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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 06:25:52 PM »
Just because this guy says that missiles came from Syria does not make it true.

I hardly think that Lebanon won any war at all. The country was pretty much totaled.

The Israeli occupation wasn't a success, either. It was a war that everyone lost.
I do agree that Assad will eventually have to flee or die, but it wonlt be because of any missiles he may have supplied.
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2012, 10:00:18 PM »
I do agree that Assad will eventually have to flee or die, but it wonlt be because of any missiles he may have supplied.

Missing The Point Alert...AGAIN!
Assad will be gone, not because of a few missles
you can't see the forest for the trees!
Assad will be gone because he is a pawn in the chess game between Iran vs. the West & Saudis
Obama is replacing "uncooperatives" with the Muslim Brotherhood
Obama thinks the Muslim Brotherhood is less likely to cause WWIII
I hope he is's a big gamble....but who knows...
Once the Muslim Brotherhood is "in charge" in Syria, Libya, Egypt, ect.....
I assume the oligarchy that controls Obama will then say Iran is next for a Muslim Brotherhood take-over.
The oligarchy seems to think a Muslim Brotherhood Middle East may be safer than rogue dictators and Mullahs.
I guess we'll see how this chess game plays out.......
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2012, 10:12:52 PM »
President Obama has no interest in putting the Muslim Brotherhood in power. If the people elect them, then they SHOULD be in power. That is the way a democracy works. I doubt that you know enough about Syria to predict who might win a fair and free election there. I am all for letting the Syrians decide who runs Syria.

Stability is better than anarchy and chaos.
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2012, 10:38:02 PM »
Stability is better than anarchy and chaos.

Go tell that to the slaves in 1845!
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2012, 11:03:02 PM »
President Obama has no interest in putting the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

Oh yeah I am sure it's just a total accident that Obama gets rid of Khadaffi
and the Muslim Brotherhood is likely to will happen in Egypt
and Syria. Obama does what the oligarchy tells him to do. The oligarchy
has decided to give the Muslim Brotherhood a try.

If the people elect them, then they SHOULD be in power.

Yeah I am sure them elections in Libya and Egypt will be "far & sqaur"! LOL

I am all for letting the Syrians decide who runs Syria.

Where you "all for Germans running Germany" when Hitler was in charge?
Are you all for Texans running Texas if they so choose?
If Canada decided to elect al-Qaeda would you be all for it and presume we should sit idly by?

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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2012, 12:25:21 AM »

Muslim Brotherhood establishes militia inside Syria

The Muslim Brotherhood has established its own militia inside Syria as the country's rebels fracture
between radical Islamists and their rivals, commanders and gun-runners have told The Daily Telegraph.

By Ruth Sherlock, Richard Spencer in Beirut - 03 Aug 2012

Calling itself the "Armed Men of the Muslim Brotherhood", the militia has a presence in Damascus as well as opposition hot spots like Homs and Idlib. One of their organisers, who called himself Abu Hamza, said that he started the movement along with a member of the Syrian National Council (SNC), the opposition alliance.

"We saw there were civilians with weapons inside, so we decided to co-operate with them and put them under one umbrella," he said.

Hossam Abu Habel, whose late father was in Syria's Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s, said that he raised $40-50,000 (?25,000-?32,000) a month to supply Islamist militias in Homs province with weapons and other aid.

The militias he funded were not affiliated to the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the main rebel movement, added Mr Abu Habel.

"Our mission is to build a civil country but with an Islamic base," he said. "We are trying to raise awareness for Islam and for jihad."
The Syrian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood has been revitalised by the organisation's success in Egypt, where it won both parliamentary and presidential elections.

In the early days of the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, secular and Islamist rebels were both prepared to fight under the FSA's banner and recognise the SNC as their political masters.

But the FSA, dominated by defectors from the regime's army, has fallen out with the SNC, whose leaders are in exile. It now has its own political front, the Syrian Support Group (SSG). This split has divided the revolution's main international backers, with Saudi Arabia supporting the FSA and Qatar moving closer to the SNC and the Islamist militias.

