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Guest 08:35:20 AM Viewing the topic The new low..
Guest 08:35:00 AM Viewing the topic President George Bush Kicking A$$.
Guest 08:34:53 AM Viewing the topic ya wanna see some stoooopid?.
Guest 08:34:52 AM Viewing the topic President George Bush Kicking A$$.
Guest 08:34:37 AM Viewing the topic And we're supposed to "talk" to these folks.
Guest 08:34:33 AM Viewing the topic China and Human Rights.
Guest 08:34:26 AM Viewing the topic Why so scared of Christmas?.
Guest 08:34:24 AM Viewing the topic The (tongue in cheek) account of how Obama stole the election.
Guest 08:34:23 AM Viewing the topic Is NIMBY a good or bad word to you guys??.
Guest 08:34:19 AM Viewing the topic Obama's Dimestore "Mien Kampf".
Guest 08:34:17 AM Viewing the topic Cancel the Oscars to protest President Trump.
Guest 08:34:11 AM Viewing the topic Whiner.
Guest 08:34:10 AM Viewing the topic Obama throws Israel under the Bus.
Guest 08:34:05 AM Viewing the topic Diversity's Oppressions .
Guest 08:34:04 AM Viewing the topic Kidnapping and Abortion?.
Guest 08:34:01 AM Viewing the topic Poll: Majority of voters back Trump travel ban.
Guest 08:33:58 AM Viewing the topic GOP Losers Circle Wagons For Child Predator.
Guest 08:33:57 AM Viewing the topic White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack!.
Guest 08:33:51 AM Viewing the topic The measure of a decent human being is how he or she treats the defenseless.
Guest 08:33:50 AM Viewing the topic Reid: Immigration reform a top priority.
Guest 08:33:50 AM Viewing the topic I can`t Keep up.
Guest 08:33:42 AM Viewing the topic Fox News Receives Front-Row Seat in White House Briefing Room.
Guest 08:33:40 AM Viewing the topic Appetizers and Snacks: Taco Dip II | Submitted By: Amber B. .
Guest 08:33:38 AM Viewing the topic Grave of the Fireflies, 1942 movie reviews.
Guest 08:33:35 AM Viewing the topic So You Think You Can Do A Better Job?.
Guest 08:33:34 AM Viewing the topic Obama, Get Your Ass Back to DC & Deal w/ Terrorism.
Guest 08:33:27 AM Viewing the topic RNC Talking Points - North Korea.
Guest 08:33:26 AM Viewing the topic S.T.E.M..
Guest 08:33:25 AM Viewing the topic Vice President Condie Rice?.
Guest 08:33:18 AM Viewing the topic Looks like we are at war with North Korea again..