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Some Jordanian Blogs
« on: February 12, 2011, 02:50:00 AM »
First sample: 360 East (

Egypt's Revolution. My Revolution.

I?ve been glued to Twitter for the past 16 days.

Too many thought racing through my head to think clearly.

A total emotional roller-coaster.

My generation?s first revolution!

All that I can think of right now is that everything in this region, in our lives, need to be rethought.

I am part of the 1989 generation. I was 19 when the Jordanian mini revolution started in the south of the Kingdom then started spreading north. This promoted the late King Hussein to lift emergency laws, un-ban political parties and allow the country to have a fair and free election, leading to a pluralistic parliament.

So my adult life started in an era of relative freedom and democracy. The political suppression suffered political activists was something my generation read about. But our experience was that of democratic possibility. My university years in the mid 1990?s was marked by a brief period of student political activism, which maybe felt a bit risky at times, but I never really felt very threatened by the state.

But from those hopeful days of early adulthood it was pretty much downhill. Local and regional events ate away at Jordan?s democratic potential.

In August 1990 we woke up one day with the news that Saddam had occupied Kuwait. I can clearly remember the headline of the front page editorial of the normally conservative and government serving daily newspaper Al-Rai, declaring the occupation of Kuwait as ?The Correction of the Arab?s National Path?!!

Whoever wrote that headline didn?t know that there was nothing but one defeat and disaster for Arabs in store for the next 20 years. The few months of fervent Saddam worship in Jordan, ended with the brutal defeat of the Iraqi army at the hands of the United States.

Then the endless Israeli-Arab peace process started a year later, with no results beyond a few half-achievements and a string of bitter disappointments.

Elections in Jordan became worse and worse with an election law that ripped the country to tribes and neighborhoods. Political parties became a joke. Islamist were the only political force out there.

The new millennium brought nothing but more disappointment. Osama bin Laden kidnapped the whole muslim world on September 11, 2001. The threat of terrorism became THE issue and democracy only an empty word. The tragedy of Iraq deepened, ending with total American occupation in 2003 and the unleashing of the monster of sectarianism.

The 1989 generation started becoming convinced that Arabs are probably ?genetically? unable to grasp progress, freedom and democracy.

Besides authoritarian governance and increasingly conservative if not fanatic religious fundamentalism, consumerism was the only thing ?happening? in this region.

Until 16 days ago, I was just another 1989er, barely holding on to the belief of a freer, better tomorrow, almost giving up hope on better governance of social progress.

I was living in a ?confused Arabia? as the tagline of this blog declares above!


But wait. This is not the full story.

Against the backdrop of decline and depression, something was moving.

Sometime in 2004, I started blogging.

Then I found out about JordanPlanet, a now defunct site that brought together Jordan?s first bloggers. At first there was only four or five of of us. Mostly tech geeks. But soon enough there were tens then a hundred then we stopped counting.

Through blogging meetups I started meeting people who where at least 10 years younger than me. I saw a generation that was simply different. Willing to express itself openly. Young people with individual voices. Writers who were not about to ask the Ministry of Information or the Press and Publications Department for the permission to publish.

In some of our early JordanPlanet blogger meetups we got to know bloggers from Tunisia and Egypt as well as Jordanian bloggers who lived abroad. A culture of online self expression was bubbling everywhere.

Isn?t it intriguing that the first real post-indepence Arab people-power pro democracy revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt started at the end of the 2010. The year that saw the passing of three of the most renowned Arab thinkers of the late 20th century: Mohammad Abed Al Jabiri, Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid and Mohammad Arkoun.

Here is what I wrote in March 2010 after returning from the ArabNet online business conference and reading what the late Samir Kassir?s book ?Being Arab?

Kassir?s views are, of course, controversial. And I am not attempting to dissect the book here. Yet, I found myself intrigued by his ultimate hopefulness. I, like many, might feel a sense of despair at the current state of affairs in the Arab region and often find it hard to believe that change can come from within. But I feel I learned something as the book was drawing to a close: reconnecting to the heritage of Arab modernity and extending is something worth trying.

The last few pages of the book held a surprise for me.

Kassir says that the lack of interface and connection between the culture of creation and the social reality is a big concern .. And here is where Kassir?s says we should seek solutions: ?In the galvanizing effect that new media can have on cultural development, and that culture in turn can have on durable economic development.?

