
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Christians4LessGvt on July 28, 2010, 01:41:06 PM

Title: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 28, 2010, 01:41:06 PM
The Founder of WikiLeaks and His Secret Life

By John Perazzo on Jul 28th, 2010  


WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, previously famous for leaking a video of an American helicopter attack in Baghdad that killed several people (with a scene showing one of them carrying a rocket-propelled grenade edited out), is making headlines again this time for his data dump of classified material about the war in Afghanistan. His supporters like to think of him as "an Internet freedom fighter." Assange himself has collaborated with this image by making pious assertions about the value of "transparency" of the sort WikiLeaks has produced for reducing international corruption and creating better government. But Assange's own profile, far from that of a conscientious moral critic bent on revealing unethical behavior, shows the evolution of an information vandal sublimely indifferent to those who might be put at risk by his behavior.

Born in Australia in 1971, Assange grew up in an unanchored family which had moved 37 times by the time he was 14. His cheap teenage thrills involved invading the secure worlds that others created. By 1987, Assange had established a reputation as a sophisticated computer programmer who could break into even the most well-protected networks. But he indicated his real intentions by joining with two fellow hackers to form a group that became known as the International Subversives. They broke into computer systems from Europe to North America, including, most notably, networks belonging to the U.S. Defense Department and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In a book to which he contributed "Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier" Assange tried to create an aura of morality around this activity, defining what he called the Golden Rules of the hacker subculture: don't damage computer systems you break into (including crashing them); don't change the information in those systems (except for altering logs to cover your tracks); and share information."

Hacking remained an obsession for Assange throughout his late teens; the excitement he derived from it was only amplified by his knowledge that federal authorities were doggedly trying to catch him and his fellow "Subversives." This self-dramatization continues today, as Assange constantly moves from place to place, maintaining no real home, because he fears that international governmental agencies, particularly those in the U.S., may have targeted him for reprisal for the leaks he has orchestrated.

In September 1991, Assange hacked into the master terminal that the Canadian telecom company Nortel maintained in Melbourne. Soon thereafter, he was caught by federal investigators and was charged with 31 counts of hacking and related offenses. Facing a potential sentence of a decade behind bars, Assange pled guilty to 25 charges and 6 were dropped. At his final sentencing, the judge went easy on him: "There is just no evidence that there was anything other than sort of intelligent inquisitiveness and the pleasure of being able to "what's the expression" surf through these various computers." Thus Assange escaped with the lightest of penalties and the payment of a small fine.

After the hacking trial, Assange lived below the radar in Melbourne for a number of years, working variously as a computer programmer and software developer, among other pursuits. He also studied physics and math at the University of Melbourne. Then, in 2006, he began the process of creating WikiLeaks, a website that would publish confidential government documents and images. His inspiration for this brainstorm was the infamous Daniel Ellsberg, who in 1971 the year of Assange's birth had published the Pentagon Papers.

Shortly after getting WikiLeaks off the ground, Assange flew to Kenya to attend the World Social Forum  " yearly symposium dedicated to the redistribution of wealth and the eradication of capitalism " where he delivered a presentation about his new website. (
Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 28, 2010, 02:01:27 PM
Sounds to me like if you favor transparency, this has to be your guy. If the CIA were competent, he wouldn't have a chance. But they aren't. Too bad. Now they will have to earn their keep.
Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 28, 2010, 05:28:23 PM
If the CIA were competent, he wouldn't have a chance.

You could use that twisted logic on any treason case.
Shift the blame away from the traitor, by claiming incompetence by the authorities.
I would like to see this chump Julian ASSange at the bloody end of a snipers rifle.

Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Michael Tee on July 28, 2010, 09:41:08 PM
Assange's a hero.  The military who claimed the victims of the New Baghdad massacre were killed in a "battle" were exposed as the lying bastards they really are, and the killers who laughed and joked as they gunned down innocent civilians, including two kids in a van that stopped to rescue the wounded, can't very well maintain the myth of the heroic warrior now, can they?  LMFAO at those cowardly shits.  Assange, you rock!!!

How the hell can any sane person protest when lying bastards are exposed for their lies and when cowardly cold-blooded murderers of unarmed civilians are exposed for what they are?

Assange tells us what it's really all about.  Tells the truth where the U.S. Army tells only lies.  But some people can't stand the truth or the truth-teller.  The urge to shoot the messenger is as old as the Crucifixion.

The only scumbags I see in CU4's post are the guys at the butt end of those sniper rifles that he vainly hopes will silence the courageous voice of truth.  May they meet the fate they deserve, and may they meet it soon.
Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 28, 2010, 11:12:57 PM
You will not get your wish fulfilled. He will continue to out the crap that the CIA does,and they willo continue to screw up. They should tear down the CIA and stripe it for parking.
Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: BT on July 29, 2010, 12:01:23 AM
The odds are very good that he will leak documents that are completely false. He will be set up, just like Breitbart was. And his credibility will suffer accordingly.

Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Michael Tee on July 29, 2010, 07:05:39 AM
<<The odds are very good that he will leak documents that are completely false. He will be set up, just like Breitbart was. And his credibility will suffer accordingly.>>

Yeah, his credibility will "suffer" in the eyes of those who have been lied to almost daily by the U.S. government and its military arm for decades and yet continue to believe in them.  Hilarious.
Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: BT on July 29, 2010, 07:40:33 AM
Yeah, his credibility will "suffer" in the eyes of those who have been lied to almost daily by the U.S. government and its military arm for decades and yet continue to believe in them.  Hilarious.

I think anyone with even a cursory knowledge of what was happening in Afghanistan over the last 5 years knew it was an easy theater.

And i think anyone who is familiar with Pakistan knows that their intelligence services go rogue quite often.

But what was hugely surprising was that Sen. John Kerry was quite shocked by the revelations in the leaks and he is Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, for gawd sakes.

Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Michael Tee on July 29, 2010, 10:54:11 AM
Kerry's turned into an empty suit, unfortunately.

My wife, who doesn't follow U.S. or international politics at all, once burst out laughing at Kerry's inane responses to a TV interviewer during his Presidential campaign.  The guy's a joke.

I think the general rule to follow is, if anyone survives the vetting process to become a major-party candidate for President, he's one of them.  Obama, Kerry, Dubya, Gore, McCain all work for the same company and you don't really own any of it.
Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Plane on July 30, 2010, 01:44:45 AM
..previously famous for leaking a video of an American helicopter attack in Baghdad that killed several people (with a scene showing one of them carrying a rocket-propelled grenade edited out),........


I had not heard this , Is the full version availible?
Title: Re: WikiLeaks Scumbag
Post by: Michael Tee on July 30, 2010, 01:06:34 PM
The helicopter had a silencer on it, so the guy with the RPG never heard it coming and was therefore never able to point his weapon at it, let alone get a shot off.  That also explains why none of the victims of the massacre assumed firing positions, took cover or tried to run away.  Helicopter silencers are apparently very, very effective. 

As for the full, unedited version, have no fear - - the DOD is hard at work making one for you, and should have the finished product ready for release any day now.