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I hate forum software.

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What does that mean?  WHat about it do you hate?
Hey...Lincoln made do with wood and pieces of charcoal to write with. We got a forum and a typie board thingie.  And smilies!  What's not to like?


--- Quote from: Lanya on September 17, 2006, 04:30:13 PM ---What does that mean?  WHat about it do you hate?

--- End quote ---

It's a pain to go to the end of a long thread.

Many don't track what's "new" for you (though this one does).

They generally don't handle stock HTML very well.

Nothing is locked in stone.

Anyboard was not going to work any more.

Feel free to look around and find the best forum software for our particular needs.

I would prefer it to be free or inexpensive and i would prefer it to use php and mysql.

Michael Tee:
I'm just getting used to this.    How do you go from a thread to an overview of all the threads? 


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