New media. The internet. Mobile. Satellite.

Which brings us full circle to ArabNet and the dozens of hopeful, young Arab faces, from the lebanese girl who wants to invent a better Arabic web font to the Syrian podacasters covering the conference, to the Saudi guy in dishdasha and tennis shoes who want to start an Arab business-rating site, to the many Jordanian startups who presented their ideas. Maybe Kassir was right. Maybe the future can be created at the intersection of culture and commerce happening in the cloud of new media which knows no Arab borders or limitations.


A young man burns himself in Tunisia and a dictator who gripped that country for 23 years falls.

A young Egyptian computer programer, Khaled Saeed, gets beaten to death by Egyptian police on June 6, 2010 (

A young Egyptian Google executive, Wael Ghonim, anonymously sets up a page dedicated to Khaled Saeed on Facebook. He calls for a protest on January 25, 2011. A peaceful demonstration becomes a full scale revolution!

Arab revolutions used to be military coups rebranded as revolutions. In other words, with the exception of Lebanon?s Cedar revolution against the Syrian presence, Arab dictators where only overthrow by new dictators and not the people.

People like Jamal Abdelnasser and Saddam Hussein where military officers. What Arab coups have achieved was mostly the crushing of civil society, creativity and even business.

Some years ago I visited the old building of the Cairo stock exchange, a beautiful old building designed by a Viennese architect during the Egyptian monarchy of the early 20th century. I was told that until a few years before, the blackboards of the stock exchange still carried the last share prices from the 1950s when Nasser nationalized the whole Egyptian economy.

Wael Ghonim today pledged he will go back to his day job one the aspirations of Egypt?s youth have been achieved. He doesn?t want to be in politics. He may still find himself dragged into a longer struggle. But he is a symbol of a revolution of a middle class. It?s not fanatic. It?s stance vis-a-vis business and capitalism is diverse. But it is young, decent and full of hope.

The Tunisian and Egyptian revolution have already transformed the Arab world. Things will never be the same again. Being Arab has been redefined.

These are not the revolution of military officers, or the revolt of only farmers and factory workers. They are revolutions for dignity and freedom by a dazzling spectrum of society.

Veiled girls and pierced girls. Bearded guys and guys with ponytails. Someone in a dishdasha and someone in a heavy-metal t-shirt. An unprecedented unity. Coexistence born out of working on a common goal.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Egyptian revolution today is the number of entrepreneurs and business leaders who are supporting it.

Let?s make no mistake. The heros of this revolution are the millions on the streets right now. But Arab tech executives aren?t usually instigators of regime change! In Egypt, now, they are.

My Twitter stream carries messages of support from Arabs who are comfortable business owners and executives. A successful Egyptian entrepreneur I met in a couple of conferences seems to have nothing to do but go to Tahrir Square and shoot video interviews and post them on YouTube!

Last November, I was there in the hall when Naguib Sawiris, an Egyptian billionaire, was being interviewed by Fadi Ghandour, founder and CEO of Aramex during the Celebration of Entreprenurship in Dubai.

?What is change,? asked Ghandour.

?Change is when the young people in this room overthrow their governments.? shot back Sawiris.

Billionaires talking about a revolution!

How do you solve the street littering problem in Arab cities? Start a revolution.

To me this revolution is personal. It is the most important event public I witnessed in my lifetime. I am happy to be alive and not too old today because I am excited, exhilarated, worried, hopeful about where things go from here.

I feel totally connected, personally, to people in Tahrir square.

If I allowed, apathy or hopelessness to creep into my mind over the past 20 years, the courage of the millions of people on the street in Cairo and all over Egypt gives me a million reason to cast hopelessness aside.

I will be changing 360east?s tagline. Arabia is no longer confused. Tunisia and Egypt have made it clear that people know what they want.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2011, 02:59:19 AM »
Second sample: Roba from "And Far Away" (

10 things that happened in 2011 that made me proud of being Arab

If you asked me a month ago to give you ten things that make me proud of being Arab, I would have listed ideas among the lines of we have very strong family bonds, we have awesome food, and our history is kick ass.

Today, in the wake of the Tunisian revolution and the Egyptian uprising, I have a very different list. I am neither Egyptian nor Tunisian, but what I do have in common with both countries is our shared Arab heritage.

