Author Topic: Control Freaks on the move trying to criminalize if you dont agree with them!  (Read 390 times)

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Ban on Circumcision Could Become Law in Santa Monica     

KTLA News -  May 27, 2011

SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- Circumcising a boy under the age of 18, even for religious reasons,
may soon be against the law in Santa Monica.

A proposed ban on circumcision is already on the November ballot in San Francisco.

Now supporters of the MGM Bill, which stands for male genital mutilation, are hoping to
do the same in Santa Monica.

Female circumcision, or also called female genital mutilation, is already outlawed in the U.S.

Jenna Troutman, a spokeswoman for the group MGM Bill and founder of the
website, says males should get the same protection.

The group describes circumcision as a painful and unnecessary procedure.

But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, circumcision
has been associated with a lower risk for HIV, urinary infections and the transmission
of STD's

Circumcision of male infants is a religious requirement in Judaism and some say a
ban would be a violation of the 1st Amendment.

The proposed measure in San Francisco would "make it a misdemeanor to circumcise,
excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not
attained the
age of 18,"

Under the San Francisco measure, circumcising a boy would result in a fine of up to $1,000
and up to one year in jail.,0,857021.story

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This is a matter of personal preference of the parents as I see it.

In the 1940's, the goal was to circumcise every boy baby. It was claimed that this was done for hygenic reasons, but it also seems to be closely related to the fact that a large number of American doctors were Jewish, and this was a precaution against the Nazi invasion, the idea being that Jews can be identified more easily, and of course, who would join the Nazis if they "looked Jewish".

Most Protestant doctors recommended circumcision. The only boys in my gym class who were not circumcised were Catholics.

Obscene graffiti was always circumcised.

I doubt that this law will pass, if indeed it is even on any ballot..

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