The divisions are affecting operations on the ground: competing militias co-operate when necessary but otherwise disavow each other. "I would take it as an insult if you described me as FSA," said Abu Bakri, a front line commander of an Islamist militia in Aleppo calling itself the Abu Emara Battalion.

One activist described how he was working with Sunni politicians in Lebanon to buy arms for the FSA with Saudi money.

A member of the FSA command centre, located in neighbouring Turkey, told the Daily Telegraph that they have this week received large consignments of ammunition, machine guns and anti-tank missiles. At one point Saudi Arabia and Qatar were both funding the FSA, with the command centre receiving up to $3 million in cash every month. But the operative said the situation had changed.

"Now we are not working with the Qataris because they made so many mistakes supporting other groups."

But the fracturing of the armed opposition raises the prospect of post-Assad Syria becoming a battleground. "This adds to the fragmentation and tones down the credibility of the opposition," said Louay Sakka, the SSG's Executive Director. "Supporters should go through the proper channel of the Free Syrian Army military council rather than build their own militias."

Amr al-Azm, a Syrian-American academic who was briefly on the SNC, said that Syria risked the same kind of disintegration that was set in motion by Saddam Hussein's downfall in neighbouring Iraq. The West's decision to limit its involvement in the Syrian conflict ? and refrain from supplying lethal weapons ? had left a gap for the Islamists to fill.

"By playing to your own fears, you are making them come true," said Mr Azm. "By not intervening, you are forcing people to go those who have resources. No one wants to go to al-Qaeda, but if you are down to your last five bullets and someone asks you to say 'Allahu Akbar' (God is greatest) five times, you do it."
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2012, 09:44:51 AM »
Syria is a sovereign nation, Texas is not.  I am all for Texans running as much of Texas as the US Constitution allows.

Canadians can elect whomever they choose, there is no chance that they will choose Al Qaeda.

Your stupid arguments are really getting tedious and more stupid by the moment.

The US cannot dictate who runs Syria, nor should it try.
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2012, 11:38:37 AM »
Syria is a sovereign nation, Texas is not. 

What is known as the United States was once part of the sovereign nation of Great Britain
until they decided to not be. Almost all nations were once part of "sovereign nations" until
they broke off. "Sovereign nations" are not set in stone, read a little history and you'll see.

Your stupid arguments are really getting tedious and more stupid by the moment.

Your stupid responses are getting more stupid by the moment.

The US cannot dictate who runs Syria, nor should it try.

Thats like saying China has no influence over who runs North Korea.
Get with the real world.
The US/Obama has huge influence as to who emerges victorious in Syria.
Khadffi would most likely still be in power had Obama/The West/The Oligarchy not pitched in to help get rid of him.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 03:27:58 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2012, 04:15:47 PM »
Assad will be gone because he is a pawn in the chess game between Iran vs. the West & Saudis
"world powers must overcome their rivalries to put an end to the "proxy war" in Syria"
UN chief Ban Ki-moon - August 4, 2012
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2012, 06:09:17 PM »
Thats like saying China has no influence over who runs North Korea.

No, it is not.
Do you really think we should emulate China in our foreign policy? I think we should be more respectful of democratic principles than the Chinese

I do not think that China has EVER dictated who should run North Korea. Certainly not since the 1950's. China may have some influence as to how North Korea patrols its borders and territorial waters, but I am pretty sure that Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un were chosen by their predecessors and certainly NOT by the Chinese.

China shares a border with North Korea. The US shares no border or much of anything else with Syria.

The Chinese are adamant about their territorial borders. They do not normally dictate leaders of other countries, as the US has often done. The Chinese have not intervened much in elections in Singapore or Malaysia, and have only rattled a saber at the Taiwan Green (Independence) Party. They have allowed rather a lot of freedom in both Macau and Hong Kong. The PRC does not impose the "one child" po9licy on the Korean minority.

