's my question for CU4:

Do you believe that the invasion of Gaza killed approximately 1,400 people, and that about 400  of them were children?

Do you believe that hundreds of children must have been wounded in the invasion of Gaza?

Do you think there is any obstacle that prevents any journalist, Jewish or Arab, from photographing any of the children wounded or killed in Gaza by the Israeli invasion?

If you answered Yes to the first two questions and No to the third, then why in hell would the Palestinians need to fake pictures of wounded and killed Palestinian children?

(Same question applies to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, BTW.)


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Re: New Tapes of Another U.S. Massacre of Civilians About to be Released
« Reply #74 on: June 19, 2010, 12:00:43 PM »
Finally the smiling baby.  Did YOU see a smiling baby?  I sure as hell didn't and even if I did,
WTF does a baby know?   What are these fucking morons trying to tell you, that the mother
doesn't know shit and is crying for nothing but the baby knows everything and doesn't see any problems?  
Honest to God, CU4, this DEBKRAP shit gets crazier day by day.
Michael before you trash others accuracy you should consider your own.

It does not say a "smiling baby".

It says a "smiling child".

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987