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Michelle's America
« on: February 19, 2008, 04:48:56 PM »
Michelle's America
Mrs. Obama talks about herself and her country.
by Jonathan V. Last
02/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

Madison, Wisconsin
Roughly 600 people gathered at the Capitol Theater in Madison's downtown Overture Center yesterday to listen to Michelle Obama make a pitch for her husband's presidential bid. They were treated to a revealing glimpse into the mind of the candidate's wife.

By now one passage from her speech has received much attention. She said:

For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction. And just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment I've seen people who are hungry to be unified around some basic, common issues and it's made me proud.

It was an extraordinary declaration for a 44-year-old woman. She expanded on it a bit later, claiming that "Life for regular folks has gotten worse over the course of my lifetime, through Republican and Democratic administrations. It hasn't gotten much better."

Do these comments provide a glimpse of her general political worldview--one that is surprisingly critical of America for the wife of a presidential candidate? Or do they suggest a certain narcissism about the Obamas and their view of themselves? Or both?

In many ways, Michelle Obama's stump speech is reminiscent of her husband's. She dwells at length on the issue of change and frequently talks in the idiom of political self-help. She worried that "We spend more time thinking about what can't be done, what can't change, what won't work. And the problem with that is that it cuts us off from one another in our own communities. It's cut us off from the rest of the world. And the sad part about it is we're passing on all these fears, this cynicism--we're passing it on to the next generation." "Everything," she explained, "begins and ends with a little bit of hope and a whole lot of dreaming."

Mrs. Obama's remarks were also light on policy--which is understandable. After all, she's not the one standing for office. But she showed something like contempt for even the idea of actual policy talk. "I know voters like a plan," she said. "What's the details, tell me about your policies. Plans are important, I agree. . . . But a lot of this stuff isn't rocket science."

Instead, she voiced deeper concerns: "Barack knows that at some level there's a hole in our souls," she said. This was a variation on her normal line that "Barack Obama is the only person in this race who understands that, that before we can work on the problems we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation."

Michelle Obama obviously believes her husband is up to this challenge. (In Nevada she told a crowd that "Barack is one of the smartest men we will see in our lifetime.")

Mrs. Obama also spent some time during her Madison remarks dwelling on her own life. In a passage attacking No Child Left Behind, she claimed that "If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn't be here. I guarantee you that."

She returned to the subject of her test scores and education later in the speech. She began by telling the crowd how she met a poor, presumably black, girl in South Carolina. Talking about this young girl, Mrs. Obama said:

She also knows that she is so much better than the limited expectations that this nation has for her. . . . She is hoping that the grownups in this country see some use for hope. Because that's all she's got. And she's dreaming that we'll get it right. And I know, because I was that little girl.

Now all my life I have confronted people who had a certain expectation of me. Every step of the way, there was somebody there telling me what I couldn't do. Applied to Princeton. "You can't go there, your test scores aren't high enough." I went. I graduated with departmental honors. And then I wanted to go to Harvard. And that was probably a little too tough for me. I didn't even know why they said that.

But I could go through every curve and twist and turn of my life and find somebody that was telling me, "Lower your expectations. Set your sights low. You're not ready. You can't do that." And every time I pushed past other people's limited expectations of me, and reached for things that I knew I could do, and grabbed my seat at the table that others felt so entitled to, what I learned is that there's no magic to these people who feel so much more ready than me. I'm just as ready--always just as prepared--as anyone at that table.

It was a remarkably un-self aware moment. If it's true that her scores didn't merit her admission to Princeton and Harvard, then rather than having someone trying to hold her back, it seems that someone was willing to take a chance on Michelle Obama. And that faith was rewarded: Even though her test scores weren't particularly outstanding, she thrived in elite settings and has had, by all accounts, an impressive professional career, too.

But Mrs. Obama seems to both accept such a benefit of the doubt and then decry something that sounds a lot like the soft bigotry of low expectations. And she presents her academic credentials as a triumph over some nebulous group of people. When she talks about "grabbing her seat at the table" and finding that there was no "magic" in the other people who had also earned their way there, it sounds uncomfortably like she is dismissive of others who might not have had the help she received.

Or perhaps it's just her reaction to a sense that there have been many people trying to stop the ascent of her and her husband. (If such people exist, they've been spectacularly unsuccessful.) Talking about Barack's Senate campaign, in which he ran unopposed by a serious Republican challenger, Michelle said that the couple learned that "when power is confronted with real change, they'll say anything to stop it." There "they" go again.

Instead of seeing America as a place which afforded her the opportunity to create a blessed life, Mrs. Obama seems to view it as a place where some "people" are always trying to hold her back. Whoever these "people" are, we should be glad they haven't been successful. Michelle Obama's progress is--despite her telling of it--an inspirational story that should make us proud of America, not frustrated by, and scornful of, it. It says something about her view of this nation, and of her husband and herself, that she seems to find it so difficult--their own experience notwithstanding--to feel gratitude for and pride in her country.

Jonathan V. Last is a staff writer at THE WEEKLY STANDARD.

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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 05:00:46 PM »
Is America responsible for her dogged determination or is she responsible?


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2008, 05:14:50 PM »
Instead, she voiced deeper concerns: "Barack knows that at some level there's a hole in our souls," she said. This was a variation on her normal line that "Barack Obama is the only person in this race who understands that, that before we can work on the problems we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation."

If we assume that this is true, how is electing a president or anyone else going to solve it?
Can voting be a solution for metaphysical problems?

