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Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« on: June 17, 2010, 02:46:10 AM »

Oil and Snake Oil

By Thomas Sowell

The big oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is bad enough in itself. But politics can make anything worse.

Let's stop and think. Either the government knows how to stop the oil spill or they don't. If they know how to stop it, then why have they let thousands of barrels of oil per day keep gushing out, for weeks on end? All they have to do is tell BP to step aside, while the government comes in to do it right.

If they don't know, then what is all this political grandstanding about keeping their boot on the neck of BP, the Attorney General of the United States going down to the Gulf to threaten lawsuits? on what charges was unspecified? and President Obama showing up in his shirt sleeves?

Just what is Obama going to do in his shirt sleeves, except impress the gullible? He might as well have shown up in a tuxedo with white tie, for all the difference it makes.

This government is not about governing. It is about creating an impression. That worked on the campaign trail in 2008, but it is a disaster in the White House, where rhetoric is no substitute for reality.

If the Obama administration was for real, and trying to help get the oil spill contained as soon as possible, the last thing its Attorney General would be doing is threatening a lawsuit. A lawsuit is not going to stop the oil, and creating a distraction can only make people at BP start directing their attention toward covering themselves, instead of covering the oil well.

If and when the Attorney General finds that BP did something illegal, that will be time enough to start a lawsuit. But making a public announcement at this time accomplishes absolutely nothing substantive. It is just more political grandstanding.

This is not about oil. This is about snake oil.

Nothing will keep a man or an institution determined to continue on a failing policy course like past success with that policy. Obama's political success in the 2008 election campaign was a spectacular triumph of creating images and impressions.

But creating political impressions and images is not the same thing as governing. Yet Obama in the White House keeps on saying and doing things to impress people, instead of governing.

Once the elections were over and the time for governing began, there was now a new audience to consider? a much more savvy audience, the leaders of other countries around the world.

However impressed the media and the Obama cult might be with the President's image, rhetoric and style, leaders of other countries? allies and enemies alike? are interested in results.

Even our domestic policies can affect foreign leaders, as Ronald Reagan's breaking of the air traffic controllers' strike impressed the Russians with what kind of man they were going to have to deal with, as former Soviet officials said publicly many years later.

By the same token, domestic bungling by Barack Obama sends a dangerous signal to countries hostile to us, in addition to the signal sent by his displays of amateurism on the world stage.

President Obama had barely settled into the White House before he began demonstrating his willingness to sell out this country's friends to appease our enemies. His trip to Moscow to try to make a deal with the Russians, based on reneging on the pre-existing American commitment to put a missile shield in Eastern Europe, was the kind of short-sighted betrayal whose consequences can come back to haunt a nation for years.

Obama spoke grandly about "pressing the reset button" on international relations, as if all the international commitments of the past were his to disregard.

But if no American commitment can be depended upon beyond a current administration, then any nation that allies itself with us is jeopardizing its own national security, because dangers in the international jungle last longer than 4 years or even 8 years.

We are already seeing the consequences. Even Turkey? formally a NATO ally? is cozying up to Iran, now that it is painfully clear that Obama is not going to do anything that has any realistic chance of stopping Iran from going nuclear.

If leaders of other nations can't depend on the United States, then they need to make the best deal they can with our enemies. They understand that preserving their nation's security is a leader's top priority, even if Barack Obama doesn't.


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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 04:12:23 AM »
Wow, looks strangely familiar        ;)
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Michael Tee

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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 07:09:35 AM »
<<This government is not about governing. It is about creating an impression. That worked on the campaign trail in 2008, but it is a disaster in the White House, where rhetoric is no substitute for reality.>>


Of course, nothing like the shitstorm of right-wing outrage that would erupt if Obama REALLY did something about the oil spill, like seize BP's assets including the wells and put an Army general like the late Gen. Leslie Groves in charge of recruiting a team of scientists and engineers to fix the problem, using the Manhattan Project as a model.

Unfortunately this guy, who I usually detest, seems to have Obama's number.  All sizzle and no steak.  Too bad.