Here are ten things that happened in the Arab world in 2011 that really made me smile:

1. Doctors, nurses, and regular people pooled knowledge and resources together to create a makeshift hospital in Tahrir to help the injured.

2. With a tattered image, thanks to a few radicals, we prove yet again that our civilization is based on mutual respect. A human shield created of people who are either Christian or not praying protecting those in prayer. You can see the cross on this man?s wrist.

3. People from all walks of life cleaning the streets of Cairo.

4. Non-Egyptians like BloggerSeif ( and Sarah Karam ( stood and are still standing with Egyptians to support their right for dignity.

5. Civilian neighborhood protection units protected Egyptian neighborhoods from thugs. These men stood guard overnight to ensure that it is a safe environment for their communities. How awesome is that?

6. People in suits, in jeans, and in leather forming a human shield around Egypt?s priceless museums.

7. Giving out water and food in Tahrir to help others.

8. Arabs go out to support Egypt by protesting in their own countries.

9. My Facebook stream becoming a mosaic of Egyptian and Tunisian flags, although most of my friend list does not consist of people from either county.

10. Different channels from all around the Arab world broadcasting AlJazeera in solidatity, after they were blocked by Nilesat.

It?s been an awesome 2011 so far.
Dear Tunisians, dear Egyptians, thank you for reminding us that there is hope. Thank you for making it clear that the acts of immorality taking place in our region such as lack of acceptance, petty crime, and nonchalance are out of desperation, as opposed to lack of culture.

Thank you for proving that our integrity as human beings comes first and foremost, before our genders, our idealogical beliefs, and our differences.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2011, 03:00:33 AM »
Again from Roba at "And Far Away"

They did it. THEY DID IT. THEY DID IT!

I feel happier at this instant than I did in my entire life. Joy, pure joy. Hope. Love.

The Egyptians, with their culture, their history, their wit, their intellect, their passion.

The Egyptians have woken. The Arab world will change.

And we all get to see it.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2011, 03:03:39 AM »
And again from Roba:

Joy: Video of Amman Celebrating Egypt

How does a civilization become aware of itself? How does the street wake up, start realizing that things are NOT right the way they are? How do you breed a generation that is not afraid to speak up against the status quo?

I never really put much thought into such questions before.

Today, though, as I saw the toddlers on their parents? backs watching teenagers dancing with joy over the fall of a dictator, I started wondering.

My grandparents? generation was angry. It was rebellious. It brought change that lead the Arab world to the pit of the world.

My parents? generation is one of fear. One of acceptance. One of despair.

My generation is apathetic, but not so afraid.

The coming generation will be the hope of the Arab world.

I have a wish for them. A hope. A dream.

A generation that thinks for itself. A generation that actively wants a better life. A generation not divided by creed. A generation that wants to learn, to grow, to produce.

Here are videos from the celebratory hours outside the Egyptian embassy in Amman.

Old women, young men. Covered ladies waving Muslim Brotherhood flags, chicks with tattoos and long curly hair. Children, lots and lots and lots of children.

Children that may, afterall, see a world better than our own.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2011, 03:06:21 AM »
From Ola at "Cinnamon Zone" (

Beyond Words

To say that Egyptians today made history is an understatement

To say that Egyptians achieved the impossible is an understatement

To say anything about what this young generation of Egyptian proved to be capable of is an understatement

It?s just beyond words

Today, the door was finally open, and may it always be?

Thank God we lived to witness history be re-written

Thank God for the hope those brave people revived in our hearts and the new-found confidence in ourselves and our generation as a whole

You made us proud to belong to this generation, and to this nation

After all, Arabs are not congenitally unfit for freedom. So sorry, or not,  to burst some western bubbles

Thank God for Egypt.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2011, 03:13:12 AM »
From Qwaider at "Memories Documented" (
(rough translation of part of it - I don't feel like doing the whole thing and Google Translate simply sucks for Arabic-English)

The Revolution is Over

Egypt has always been everything to the Arab world, of Arabism itself to art and literature

And today Egypt exports more revolutions and global urbanization. Indeed Egypt teaches us the whole lesson in civilization, they teach the peoples of the world. We are Arabs. The cradle of civilization, always an example of civilization.

Perhaps the last century was a black dot with its successive hotbeds of corruption.

But the people ... the PEOPLE, the PEOPLE ... they decided, they spoke, they sacrificed, and they succeeded.

