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Guest 08:32:29 AM Viewing the topic I am anxious to hear the right-wing spin on this tid-bit of truth. .
Guest 08:32:27 AM Viewing the topic Desperately Trying To Pass the Buck.
Guest 08:32:25 AM Viewing the topic Look Outside D.C. for Grown Up Government .
Guest 08:32:24 AM Viewing the topic Fisherman arrested for stabbing bait-stealing sea lion.
Guest 08:32:20 AM Viewing the topic Cliven Bundy: terrorist, or ignorant jerk?.
Guest 08:32:19 AM Viewing the topic The Clinton Legacy: North Korea's Bomb.
Guest 08:32:10 AM Viewing the topic President George Bush Kicking A$$.
Guest 08:32:06 AM Viewing the topic The founders' ACTUAL intent.
Guest 08:32:03 AM Viewing the topic Back from South America.
Guest 08:32:00 AM Viewing the topic How do you post a "toon"?.
Guest 08:31:57 AM Viewing the topic Fordham Goes Down Swinging.
Guest 08:31:53 AM Viewing the topic 'Just a Comma' Becomes Part of Iraq Debate.
Guest 08:31:52 AM Viewing the topic McChrystal fired.....Obama picks Petraeus for Afghanistan.
Guest 08:31:43 AM Viewing the topic McCain Backs Free Healthcare for Illegal Aliens.
Guest 08:31:29 AM Viewing the topic Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?.
Guest 08:31:17 AM Viewing the topic Looks like Bush decided to take Ben Stein's advice....
Guest 08:31:15 AM Viewing the board 3DHS.
Guest 08:31:06 AM Viewing the topic Name the bad guy.
Guest 08:31:05 AM Viewing the topic Speaking of N. Korea.
Guest 08:31:04 AM Viewing the topic Question(s) & Observations from the R side of the aisle.
Guest 08:30:53 AM Viewing the topic McChrystal fired.....Obama picks Petraeus for Afghanistan.
Guest 08:30:45 AM Viewing the topic The Prodigal Son.
Guest 08:30:25 AM Viewing the topic dangers of eating your greens.
Guest 08:30:21 AM Viewing the topic Who should be the top 3 choices to replace SoS John Kerry?.
Guest 08:30:09 AM Viewing the topic Michelle shovels food down like no tomorrow.
Guest 08:30:00 AM Viewing the topic MS of "Day in the Life" lyrics up for auction.
Guest 08:29:48 AM Viewing the topic The New Myth About Climate Change.
Guest 08:29:22 AM Viewing the topic Sex change operation?.
Guest 08:29:22 AM Viewing the topic Thanks Merkel! Only 34,000 out of 1.2 million German migrants work.
Guest 08:28:12 AM Viewing the topic And still more draft Biden/Warren verbage.