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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 02:23:53 PM »
Someone want to ask Tee, on what authority would a sitting U.S. President have to seize some foreign company's assets for anything other than confirmed terrorist connections/activity??

Someone also want to ask Tee what precludes Obama from having already put an Army general like the late Gen. Leslie Groves in charge of recruiting a team of scientists and engineers to fix the problem, using the Manhattan Project as a model.??
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 03:08:20 PM by sirs »
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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2010, 03:06:17 PM »
Someone want to ask Tee, on what authority would a sitting U.S. President have to seize some foreign company's assets for anything other than confirmed terrorist connections/activity??

Someone also want to ask Tee what precludes Obama from having already put an Army general like the late Gen. Leslie Groves in charge of recruiting a team of scientists and engineers to fix the problem, using the Manhattan Project as a model.[/i]??

Hugo did it
Castro did it

Why can't a communist like Obama do it?

Because we have a document called the Constitution.


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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 03:09:35 PM »
Can you phrase that in a form of a question, that Tee may answer, to educate the rest of the saloon patrons?    8)
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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 04:24:08 PM »
Notice the silence, from yet again another direct question, attempting to facilitate debate, in what is considered a debate forum

I also can't help but recall the outrage coming from the left at the idea that should Bush seize the Iraqi oil wells, once Saddam's government was taken out.  How sovereign they were to the Iraqi people.  Intriquing double standard in play
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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2010, 05:16:11 PM »
The oil in the Gulf belongs officially to the US government, That is why the oil companies have to pay the government for a lease to extract it.

BP, if left exclusively to its own devices, will minimize the data on the amount of oil released (since they are fined on a basis of quantity) and will maximize their profits, which means recovering oil rather than plugging tor hole in such a way that the well can no longer be used. There is a definite role for the government to intervene in this spill, and it seems to me that the response of the government is superior to doing nothing at all, as Sowell suggests. Sowell is and always has been a shill for the corporations and the reactionary right.

I have no idea what the Hell you mean by "I bought it". I have done nothing to affect the way that this is being handled in any way. I am in no way responsible for this mess. I do not ever buy BP products, nor do I own shares in BP.

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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2010, 05:20:23 PM »
Sowell is suggesting nothing of the kind.  As ususal, the point flew miles over your head
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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2010, 06:01:39 PM »
You know who is at fault here? Answer: Liberals

It's liberals for pushing oil exploration OUT to the point where they have to drill in areas deeper than a mile deep. The other night Obama said there are no more areas to drill. He outright lied. There are plenty of areas to drill and had we been drilling in shallow waters, or how about Anwar Alaska on land, the gushing hole would have been plugged within days, maybe even hours of the accident.


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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2010, 06:12:30 PM »
Tis true, on the depth issue and the time it likely would have taken to cap, had this only been 100ft deep, if that.

How many days are we at now?  Or have we now officially switched to months?
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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2010, 06:15:55 PM »
Tis true, on the depth issue and the time it likely would have taken to cap, had this only been 100ft deep, if that.

How many days are we at now?  Or have we now officially switched to months?

what sounds better 60 days or 2 months?


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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2010, 06:20:57 PM »
I think the left will still want to stick with "days".  It doesn't sound as bad as it really is
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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2010, 07:25:01 PM »
Of course, nothing like the shitstorm of right-wing outrage that would erupt if Obama REALLY did something about the oil spill, like seize BP's assets including the wells and put an Army general like the late Gen. Leslie Groves in charge of recruiting a team of scientists and engineers to fix the problem, using the Manhattan Project as a model.

What would that accomplish?

Other than absolveing BP of all future responsibility I mean.


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Re: Oil and Snake Oil, and XO bought it
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2010, 12:42:28 PM »
the gushing hole would have been plugged within days, maybe even hours of the accident.
Yeah, you are an expert on oil drilling, aren't you? Especially in frozen tundra. Kramer the tundra expert.

They are drilling where they want to drill: the oil companies buy leases, and drill where they think it will be most profitable.
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