Today is the day that all Arab leaders feared - Liberation Day. Liberation of the Arabs and liberation of the Arab mind from oppression and tyranny and centuries of dictators.

Thank you Egypt and thank you Tunisia.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2011, 03:19:13 AM »
Thank you Henny ,this is good stuff.

We are getting good reports on the media, but it is a great deal less personal.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2011, 12:38:26 PM »
Thanks, Henny. Great writing. It seems like what Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay went through after they got rid of the generals.

It looks like Algeria and Yemen are beginning to look like Egypt, the strategy being to gather in the street and stay there until the government is forced to give up. Technology like Twitter, Google, and video cameras are greatly helping this effort. This strategy was tried in Burma a couple of years ago, but the Burmese army and government are one and the same and they crushed it, killing Buddhist monks in a Buddhist nation. But Burma is not as dependent on the rest of the world as Egypt and Tunisia,and probably Algeria as well. I do not know about Yemen or Jordan. Yemen's main export seems to be kat leaves, which are not used in Europe or even legal there.
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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2011, 12:46:38 PM »
Thanks, Henny. Great writing. It seems like what Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay went through after they got rid of the generals.

It looks like Algeria and Yemen are beginning to look like Egypt, the strategy being to gather in the street and stay there until the government is forced to give up. Technology like Twitter, Google, and video cameras are greatly helping this effort. This strategy was tried in Burma a couple of years ago, but the Burmese army and government are one and the same and they crushed it, killing Buddhist monks in a Buddhist nation. But Burma is not as dependent on the rest of the world as Egypt and Tunisia,and probably Algeria as well. I do not know about Yemen or Jordan. Yemen's main export seems to be kat leaves, which are not used in Europe or even legal there.

I'm hearing reports now that Facebook and Twitter are shut down in Algeria and that the protests are getting more intense.

Jordan is heavily dependent on the world because of the U.S. taxpayer money coming in, so they have to play nice. The only major export here is phosphate, though - other than that, tourism.

Yemen - you know, I'm not sure. I think they have some oil, but they're obviously no major player there. I think coffee too.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2011, 08:11:03 AM »
From Nas, author of The Black Iris of Jordan - my favorite local blogger, hands down - was waiting for him to chime in!

How Egypt Inspired a Generation of Young Arabs

I think, for the most part, the non-Arab world may never quite understand the connection Arabs have to Egypt. While the orientalist tendency has always been to lump everyone in this region in to one group, there is a failure to recognize the intricacies that weave in to the social fabric that blankets the Arab world. For us, Egypt has always been umm il dunya; the cradle of life, the bedrock, the architect. My generation of 20-something year olds grew up in the shadow of our fathers? heroes, predominantly the architect of Pan Arab nationalist, Egypt?s Nasser. It is still, after all these years, often considered a sin bordering on social suicide to insult the memory of Nasser, whether you live in Jordan or Iraq. And we accepted it for a long time. Because there were no heroes. We have been searching in the darkness for the light switch, for the appearance of a leader. We have even conjured up ancient heroes, romanticizing their very existence. Turning history in to legend. Because we have been waiting and no one has appeared.

We assumed that if one day an uprising emerged, it would be at the hands of a bold leader. Another strongman to replace the ones we didn?t like. Never, in our wildest imaginations, did we think this uprising would come from the people. Never did we believe that Egypt, a country that had most convinced only a few weeks before January 25th, that this was a country destined for doom; a country that would collapse under the rubble of poverty and corruption and become the very metaphor of a crumbling Arab world. And with it, place the final nail in the coffin of Nasser?s dream. Never did we think our generation, a generation we ourselves have often labeled as apathetic and alienated - never did we think this would be the generation to lead the uprising. That it would be a leader-less uprising. A secular and ideological-free revolution. A genuine uprising of the people, for the people.

Never did we imagine it would happen peacefully. Never did we imagine millions and millions gathering around a city center. Never did we imagine them refusing to leave; of finishing a journey that has so often been abandoned. Never did we imagine they would write for us a new history. For this has been the failure of the orientalist view - the failure to recognize the relationship of one Arab to another, and of all Arabs to Egypt. The failure to recognize that would happen in Egypt does not stay in Egypt, and what Egyptian did for themselves, they did for the entire Arab world. Every Arab citizen glued to a television screen these past few weeks has been thinking the same thing. They have felt it under their skin, and deep in their bones.

