<<Your assessment of American history is idealistic and romantic, as was that of the people who fought the revolution.
The other side of that coin is that modern-day Americans are cynical and mercenary.
<<You're right about the intent, but then the original framers never really envisioned us as the world's military or industrial superpower. >>
They didn't WANT to be the world's military superpower, they just wanted to defend themselves against encroachments on their sovereignty by the European powers of the day. As far as world's industrial superpower, fuhgeddabaowdit. The Chinese are about to relieve you of that title if they haven't done so already.
<<I can't get my America head around the idea of a non-civilian controlled military. Cripes what if a Patton could rise to power under such a system? Wonderful general, but like any pitbull needed to be on a leash.>>
Patton would have been a non-starter as top dog without civilian control. He was a certifiable nut-case and I think even he must have recognized that fact at some level. Even inside the military, with civilians in control at the top, he needed a soldier with better judgment at the other end of his leash to save the civilians the headache. Think General Douglas MacArthur if you want to keep your speculations within the realm of the possible. Or Eisenhower. They both had a good deal more common sense than Patton would ever have been capable of.
<<Pup is right. We were not defeated in battle (including the infamous Tet offensive) and were not driven out of the country. We lost the war, in the sense that you have suggested, by unloading our guns and walking away. The casualty count was not what did it. >>
No, eh? Funny how that casualty count just kept rising and rising, and all the time it was rising, the anti-war feeling was rising too, at the same time. Personally I think the steady stream of returning body bags had a lot to do with the growth of popular revulsion at the war. This wasn't the mercenary, all-volunteer force of motherless thugs and hoodlums that nobody gives a shit about, this was a draftee army of Americans with mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers who took the loss of their drafted sons in a pointless war of unprovoked aggression kind of seriously. Not that the Powers That Be really give a shit about what the public wants or doesn't want, but they can't just totally ignore it, either.
<<We have less than a tithe of that count in this war and people are grousing. >>
That is just misleading bullshit. The "grousing" of "people" is a tiny fraction of the massive anti-war protests of the Viet Nam War. Nobody gives a shit about the dead because they were all dumb enough to volunteer for this crap and so deserve whatever they get. THAT is one reason why there is no real popular outcry. What kind of pathetic losers will volunteer for an occupation whose main objective is to kill and maim other human beings? These guys die with no particular public outrage or protest because, in truth, their deaths are no great loss to anyone. Other reasons for the absence of massive popular protest are the drastic consolidation of the MSM that has taken place since the mid-Seventies and the administration's stranglehold on the press, using the new techniques of pool reporting and embedding, which has cut down enormously on the breadth and depth of media war coverage and virtually guarantees a pro-military slant in all reporting from the war zones.
<<You and Osama are right - our people lack the stomache to accept death as part of the sacrifice for freedom.>>
More BS. Neither OBL nor I have said anything about sacrificing life for freedom, precisely because neither the invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan has anything at all to do with "freedom." Let's quit characterizing these wars of unprovoked aggression as wars of "freedom." That's total crap and nonsense. The invasion of Iraq was built up on a superstructure of outrageous lies and bullshit claims about non-existent "weapons of mass destruction" that were not even "discovered" as a threat before Bush and his henchmen had already decided to invade Iraq on a pretext that would be invented as and when required. The invasion of Afghanistan was even more ludicrous - - supposedly, the Americans "justified" it by the Afghans' refusal to hand over OBL, when in fact the Afghans had already offered to turn him over if the Americans would first produce their evidence of his guilt - - something the American government never did, probably because it had no evidence.
<<But it is the whining of leftists using those statistics to beat an anti-American drum that "inspired" the largest generation in American history to start chanting the idealistic slogans of the sixties . . . >>
Really? Maybe you could explain how outrage over the pointless sacrifice of American lives becomes an "anti-American drum?" What would you consider a "pro-American drum," the desire to see even more dead Americans coming home in body bags? And how do you really know what "inspired" the chanting of anti-war slogans - - what makes you think it was "whining leftists" use of the casualty statistics rather than genuine outrage over the war itself, the massive number of civilian casualties, the use of torture on prisoners of war, the napalming of villages, the massacres of civilians as, for example, in the My Lai Massacre, that drove the antiwar movement just as much as the weekly toll of dead Americans? How do you know what drove the protestors? Were you one of them?
