Thanks, Kramer, for posting the link. Cornel West is a righeous dude. His comments about the racist American Empire were right on but did not go far enough in denouncing it and the criminals who promote it. That Obama did not sever his links with Cornel West and that West did not sever his links with the Revolutionary Communist Party are good things and prove that Obama is not a total sell-out - - yet.
However, I'm not all that ecstatic at this point - - when the spotlight was turned on The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama dropped him like a hot potato just to satisfy the racist ass-holes who were raising a shit-storm about him. The same thing can happen with Cornel West. That's fine, if Obama wants to throw fine radical black men with more street cred than he'll ever have under the bus just to kiss Whitey's ass, we'll see how well he gets along without his base next time.