The Egyptian youth have demonstrated for us possibilities we never imagined unfolding within the confines of our region. They showed strength and resolve where we have grown up knowing nothing but weakness and acquiescence. They showed us peace when we have only experienced war. They showed us civility where we have been taught to pursue chaos. They persisted where we have learned to yield.

All of this they have done inadvertently, but they did it nonetheless. They have forced us as a population of youth, an entire generation, to look in the mirror and recognize one important fact: we are the majority. It is we who dictate to them ? not the other way around. It is we who have the power to destroy in a matter of days and weeks, the cage that took them years to build around us.

We will wait to see what future Egyptians build for themselves, and its subsequent affect on us living outside its borders but close enough to feel the heat of the fire they began. We will wait to see if Egypt?s next chapter will be as sound and as peaceful as the one it has just finished writing. We will wait to see what happens, but whatever happens, this 18-day history is something no one can take away from them, or from us. It has been embedded in our memories, replacing all others. Because it is our memory. Not the memory of our fathers?. Not the memory dictated to us in faulty history books. Not old and collecting dust. It is a new history. And it is ours. Our own.

As a Jordanian, as an Arab, as a 20-something year old that has been searching for a hero, for inspiration, for a new history, for a new memory, for something to call my own - this is how I feel. This is me, thanking you.

Egypt, we kneel before you in awe.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2011, 10:07:30 AM »
From Ola at "Cinnamon Zone" (

Beyond Words
To say that Egyptians today made history is an understatement
To say that Egyptians achieved the impossible is an understatement

Henny.....not to rain on the parade....
but isn't it way to early too know this?
These kinds of statements make me think of this quote I saw:
"Only in the Muslim Arab world would a transition
from civilian to military rule be called "progress".
So they got rid of Mubarak.....great.....but cant it get worse?
How do we know who or what happens next?
I know they say elections are coming...
but will they happen?....if they happen will they be fair and open?
Dancing in the street is the easy part....yeaaa hoorah....but making true democracy happen isn't easy.
The Middle East has not had a lot of success with allowing people to decide with democracy who they want their leaders to be
I hope they get true democracy....but will they?
Doesn't history show us that many times brutality is replaced with a new brutality?
Also lets say rulers get in that don't want peace with Israel....
Is it better for the people of Egypt to go to war with Israel?
Look its great to get rid of the "wicked witch of the west"...
But before we rejoice too much....lets see if the replacement is the "wicked witch of the east"!

« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 10:45:45 AM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2011, 10:22:38 AM »
Henny.....not to rain on the parade....
but isn't it way to early too know this?
These kinds of statements make me think of this quote I saw:
"Only in the Muslim Arab world would a transition
from civilian to military rule be called "progress".
So they got rid of Mubarak.....great.....but cant it get worse?
How do we know who or what happens next?
I know they say elections are coming...
but will they happen?....if they happen will they be fair and open?
Dancing in the street is the easy part....yeaaa hoorah....but making true democracy happen isn't easy.
The Middle East has not had a lot of success with allowing people to decide with democracy who they want their leaders to be
I hope they get true democracy....but will they?
Doesn't history show us that many times brutality is replaced with a new brutality?
Also lets say rulers get in that don't want peace with Israel....
Is it better for the people of Egypt to go to war with Israel?
Look its great to get rid of the "wicked witch of the west"...
But before we rejoice to much....lets see if the replacement is the "wicked witch of the east"!

I agree with every single thing you've said her CU4. Everything. It is a "wait and see" thing right now.

But I can't help but be buoyed by seeing the optimism of the people here - people who were so apathetic before. Anyway, these blogs are the closest thing I can give the group to the feeling on the "Arab street" following Mubarak's exit. Normally, I wouldn't call the blogs representative of the people because they only really represent the middle, upper middle and upper class segments of the society, but in this case everyone is in tune.


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2011, 12:24:28 PM »


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2011, 02:25:39 PM »
Let's all keep thinking positive.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Some Jordanian Blogs
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2011, 01:56:05 AM »
"Only in the Muslim Arab world would a transition
from civilian to military rule be called "progress"."
The Young Turks and later Ataturk taking over Turkey was another example of an enlightened military replacing an antiquated, corrupt and stodgy old regime.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."