I confess, I never thought R Kelly could fly, either.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 05:35:34 PM »
>>Is America responsible for her dogged determination or is she responsible?<<

She is, of course. America is responsible for giving her the opportunity to succeed, and the righteousness to allow her to do so.

I see leftist pundits are already parsing the word "really."


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 05:46:52 PM »
>>Is America responsible for her dogged determination or is she responsible?<<

She is, of course. America is responsible for giving her the opportunity to succeed, and the righteousness to allow her to do so.  I see leftist pundits are already parsing the word "really."

Boy, that's an understatement.  It's no longer what "is", is.  Now it's What she "really" meant to say was....spin..spin..spin.  You get the definate impression that the "change" Obama & Co are spearheading is the ever increasing leftist desire "Ask not what you can do for your country, but what can your country do for you."  Yea, JFK, indeed.  Just the opposite, is all
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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 06:04:12 PM »
No doubt the Obama's will be heavily scrutinized as the convention draws near.


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2008, 06:35:20 PM »
Perhaps the worst thing that could derail this Obama swoon is having their words actually scrutinized
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2008, 07:49:13 PM »
>>Is America responsible for her dogged determination or is she responsible?<<

She is, of course. America is responsible for giving her the opportunity to succeed, and the righteousness to allow her to do so.

I see leftist pundits are already parsing the word "really."

How did "America" give her a god damned thing?  I heard the local conservative radio guy saying the same god damned stupid shit and who is "America" to give or allow Michelle Obama a god damned thing?

I thought freedom was a "god-given" right?!?!?!?

Who is this "America" that somehow has the magic power to afford Michelle Obama to do stuff, thus implying that it can somehow take away Michelle's ability to do stuff?

You guys are god damned idjits.

I can't imagine anything that Americans can be proud of in Michelle Obama's adult lifetime.


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2008, 07:54:25 PM »
>>Is America responsible for her dogged determination or is she responsible?<<

She is, of course. America is responsible for giving her the opportunity to succeed, and the righteousness to allow her to do so.  I see leftist pundits are already parsing the word "really."

How did "America" give her a god damned thing?  I heard the local conservative radio guy saying the same god damned stupid shit and who is "America" to give or allow Michelle Obama a god damned thing?  I thought freedom was a "god-given" right?!?!?!?

It's called OPPORTUNITY Brass.  It's called providing her and Obama the opportunity to be all that they can be, including a Senator and Presidential wannabe.  And it was America that indeed gave her that, via the blood spilled ans the sacrafices made that made this country what it is today.  From the Revolutionary War, to the Civil War, to WWII, to today.  Strangely Mrs. Obama apparently saw nothing to be proud of then.  Only now. 

So what did she "really" mean to say, Brass?

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2008, 07:59:21 PM »
>>Is America responsible for her dogged determination or is she responsible?<<

She is, of course. America is responsible for giving her the opportunity to succeed, and the righteousness to allow her to do so.

I see leftist pundits are already parsing the word "really."

Exactly how is it that America is handing out this "opportunity".  Is there a form that has to be filled out?  'Cause it sounds like you think that "America" could potentially tell her black ass to go to the back of the line.


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2008, 08:07:59 PM »
>>Is America responsible for her dogged determination or is she responsible?<<

She is, of course. America is responsible for giving her the opportunity to succeed, and the righteousness to allow her to do so.  I see leftist pundits are already parsing the word "really."

Exactly how is it that America is handing out this "opportunity".  

FREEDOM....Constitutional freedoms that are clearly outlined, and considered God-given rights, that many other countries don't have.  That's how
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2008, 08:12:28 PM »
>>Exactly how is it that America is handing out this "opportunity".  Is there a form that has to be filled out?<<

Now now Brass. Don't be pissed because you were absent that day.


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2008, 08:37:26 PM »
It's called OPPORTUNITY Brass.  It's called providing her and Obama the opportunity to be all that they can be, including a Senator and Presidential wannabe.  And it was America that indeed gave her that, via the blood spilled ans the sacrafices made that made this country what it is today.  From the Revolutionary War, to the Civil War, to WWII, to today.  Strangely Mrs. Obama apparently saw nothing to be proud of then.  Only now. 

So what did she "really" mean to say, Brass?

Are you fucking kidding me?  Do you really think that Michelle Obama was in her adult lifetime during the Rev War, the Civil War (like there is one god damned thing in seeing a fifith of the population decimated) and WWII?

What in the last 40 years do you think a black woman might have to be overly proud of her nation?

I applaud her candor and I'm glad someone on the national stage under such a blazing spotlight has the guts to say that she isn't proud of her country.  SHE'S RIGHT!!

The moon shot is the only thing that I can think of off the top of my head that our nation could hold their heads high about.

The Cold War?  We destroyed a nation through attrition?  What's so great about that?

The Reagan Years?  Yay!  All the homeless!  All the ignoring of AIDS!  Yippee!

What was it that was so great that we could all be proud of?  The rejection of the Howard Dean?  The Clinton years?  NAFTA/CAFTA?  The Lewinsky Scandal???

And, for pete's sake, what the F**K have we had to be proud of since the Retard in Chief literally took the office?

Michelle Obama's RIGHT.  She has every right to say that she hasn't had anything to be proud from her nation.

What I find tragic is the wars and nothing but wars and death are the only thing you site as objects of pride.


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2008, 08:45:19 PM »
FREEDOM....Constitutional freedoms that are clearly outlined, and considered God-given rights, that many other countries don't have.  That's how

The absence of restrictions is not the same as the doling out of opportunities.


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Re: Michelle's America
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2008, 09:15:34 PM »
So, Obama has your vote then, Brass?
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