<< (not to mention the increasing fear of cowards who ran from the draft). >>
Still more bullshit. A coward who ran from the draft did not have to join the protest movement. He could have found other ways to keep his ass safe from the hazards of war. He could even have supported the war, while scrupulously avoiding any personal involvement in it - - as did George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich and most of the "Chicken Hawk" generation of the GOP. What proof have you that it was cowardice and not idealism that drove anyone into the anti-war protest movement?
<<We didn't lose, we forfeited.>>
LMFAO. The time to "forfeit" was before you entered the match, certainly before you lost the 57,000 American lives thrown away. That was hilarious. But maybe you're right, maybe a more factual description exists for what happened to you in the Viet Nam War. Something that would satisfy both of us and yet avoid the illusory duality of terms based on winning and losing, as in recreational or professional athletics. How be instead of claiming, say, that the Vietcong "beat" you, we were to say merely that they whipped your scurvy, sorry ass, does that work for you?
<<If given free reign our military has both the manpower and the technology (that latter being a massive force multiplier) to defeat anyone and impose our governments wherever we want. But the check we have to that kind of tyranny (as it would become regardless of how benign any original intent) is the power of the press and the people to speak out. It sucks, it TRULY sucks, to have to appease whining pacifists but in the end it nevertheless beats the hell out of the other extreme. I'd rather have to be very careful about how many soldiers die and how many innocent civilians die than be given free reign to create My Lai's without concern for the consequences. You greatly exaggerate the degree to which soldiers commit - or are willing to commit - atrocities. But you are certainly correct that some soldiers ignore the barriers in place to prevent those atrocities. There is no question that would become much worse if those barriers were removed. So I'll take the whiny leftists in the streets. They are nowhere near as effective as they dream they are, and they shouldn't be. But they do give us pause, and that - I must grudgingly admit - is a service to freedom.>>
Well, now, you just . . . Uhh, that is just pure bullshit because, umm . . . Mmmmm, see . . . Uh, Pooch, are you feeling OK? Because what you just said in that last paragraph actually makes some kinda sense. Sorta. Mostly. You sure you don't want to reconsider?
<<As to the Michael Tee Dictionary definition of loser, does it include a nation that has been unable to accomplish anything in over half a century except starving its people, wasting its resources and spouting off blustery threats to the point where even its budding-superpower protector is getting sick of it? >>
Uh, no, it doesn't, actually. A loser is an army or a country that gets its ass whipped and then quits the fight and goes home. The U.S. Army came to Korea to fight. They fought and then they got sick of fighting and quit. They all went home except for a small garrison force, which doesn't want to fight any more, and hasn't for over 50 years. The North which they invaded remains independent half a century after they were driven out by force of arms. Well, anyway, that's how MY dictionary defines "loser." Sorry about yours.
BTW, for a nation that "has been unable to accomplish anything," I was kinda wondering what is with their nuclear weapons? Were they found growing in the wild under lily pads or something? Did these "wild nukes" grow their own delivery vehicles and triggers so as to create the illusion of successful weapons tests? inquiring minds need to know.
<<Yeah, we totally lost the Korean war.>>
Well, ya got that right. Or at least, ya lost the North.
<<Occasionally, we and the prosperous portion of that peninsula stop and think about that. Then we get distracted by something more important.>>
Yeah, I get it. You lost the war. And once in awhile, you think about losing the war. But then you get distracted by "something more important." Of course, many things are probably "more important" than the wasted lives of thousands of American boys. Sunday afternoon football for example. Must be lots of stuff that distracts you. It is all very understandable.
<<We had a north and south war in the US too. The losers still grouse generations later. The winners forgot about it and went on with life. >>
God, I hope you copied this to plane.
<<I can just hear the frantic voices in Korea: "Save your anti-capitalist phrases, comrades, the North will rise again!">>
You're lucky. I don't speak Korean.