Again, if the Syrians democratically elect a Muslim Brother to their leadership, that is their right and it should be respected. I do not think that the Muslim Brotherhood is a major political force in Syria. We need to be aware that the Israelis do not give a sh!t about democracy or human rights in any Arab nations and that they are experts in bamboozling American opinion.

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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2012, 06:57:25 PM »

....................., if the Syrians democratically elect a Muslim Brother to their leadership, that is their right and it should be respected. I do not think that the Muslim Brotherhood is a major political force in Syria. ....

  I agree, but if we are not involved how will there ever be an election at all?

   I think it is conceiveable that the Muslim Brotherhood could win an election and form a good government that was right for its people and good for its neighbors, but you don't get garuntees with elections.

     The Natzi party won an election in Germany not by being good or by representing the majority, but by being energetic while all the better were exausted.

   I think we should do every reasonable thing to encourage Syrians to have a real election and we should feel bound to respect the result. This does not garuntee good results , but staying out of the process almost garuntees bad results.


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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2012, 01:59:40 PM »
The US can encourage impartial observers to supervise Syrian elections. The US government is pro-Israeli and would not be considered as impartial by most Syrians. Israel is quite good at infiltrating US operations in the Middle East.

The US has no business advocating one Syrian or group of Syrians over another. It would almost certainly have negative results. US weapons helped Israel conquer and grab a piece of Syrian national territory, and Syrians are not very trusting of Americans.
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2012, 03:32:16 PM »
No, it is not.

Yes it is.

Do you really think we should emulate China in our foreign policy?

Just as many others do the Chinese in North Korea that you naively deny...
the US should be involved in making sure our enemies are not the only ones involved in playing a part on who runs other countries.

I do not think that China has EVER dictated who should run North Korea.

Yeah I am sure China would really have allowed a democratic capitalist to take-over in North Korea? Ha Ha!
Are you really that naive? Lying? Or just that stupid?

China shares a border with North Korea. The US shares no border or much of anything else with Syria.

Oh so does Russia "share a border with Syria"?
You advocate the US not being involved, but keep your piehole silent about our enemies being involved in othe countries!
That's spelled INSANITY!

The Chinese are adamant about their territorial borders.
They do not normally dictate leaders of other countries, as the US has often done.

China has been unable to influence much because they have been  poor country just tryin to feed itself.
About all China could influence was North Korea because China until recently has been a disaster.

The Chinese have not intervened much in elections in Singapore or Malaysia, and have only rattled a saber at the Taiwan Green (Independence) Party. They have allowed rather a lot of freedom in both Macau and Hong Kong. The PRC does not impose the "one child" po9licy on the Korean minority.

Again it's kind of hard to influence very many other others while you are a shit-hole.
They had no choice in Hong Kong because it wasn't their's.
Once they realized their old Commi ways were a disaster about the time they were given back Hong Kong
of course they didnt want to mess it up.

The US must not allow enemies to influence who is in power in vital areas of the world,
and we sit back and do's funny how you supported your boy influencing who
was in power in Libya who was ZERO threat to the US, but sing a different tune about
US influence eleswhere....but I am sure if Obozo started getting more involved in Syria
you'd be back on board changing your positions to support your control freak party rep.
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Re: One of the reasons Assad is under attack and probably a goner!
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2012, 04:12:03 PM »
Replacing Assad is a worthy goal. Syrians are being killed and there is chaos. I support the US helping the Syrians hold elections.

The Russians are not enemies of the US. The Chinese are not enemies of the US, either.

The Chinese could have done anything with Hong Kong and Macau that the wishwed when the lease expired, but they chose pragmatically to create different special zones for both cities.

The Chinese want peace and stability in North Korea. I see no evidence that they would not tolerate democratic elections. They have elections in Hong Kong, Manchuria, Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea, and the Chinese do not normally seek to disrupt them.

North Korea does not have a true Communist government. It is basically a Confuscist pseudo-Marxist hereditary dictatorship. The Chinese did not veto any of the Kim family, even though they surely have always had the ability to do so.
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