
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Stray Pooch on June 27, 2010, 01:49:46 AM

Title: Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
Post by: Stray Pooch on June 27, 2010, 01:49:46 AM
Remember that guy whose guitar got destroyed by United Airlines and they wouldn't compensate?  He wrote a series of songs about it and embarrassed United royally. 

Well, I found out about this from a FB friend. (  His mother's ashes were lost byDelta!  What is really funny is that the article talks about his wife, Rebeccah.  He isn't married to her.  His wife is named Sunny.  This is jus great, yet anothr false media report of Mormon polygamy - lol!

The good news is that all ended well.  The bad news is, according to Carl, the attendant told Rebeccah that she (the attendant) wasn't paid enough to care.  Incredible.  I hope her pay just dropped by about, oh, say 100%.
Title: Re: Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
Post by: Stray Pup on June 27, 2010, 02:43:02 AM
Seriously.  You don't say that to the customers.  You say that behind their back, after they've left the lobby.   :D

But wow.  Losing an urn of cremains is pretty bad.  If my corpse needs to be moved, I'll stick with Amtrak.
Title: Re: Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
Post by: Amianthus on June 28, 2010, 10:19:44 PM
But wow.  Losing an urn of cremains is pretty bad.  If my corpse needs to be moved, I'll stick with Amtrak.

UCS - United Corpse Service - "Friends help you move, we help you move bodies."
Title: Re: Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on June 28, 2010, 10:49:21 PM
it seems many are turning to cremation these days...
cost saving...and other reasons I suppose
i see the ads in the local newspaper for like $699 "complete cremation"
whatever that means? is there something called "incomplete cremation"?
i hear there is some new "green" way of disposal called "resomation"
i also see cremation store fronts popping up around town
i'm old fashioned and don't want cremation
but to each his own

Title: Re: Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
Post by: Stray Pup on June 28, 2010, 11:30:53 PM
i see the ads in the local newspaper for like $699 "complete cremation"
whatever that means? is there something called "incomplete cremation"?

Yeah, they leave the skull untouched and you use that as an urn.  It also makes a great Halloween prop.

(just lost all credibility in this forum).

But yeah, I agree. I'd rather be buried than cremated any day.  I mean I really suppose in the grand scheme it won't matter to me so much when I'm dead, but I'd like to think my body was entitled to rest.
Title: Re: Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
Post by: Plane on June 29, 2010, 12:03:05 AM
Buryed at sea is my favoriate , surprised I was to learn that there is often an assumption that cremation should precede buryal at sea, as if there wre no fish.
Title: Re: Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on June 29, 2010, 11:57:10 AM
Whether you are cremated or not, the fish are still going to have a go at you. Perhaps fifferent fish: a shark would prefer to snack on your corpse, but as ashes, you might be more toothsome to a plankton.

Romans used cremation. More hygienic and does not take good farmland out of circulation. The Zoroastrians favored disposal by buzzard, which does not go well with increased urbanization. Nothing puts a guy off more than when a buzzard drops a corpse finger in his Fetuccini Alfredo.

The original reason for Christians to favor burial was (a) it was what Jews did, a habit they got from the Egyptians. Appropriate for Egypt, a country where most of the country is perfectly suited for burial: there is no other good use for the desert, and it helps mummify you. Then Jesus went and rose from the dead, and it became dogma that everyone was gonna get their body back, as in "I believe in the resurrection of the body" in the Apostles Creed. 

God, of course, is omnipotent, capable and willing to resurrect a blessed martyr from an assembledge of lion turds, but the idea of the Holy Mother Church is that cremation is just making God's job too unnecessarily difficult.

Finally, unless you are buried, you have no hope of ever becoming a zombie.
Title: Re: Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
Post by: kimba1 on June 29, 2010, 02:18:22 PM
burial is alot more complexx than a cremation
up the service it relatively the same.

but remember a burial plot can cost 5k-50k and a tombstone takes 3 to 6 month after the burial to install.
and the cost of the vault( the contanier for the coffin-I think it for people standing to not sink into the ground) cremation is vastly less costly and simplier. but I personally find it very upsetting to hear that furnace blasting away. not easy for me at all.