Author Topic: How do you fear something currently not possible?  (Read 23594 times)

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Re: How do you fear something currently not possible?
« Reply #120 on: February 14, 2011, 10:45:11 PM »
Ami....I don't really see the point in continuing this discussion....
It's becoming boring to me (on a political board)....the more empirical data I read
So I will close with this final post......
I will say this was a fun, good thread
I learned a lot....I now feel I am better informed about the
dangers of eating raw meat than I was before this started
For that I honestly do thank you.
On a humorous note... I also enjoy catching you in errors
Because I know your brother is kind of like you
and I know making even tiny errors drives the perfectionists crazy.....
even if it's something as small as you saying "it's not smoked" and
then sources showing it is sometimes smoked.....sorry but it is funny!

But ya know.... you post....I post....we obviously will never whats the point your peanut strawman....did I ever claim other foods dont have dangers too?
....come on...Jezzzz!

Did I ever claim every single person that eats raw meats would die? STRAWMAN ALERT.....
No I never claimed that....I said it's dangerous and that why the video
and the American Medical community says it is.

You post some rare exception and then pretend that it overrides all the other data
The Intuit are forced to eat raw unprepared meat....
and are supposedly healthy for "millenia" love that one!
As if having the opportunity to have some veggies might not have made them healthier.
Maybe they had to work/exercise more.....who says it's only because they were forced
to eat only raw meat?
You're like the guy that says "my uncle smoked and drank heavily and was
strong as an ox and lived til he was 100"...."see! see! that proves it must be ok to smoke and drink heavily to be strong and healthy"  ::)

I think the majority of the US Scientific Community agrees with me
and if you and I arrived at Baylor Hospital Gastro Dept and set
up a meeting to discuss the pros/cons of eating raw unprepared
meat with their top gastro doctors I really believe you would be
laughed out of the meeting.....but obviously you think differently.
In my mind you play insane if I don't post an article about
someone dying from eating raw meat that overrides the countless
sources of medical experts warning of eating undercooked meats as
if all the medical experts must be wrong if I don't have a time and date
of some obituary. Sorry I think the world respected doctors I have
read and sourced on this issue know more about it than you do.
There are good health reasons that raw meat torn off animals is
not served at Denny's......but if you think serving the
uncooked-unprepared anus of Zebra at Denny's would be fine....
hey that's on you. Lions might like it.....not humans and it would
make humans sick, sick, sick.'s been fun, educational, and a good laugh!

Consumption Of Raw Fish Raises Potential Health Concerns For Consumers

ScienceDaily (Oct. 15, 2007) ?

Two case studies from Japan presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology
point to a potential health problem in the United States, as more Americans consume raw fish in the form of sushi
and sashimi. Anisakiasis (round worm) is a human parasitic infection caused by the consumption of raw or
undercooked seafood containing Anisakis larvae.
Consumers should be aware that while larvae for the parasitic worm Anisakis cannot survive in a human host,
the ingested larvae can produce severe intestinal problems warranting a visit to the emergency room.

When ingested by humans, the larvae attach themselves to the tissues lining the stomach and intestines,
resulting in sudden abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Since the larvae cannot survive in humans
and eventually die, intestinal anisakiasis usually resolves on its own.

Researchers in Japan examined two cases of intestinal anisakiasis presenting as an obstruction of the small intestine.
In each case, both patients, ages 64 and 70, were rushed to the emergency room with sudden abdominal pain and
vomiting after eating raw sardines as sashimi two days earlier. The diagnosis of anisakiasis in the stomach can easily
be confirmed by endoscopy.

However, small intestinal anisakiasis is difficult to diagnose. Both patients had abdominal X-rays showed air-fluid
levels suggesting a small intestinal obstruction. Using a multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT), doctors
obtained high quality images of the small bowel, and found the intestinal blockage was caused by the presence
of Anisakis larvae. Fluid replacement and resting immediately relieved the patients' symptoms.

Because the symptoms of anisakiasis can mimic other gastrointestinal diseases, it might potentially be misdiagnosed
as appendicitis, acute abdomen (peritonitis) or stomach ulcers. According to Mashahiro Matshushita, MD of Haibara
General Hospital, "Anisakiasis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of small intestinal obstruction."
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 11:35:20 AM by Christians4LessGvt »
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