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« on: January 07, 2008, 01:01:37 PM »
First, I think we need to correct a myth. No candidate is proposing socialized medicine. Even the leftist of candidates, Dennis Kucinich, is proposing a cooperation between private insurance and Government. So y'all can stop with the Red Scare redux from the 1950's filmstrips. If anything, all of the candidates that are proposing UHC, are proposing some form of corporatist health care. Quite frankly, none of them have the grapes to propose an NHS style system because the Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical companies have far too much money and influence. What? You think Hillary Clinton gets all that corporate money because she's proposing socialized healthcare? Bullshit. Corporatism, just in different gradients.

Second, let's end the myth that this country provides better care than other countries. We don't. All that talk of long queues in Canada and the UK and the horrible conditions of French, German, or Swedish's an idea ask the people that live there! I have yet to meet a Canadian, Brit, French, or German who has supported the pack of lies we toss around in this country about their healthcare systems. And what about ALL those Canadians who come to the United States because they are so behind in treatment. Prove it! Guess what? The Canadians have a problem of Americans crossing the border and using their clinics for free (that's fraud) because our Americans cannot afford the procedures or the health insurance in the United States.

Third, let's end the myth that we have an expensive system because we don't have tort reform or that Federal red tape is the problem. The former amounts to less than a 0.1% of the total medical expenses of this country. If the latter were the problem then surely the horribly evil socialised systems would be far more expensive...but they aren't. They are, in fact, much cheaper in terms of per patient expenses.

Fourth, another myth to put an end to is the myth of "freedom to choose" in the United States. In France and Canada you may go to ANY hospital or doctor you like. Try doing that with your HMO. Hell, try doing that with a PPO or POS plan. Freedom to choose, my ass.

Fifth, guess what country your chemotherapy (or any procedure) can be stopped, even if it is working, right in the middle of the procedure if you don't have the money? Here's a hint, not the UK, Canada, France, or Sweden. If you guessed the United States, you're correct. They will literally allow you to die for being too poor to pay for the treatment. Tough shit on you.

Lastly, the question is: is healthcare a universal right? or is it a commodity to be purchased by those who have the means? If you answer "yes" to the latter then you have to accept that insurance companies provide bonuses to those who deny the most cases and thereby save the company the most money. You have to accept that people will be denied medically necessary treatments, or cut off of a life saving treatment half way through its completion. People will die for profits. If you accept that, then fine. But don't make bullshit lies and excuses that this system is somehow better or more humane than the others - it is not.

To me, it is a universal right and everyone deserves the very best treatment possible no matter if they are a penniless homeless individual or a software tycoon.

Unfortunately, the best we can hope for is corporatism...and the insurance companies are just waiting to game that system.
I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
   So stuff my nose with garlic
   Coat my eyes with butter
   Fill my ears with silver
   Stick my legs in plaster
   Tell me lies about Vietnam.