Author Topic: Muslims Could Be Spreading Ebola  (Read 1151 times)

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Muslims Could Be Spreading Ebola
« on: October 20, 2014, 01:53:20 PM »
Muslims Could be Spreading Ebola Already

You certainly won't hear this news from Washington or its media lackeys.

Islamic burial rituals are contributing to the Ebola outbreak.

According to AINA, a great many Ebola victims are Muslim (some 73% of Sierra Leone's population, 85% of Guinea's, and 13% of Liberia's), and what Muslims do with their dead could be part of the reason why health officials are having such trouble containing the disease in West Africa.

According to Sharia law, when a Muslim dies, relatives of the deceased wash the body in a bathing ritual known as Ghusl, but not before compressing the abdomen to rid the body of any fluids still therein. A dead body must be washed in order for it to be considered pure and thus make a successful ascent to Paradise. Once the body has been purged of remaining fluids and bathed thoroughly, relatives cover it in a linen shroud.

However, it is important to note that a dead Ebola victim is potentially more dangerous dead than alive, as the corpse is riddled with rashes, blood, and other virus-carrying bodily fluids.  Not only are those involved in the cleansing ritual put at great risk of contracting the virus, but the funeral attendees are as well;  funeral attendees wash their hands, feet, and face from a common bowl before burial of the body. This ritual alone seriously increases the risk of infection.

Even a World Health Organization (WHO) spokesperson agreed, "Funerals and washing dead bodies in West African countries have led, to a great extent, to spread the disease." Ah, so it's not just a conservative conspiracy to discriminate against Muslims, imagine that.

Furthermore, the WHO has advised Red Cross and other healthcare workers in Ebola-ravaged regions to be sensitive to cultural and religious practices but to help explain to families why some of these practices must be suspended because of the public risk they pose. So far, this strategy hasn't yielded positive results. Last month, healthcare workers in Guinea were attacked while trying to bury Ebola victims safely, and in another instance, family members of Ebola dead stole the body bags from the Red Cross, opened them, and all contracted the disease because of it.

The U.N. has warned the public that a catastrophe is imminent if more isn't done to control the spread of the disease, and even Saudi Arabia has barred travel from Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. President Obama has refused to follow suit. Once again political correctness takes precedence over national security.
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Re: Muslims Could Be Spreading Ebola
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 02:53:40 PM »
they must of also have a alternate custom for the decease incase the body is not available for washing and viewing. meaning their gonna have switch to that one for now. they can`t say it`s against their belief.


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Re: Muslims Could Be Spreading Ebola
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 08:39:35 PM »
The Catholics are going to have to watch out with their Extreme Unction as well.

How clever: let's link Muslims and Ebola.
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