
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: sirs on January 02, 2015, 05:59:08 PM

Title: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 02, 2015, 05:59:08 PM
One problem......a gaping one at that (
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 03, 2015, 10:27:35 AM
Palestine is not mentioned either.

As my Aunt Maud was wont to say, "If you cannot say anything good, just don't say anything."

It would be proper to show Israel as approved by the UN in 1947, and then label everything else up the borders of  Egypt, Lebanon. Syria and Jordan as "disputed territory". Because it is disputed territory.

Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 03, 2015, 10:54:01 AM
Palestine is not mentioned either.

A) Palestine isn't a country
b) this was being used as a current geography map/atlas, not a "historical one"
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 03, 2015, 07:23:26 PM
There is a Palestinian territory. If it isn't a nation, it is only because of the US  veto power.

Publishing is a profit making business. It says nothing about pollution on the gasoline pump at the Exxon Station either, or about how fattening the burger at the Burger King are. It is not illegal to leave the word "Israel" off a map in an atlas.

If Israel doesn't like it, let them sue. There is not a shortage of Jewish lawyers.

Israel claims it wants a two state solution, but refuses to negotiate. The plan is to annex everything but Gaza.

It's time read Netanyahu the riot act and tell him to get cracking on negotiations or goodbye Iron Dome.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Plane on January 03, 2015, 07:51:36 PM
   Iron Dome does not depend on us.

   It may be derived from the "PATRIOT" missile but it isn't a US product any more than that.

    What sort of negotiation should he be trying to do?

       Seems as if his experience is that every concession enables an atrocity.

         Why do Palestinians want harsher apartheid?
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 03, 2015, 08:09:44 PM
There is a Palestinian territory. If it isn't a nation, it is only because of the US  veto power.

LOL.....back that up.  Your opinion of the U.S. using veto power to stop the naming of some territory Palestine, doesn't hold water, I'm afraid.  In fact, there's a sirs' territory here in CA, but the Chinese have veto power over it, being called a nation.  There,.... just as much "fact" as your claim

Israel claims it wants a two state solution, but refuses to negotiate. The plan is to annex everything but Gaza

You have that bass-ackwards.  Israel wants to negotiate, but there can be negotiation when the other side refuses to acklowedge your very existance

Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Plane on January 03, 2015, 10:28:28 PM

Israel claims it wants a two state solution, but refuses to negotiate. The plan is to annex everything but Gaza

You have that bass-ackwards.  Israel wants to negotiate, but there can be negotiation when the other side refuses to acklowedge your very existance

   Is negotiation possible in the first place?

   I really don't see that the Palestinians have the ability to offer peace no matter what the concession might be, there isn't a Palestinian authority that can really give peace a chance.

     This was always Yassir Arafat's problem, he could organize a fight , but his authority to organize a peace was less.

Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 04, 2015, 03:15:44 PM
Each and every time they are about to negotiate, Israel does something that it knows will provoke a conflict with the Palestinians. Nearly all the news we get in the US is Israeli propaganda and not to be trusted.

The US subsidies Israel to the tune of over $4000 per Israeli per year and has been doing that forever. Israel stands for practices that are abhorrent to Americans: discrimination, unity of religion and state, and subsidizing religious ne'er do wells with tax money. OUR tax money.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Plane on January 04, 2015, 04:31:07 PM
Each and every time they are about to negotiate, Israel does something that it knows will provoke a conflict with the Palestinians. ....

  Yes , and when they are too slow about it the Palestinians do the provocation for them.

   I would not mind if they were more serious about negotiation, and you seem to like the idea , but where is the evidence that there is a significant Palestinian will to negotiate?

    What you are saying here is perfectly even on both sides , there is a very strong faction that prefers to fight .

    Even if there is an equally strong faction willing to negotiate , there is a natural advantage to the pro-fight faction that can keep a chain of irritating incidents running. the pro-peace faction , would have to be very strong indeed to control its own contrary hawks.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 05, 2015, 12:45:29 PM
The obvious goal of Netanyahu is to delay negotiations forever. He does not want a two state solution, when he says he does, it is only lip service.

The US should treat Israel and Palestine EQUALLY.  Both the Jews and the Palestinians have the same rights, and the US treats them unequally.
 It is REVOLTING to see our Congress sucking up to that goddamn Netanyuhu every time he comes a-begging. They do not honor the leaders of Canada, the UK, Mexico or any other country in the same way. Netanyahu is an expert at manipulating the fools we elect. It is disgraceful.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 05, 2015, 07:13:27 PM
Where as the obvious goal of Hamas & the Palestinians is to destroy the very state of Israel.  Hard to even begin to work around a "2 state solution" when one of those states has no intention of accepting the other
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 06, 2015, 11:32:34 AM
That is just a crock of bullshit. You are simply a gullible fool.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 06, 2015, 12:24:25 PM
Great rebuttal.....completely avoiding all current facts and reality.  2 parties require that each party aknowledge the right of the other to exist, for ANY negotiation to go foward.  Regardless of what you believe as Isreal "delaying things", or your supposed ability to read Netanyahu's mind, as to what his true intentions are, Hamas & the Palestinians actively demonstrate the goal of removing Israel from the region, both verbally and in their political platforms.  Including only accepting atlasas that don't include the country of Israel
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Plane on January 06, 2015, 10:26:55 PM
  I haven't seen a lot of evidence that the "two state solution " is popular with Palestinians.

Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 07, 2015, 04:55:43 PM
That is because you only listen to Zionist propaganda. The PLO has said this many, many times.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 07, 2015, 05:27:16 PM
Apparently you only listen to Islamic propaganda.  Go figure
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Plane on January 07, 2015, 06:16:14 PM
That is because you only listen to Zionist propaganda. The PLO has said this many, many times.

That is evidence?

Then what the Israeli government says must be equal evidence , and what they do is not.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 08, 2015, 01:00:10 PM
The Zionists do not want to negotiate. They just want to make it look like they do, so Americans don't feel like idiots for supporting their nasty little beggar apartheid government.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 08, 2015, 02:11:06 PM
How ironic, the Islamics, like Hamas & PLO, do not want to negotiate either.  They just want to make it look like they do, so gullible sanctimonious libs don't feel like idiots for supporting their nasty terrorist-supporting government
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 08, 2015, 08:39:02 PM
I am not required to pay taxes to support Hamas ot the PLO. My taxes do pay for Israel. 

Israel is not worth my trouble. I should not have to support Israel any more than I should be forced to support Hindus or Muslims in  Kashmire, or Azeria and /or Armenians in Nagorny Karabakh. It is not my concern.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Plane on January 08, 2015, 10:01:28 PM
I am not required to pay taxes to support Hamas ot the PLO.

You should look into that.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Plane on January 08, 2015, 10:03:28 PM
The Zionists do not want to negotiate. They just want to make it look like they do, so Americans don't feel like idiots for supporting their nasty little beggar apartheid government.

The Palestinians do not want to negotiate. They just want to make it look like they do, so Americans don't feel like idiots for supporting their nasty little beggar apartheid government.

Well,... that was not much work.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 08, 2015, 10:30:20 PM
I am not required to pay taxes to support Hamas ot the PLO. My taxes do pay for Israel. are.  To the tune of about 400million.  Nor are you "supporting Israel" either.  But hey, I have to pay for abortions, with my taxes, so I guess we're both screwed

Point being that have no intention of negotiating a 2 state solution, so the idea that you can decry how evil Israel supposedly is, completely ignores that the other party in this matter, has no intention of accepting a 2 state solution either.

If you could only manage to condemn both, you might have a credible leg to stand on.  But because Israel can actually defend itself far better, they're supposedly the bad guys in this picture.  So, if more of them were killed, then things would actually be better     ::)

Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 08, 2015, 11:19:57 PM
No one needs to be killed.

American Jews can send donations off to Israel as charity for practically anything and have it count as charity. That means you and I must pay more in taxes to support their charity. In addition, the US has, over the years, send around $4000 for every man, woman and child in Israel.

You are not paying for abortions, don't even try. You just want to inflict your narrow tiny views on women you do not even know because you were brainwashed in Church. Women are every bit as smart as you, many are smarter. They have the right to make up their own minds.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 09, 2015, 02:46:05 AM
No one needs to be killed.

Then tell that to the Palestinians, who's Hamas run government rain rockets into Israel, and suicide bombers target innocent men women & children.  Tell that to those Palestinian parents who teach their children how evil Israel is, and doesn't belong (as a neighboring nation).  Yes, that's rhetorical, as obviously no one's going to listen to you.  If anything we're "supporting" the Palestinians far more than we are Israel The point being that we give aide to both Israel & the Palestinians.  So your tax dollars are being abused just as much as mine are.  That's just tough beans

And I think will just bypass the idiocy in trying to claim that I think women aren't as smart as I.  oy    ::)

Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on January 09, 2015, 11:40:42 AM
A pregnant woman is certainly more concerned about bearing her own child than you are about her bearing it. She will be the one whose life will be affected by it for the next 20 years or so, while to you, using the Jackbooted Thugs of Government Repression to force her to bear it is just some sort of victory that you will have forgotten within a month.

Just let the woman decide. It is none of your fucking business.
Especially if you did none of the fucking part.
Title: Re: A Study of "Geography"?
Post by: sirs on January 09, 2015, 12:09:19 PM
Poor attempt at changing the subject.  Not subtle enough.  As I said, I think we can skip the idiocy of trying to claim how I'm supposedly smarter than women.  The abortion deflection has noething to do with the intelligence....... of anyone.  I can't count how many times you decry how someone isn't paying attention to the topic of the thread.  Perhaps start practicing what you preach