Implying/defending this comparsion between Tea Parties & Fascist states with nothing more than anger behind both. Is that all it takes?? I didn't realize I was visiting such a Fascist household last year when the Angels lost to the Yankees in the ALCS
Where did you get the idea that anger is the only variable involved? I don't recall saying that at all. I'm rather certain that is another false statement attributed to me.
Js, please, pay attention. I keep asking for examples of how you or Chomsky can possibly compare the Tea party movement with the rise of the fascist states in Germany, circa 1930's. You have yet to produce anything outside of this anger. I quote, as your initial lead in
"The comparison is made because the same classes were involved in constructing both the tea parties and fascist states: the petty bourgeoisie and the lumpenproletariat.... It has to do with just how angry the petty bourgeoisie has become." So, please, for the nth time, what else, BESIDES anger can you apply in trying to compare the tea party movement, with the rise of fascist states??...especially given how the tea party folk support the polar opposite of fascist policy, as currently being implimented by Obama & company
And last I checked, that's referred to as fascism
No it is not.
Yes it is. I'm keeping to the basics Js, and not getting muddled down in marxist semantics. A Fascist state is one in which the Government is primarly running the private sector. They limit profits, they dictate policy, they set both business guidelines, and in many cases how one is to be reimbursed. There's still a private industry, but it's largely managed by the Government. Not to be confused with a Communist regime, in which case the Government itself simply owns everything.
With both regimes being extremely detrimental to freedom, and when/if necessary, to be fought against. And in our current state of being, is precisely the direction, Obama is taking us
But I digress......please, demonstrate how the hell you can make the defense that the Tea party movement is similar to the rise of fascist states.....minus the anger of course