Author Topic: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?  (Read 7978 times)

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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2016, 09:17:12 PM »
White folks discussing why Black folks are "savages" is not any way to address the problem. All that would do it provoke Black people to ignore Whitey as a a racist.
The reform of Black American society is the responsibility of the Black people themselves, just as Irish alcoholism is a problem for Irish people.
White Americans will never be all color blind, and neither will Black Americans. The can call themselves by any name they choose. It is not up to you or me, CU4.

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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2016, 10:15:57 AM »
Yeah, right. Some Black person walks into CU4's office looking  for a job and CU4 will see him as some sort of White person and hire him without even noticing his skin color.

I don't give a shit what color someone is as long as they make my life easier
show up on time
work hard
treat the customer right
and perform

what difference does it make what color they are? long as I can sleep better at night without worry.

Black people whit good attitude are not rare.

Any person with the attitude of a criminal can't be rare enough.

When the US was fighting in WWI the press was forbidden to state generals names or the regimental identity of units involved in any action.

   But they were allowed to state it clearly whether the Army or Marines were the force in a particular battle.

    This produced a strong illusion that the Marines were doing 50% of the fighting.


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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2016, 12:05:30 PM »
An interesting factoid, but  what does it have to do with why it should be a  good idea to label Black people as "savages".
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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2016, 01:18:00 PM »
The can call themselves by any name they choose. It is not up to you or me, CU4.

Didn't say it was...but I am of the opinion it does not help solve their problems.

I also find it odd you now champion them "calling themselves by any name they choose"
but criticize this black commentator for his use of language that he obviously feels will
strike a cord in his message to his own race. Also you have been critical in the past
of black entertainers using the term "Nigga" when in reality it is a term of endearment for
them that apparently you don't understand because of your age/generation and/or 
the feeling that only you can define the meanings behind words/language. Calling
some one a "bad ass" at one time may have been negative in some circles, but
the term "bad ass" can also be a compliment term in some circles.
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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2016, 01:23:39 PM »
 Also you have been critical in the past
of black entertainers using the term "Nigga" when in reality it is a term of endearment for
them that apparently you don't understand because of your age/generation and/or
the feeling that only you can define the meanings behind words/language.

No I have not. You are confusing me with someone else.
Nigga is simply a taboo word that White people would be wise not to utter.
And I don't.
I have never said one word about any Black entertainer using it.
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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2016, 06:44:08 PM »
No I have not. You are confusing me with someone else.
Nigga is simply a taboo word that White people would be wise not to utter.
And I don't.
I have never said one word about any Black entertainer using it.

Ok XO I guess you are correct...maybe it was your ole buddy Michael's been awhile

"nigger" is nothing more than a Southern dialectical form of the word "Negro" and in Mark Twain's time was understood as such and was not in any way insulting or demeaning. The character Nigger Jim was the wisest and most logical character in Twain's novel Huckleberry Finn, but now illiterates who have never read the novel would want everyone to believe that Twain was a racist (which, unlike nearly every White man in his era he most certainly was not) and to ban his book.

Huckleberry Finn was the most famous novel of its time that protrayed a Black man as something other than a savage beast or a childlike victim, and did a lot to create better racial understanding in a period when it was largely unknown./

The  turning of the word into a taboo is simply an ignorant understanding of American history, but it is nonetheless a fact, and any sane White person would simply refuse to use it in any accusatory way simply to avoid the barrage of nonsense that will invariably be flung in his direction should he use it. You may have a right to rollerskate in the proverbial buffalo herd, and White folks may have the right to use the "n-word", but both actiuvities are both futile and unwise in the extreme.

It cannot be libelous in any legal sense to call anyone by the word or any other unpleasant ethinc slur words, and this is why the supposedly offended members of the audience Richard offended and their opportunistic lawyer (all enjoying their 15 minutes of fame) want to get Richards to agree to be judged out of court by some retired judge, because everyone recognizes that there is no legal case here whatever.

Richards deserves not to get any gigs until he becomes a lot funnier. The "victims" of his tirade deserve a refund of their ticket price and perhaps tickets to a truly funny show at most.

Far too many words have been wasted on this topic already.
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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2016, 01:16:55 PM »
I think those words are bad ideas. If i say it i very much doubt people will think im endearing myself to them.

Let me make this clear nigga and nigger are interchangeable. Many will say otherwise but no that is not true .

Seriously if you want to make a word unacceptable putting a doublestandard is not gonna do it.


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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2016, 12:08:40 AM »
it's all about intent....
but many young Blacks enjoy the fact that they can easily get away with saying it.
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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2016, 10:30:44 AM »
If it's intent then white europeans should ok saying the word since they would know what it means and likely repeat it back to them.
This actually happened awhile back in my brother's job.


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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2016, 12:46:34 PM »

it's all about intent....
but many young Blacks enjoy the fact that they can easily get away with saying it.
Of course they do. Everyone likes to have some special exclusive thing they can do.
It's like living in a lily-white gated community. where Blacks have been excluded by a lack of money, or belonging to a Country Club where you have to be endorsed by some specified number of members to be approved for membership.

It does not bother me that Black people (pretty much always males) can say "nigger" and that I cannot.
It does not bother me that I am excluded from Augusta's famous golf course.

When we were visiting Westminster Abby in London, we had been walking all day and I actually SAT DOWN in one of the pews. Some old biddy with a lot of lace and a silly hat came clacking over on the heels and waving her arms, saying "you can't sit there!  These pews are the property of the MEMBERS!  No one else is allowed to sit in them!"
She looked like Hyacinth Bucket (Boo-Kay) of that British sitcom Keeping up Appearances.

I said, "Oh, I thought that anyone could sit anywhere in a house of God". My mother gestured for me to get up, which I did s l o w l y just to make a point.

That sort of exclusivity, I did not appreciate. Their ladyships and lordships were nowhere in sight, after all, and this woman was pretty much acting like an angry Yorkie with the gift of speech.
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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #25 on: August 22, 2016, 01:13:59 PM »
it's all about intent....
but many young Blacks enjoy the fact that they can easily get away with saying it.

Of course they do. Everyone likes to have some special exclusive thing they can do.
It's like living in a lily-white gated community. where Blacks have been excluded by a lack of money, or belonging to a Country Club where you have to be endorsed by some specified number of members to be approved for membership.

And NONE of that has anything to do with race
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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2016, 08:46:36 PM »
Not to sirs. Non,no,no. Sirs knows all about Black people.

Rumor is he once ate a grit.
And correctly identified a chitlin'
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Re: How Savage Are Blacks In America & Why Is Everyone Afraid To Discuss It?
« Reply #27 on: August 22, 2016, 08:50:52 PM »
Like I said, it has nothing to do with race, so what I know or don't know about black people is irrelevent
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle