Competition is fine. The playing field is not conducive to a fair game.
The Public Schools are rushing like mad chilis to make sure all children can read at the same level by a particular date. There's nothing wrong with that.
Sure, Ok, why not set a program in gear that gives kids MORE. I see nothing wrong with helping a child learn to read, compute and more. (although,we were doing just fine in that dept pre NCLB btw) But, I'll continue with the description of the playing field.
While they (we) are rushing to make that grade lest we suffer sanctions, we have also had to adopt new reading and math programs. Again, nothing wrong with that. But, we are teaching only reading and math for the most part.....
the kids in the Public school system are actually getting "less" than they were previously.
Now, on the other side of that playing field you see private schools,home schools, charter schools with no restrictions, no rushing to make sure kids read all at the same time, at the same level, etc. Basically, they have a get out of jail free card. They don't even have to GO TO JAIL.
Ok, so how is this a fair competitive field? HOw?
One school teaches less...the other school teachers much more.
I am saying that we need to level the playing field, an make it so that the children who are being educated in the public sector, get more! Of course, parents are going to send their kids to "other" institutions. Who wouldn't.
Ami, I know you want to hear me say that the NCLB act does not line out in detail THE EXACT PUNITIVE ACTIONS.....the EXACT METHOD FOR IMPROVEMENT ETC...of course they have sent that pigeon messanger to the individual states. So what?
That isn't the issue. The issue is that in writing the act mandates that all children will read by the a particular year. All well and fine. But, it also stipulates that states must find a way to "punish"...sanctions, etc.. Who the hell cares if the act itself doesn't state those punitive actions...My god, man, it's OUT's on the books.....the states must find a way or the states hit the highway....Did you read the post I sent the other day?
Rewards vs Sanctions...oh and the private schools aren't touched in the same way.
My point is;
Provide time for programs that are MANDATED to work. And according to their own research, these program do not magically work within one year's time. It takes at least 5 years (K-5).
But, the way the law is set up, the schools must meet AYP NOW. THe sanctions, the probationary actions, the restrictive #1 and #2 ...they are slapped on us NOW. I say that is not right.
I also believe we should be able in that time, find a way to provide kids the same amount of education (science, art, music) as offered by private schools.
This issue keeps coming up....COMPETITIVE for or against.
It seems that you don't hear the issue that I have been trying to argue here. But you and Sirs and others keep ranting your rage about this one element. I am NOT AGAINST competition. I aAM AGAINST an unfair playing field. I AM AGAINST what is happening in the school AND to our kids as a consequence.
Ok, I thought I would not come back to this issue, because you guys keep looping the same crap, and I have a nice two week vacation here. So, I will get back to it now.
I work in a year round school, and our "breaks" come throughout the year----we have a shorter summer.