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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

Pages: 1 ... 1853 1854 [1855] 1856 1857 ... 1862
3DHS / Re: Rummy resigns...
« on: November 09, 2006, 12:45:50 AM »
The principaled do things that appear stupid sometimes.

This could be true, but Juniorbush sacking Rummy after the election was more a case of the stupid doing the long overdue at a time when it would bring the least possible benefit.

You will go blind looking for principles among the Bushites. They are as devoid of them as an elephant is of eels.

3DHS / Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« on: November 09, 2006, 12:34:46 AM »
No, there's no bias here. The Dow has been hitting record highs for some time now.

So whacking fut?

(1) This is not happeneing as a result of anything Juniorbush has done.
(2) The Dow is only 30 companies. The S&P 500 is more important by far, and the Wiltshire 5000 more important still.

The Dow is pretty much meaningless as an indicator of the entire economy. Anyone familiart with investments knows this.

Observe electing DEMOCRATS seems to be a sign of future prosperity. This war is inflationary by nature and drains money away from our economy.

3DHS / Re: Rummy resigns...
« on: November 08, 2006, 03:27:26 PM »
  :'( Buh-Bye, Rummy  :'(Juniorbush said he didn't announce Rummy's resignation until now because he didn't want to "politicize" the election.

Hunh?  God Forfend an election should be politicized!

The three Stooges -Juniorbush, Rummy and Dickhead- were clearly incompetent about how little they knew about the situation in Iraq. Following this, they were droolingly incompetent about how little they knew about how Iraqi society was likely to fly apart when Saddam was gone.

But now they have shown that they were even incompetent about how long they had to actually pull off their conquest of Iraq. Clearly, 2006 was as long as they could possibly be given.

3000 dead American troops, many more maimed and driven mad, and great whacking fistfulls of dollars, arms and ammo are also more than the people will tolerate, but they should at least have understood the American people.

What a sad, sad bunch of stooges they have turned out to be.

3DHS / Re: Daniel Ortega
« on: November 08, 2006, 01:50:08 PM »
You cannot compare Belize and Nicaragua. Belize has no more than 160,000 people. Nicaragua has about 5 million. Belize was never controlled by the US, and never had a dictator like the Somozas and Sacasty families that owned nearly everything that was not owned by foreigners.

Belize has a small tourist industry that is popular with rich Americans in the Cays because in Belize they speak English. The Reef off Belize iis second only to Australia's Great Barrier Reef in size. In Belize, the weather is dry during US vacation seasons: On the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua, it rains and rains and rains some more.

A small tourist industry can have an impact on a small population.  Nicaragua doesn't have much to offer the average American tourist, who loves to be pampered.

Reagan screwed Nicaragua for a generation. Between the 1977 Managua earthquake and Reagan's goons, the country was in awful shape.

3DHS / Re: Good morning!
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:39:49 AM »
 ;D It's morning in America!  ;D

3DHS / Re: A letter from Newt
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:37:28 AM »
(1) Impeach, convict, remove and imprision Dickhead Cheney.
(2) Impeach, convict, remove and imprision Sockpuppet Juniorbush.
(3) Send Rummy along to prison so they will have company.

Salute President Pelosi! Viva Pelosi!

3DHS / Re: Daniel Ortega
« on: November 07, 2006, 10:01:41 PM »
Get hosed.
And take your damned Prometheus with you.

3DHS / Re: Daniel Ortega
« on: November 07, 2006, 06:28:16 PM »
Since I qualify to be a member of Prometheus, I don't have any concerns.

Who the eff is Prometheus, and why should this impress me?

i am thus far entirely unimpressed by you or Prometheus

3DHS / Re: Torture & Murder by the Bush Administration in Iraq
« on: November 07, 2006, 02:12:04 PM »
It is the Why that won the publics support , I do not consider this inconsequential.

No, it isn't. Not even close.

The Americans supported the conquest of Iraq because thet were told that Saddam had nuclear, biological and chemical weapons that would be used against the American people unless we elected Juniorbush's sorry butt. None of this was actually TRUE, and now most people oppose the invasion, because it was the wrong idea carried out with major incompetence.

The Iraqi public supports the US occupation far less than the Americams do. 65% of them favor shooting at an American soldier i9n their country.

3DHS / Re: Daniel Ortega
« on: November 07, 2006, 02:01:24 PM »
Hey, seems like it's one of your trademarks. Afraid if someone else does the same thing as you?


Do you sense that I am AFRAID of YOU?

Your sensors need work.

Should I not expect your answers to be better than mine?

Do you not aspire to something beyond the average?

Being my copycat seems to be beneath your wit and erudition as well, and yet, you copy.

Is is not good advice to tell Plane - or anyone - that he should not be anything he cannot spell?

3DHS / Re: Daniel Ortega
« on: November 07, 2006, 10:04:28 AM »
That's the best you can do, Bozo?

3DHS / Re: The Choice Was Never Clearer
« on: November 07, 2006, 10:02:15 AM »
Insert Quote
A careful examination of the candidates and their platforms will better serve this nation.

So you actually think that candidates are likely to do what they promised in their PLATFORMS?

Wannabe Gov. Charlie Crist claims that he has a plan to do something about (he never said 'lower') our homeowners' insurance rates. But he won't say what it is or when his clever plan will take effect.

After eight years of misrule by Jebbiebush, Juniorbush's smarter brother, our educational statndards are about 47th out of 50 in a fairly prosperous state. What does Crist favor? More of Jebbie's silly FCAT tests.

Despite his name,Crist isn't Jesus' bro.

He has taken at least $3 million from the insurance companies, almost certainly a lot more.

So I am going to vote for this Ted Baxter lookalike jerk?

No effing way.

Not voting for Katherine Harris, either.

The GOP has screwed this country royally. They deserve to be kicked hard, in the balls, laid low and writhing in pain,so as to cause the very few honest members to take charge of their warmongering, bungling, thieving stinking rotten party. The GOP has rotted from the head, and at least we can take out the gills so the head will rot and fall off.

3DHS / Re: Chalabi, Iran's man
« on: November 07, 2006, 09:39:41 AM »
Iriquis were voteing recently and when the people had spoken they had a Government  , this is not garunteed to work perfectly but it is way better than the alternatives.
Oh it is, is it?

Something like 600,000 Iraqis are DEAD as a result of Juniorbush's dumbass conquest, and there is a civil war raging in Iraq. Many Iraqis don't have clean water or electricity, still, after all the money Juniorbush has thrown at Halliburton and whomever to improve things. There is no end in sight to the huge whacking MESS that these asshole Republicans have visited on Iraq and its unflrtunate people.

NO Iraqis were any threat to the US. Invading Iraq only expanded the battleground for the so-called " war on Terror", providing them all sorts of weapons to kill US troops with.

3000 American soldiers are dead.

Hundreds of billions of dollars have been pissed away. Money that any decent Republican would return to you as a tax cut. But Juniorbush isn't decent, and is a Republican only because this is the party that they chose for their stooge to run on.

So no, Iraqis are NOT better off. The US is NOT better off.

It's likely that Halliburton and Dickhead Cheney are better off.

As fopr Chalabi, he's simply an opportunist. He is not on anyone's side but his own. I doubt that he will die of natural causes,

3DHS / Re: Daniel Ortega
« on: November 06, 2006, 07:04:12 PM »
THis is neither strange nor sad.

The foirst time Ortega lost, it was because that foul old bastard Reagan told the people of Nigaragua that he would have his ratwing goons continue killing them unless they elected Violeta Chamorro.

Three terms of ratwingers have not solved most Nicaraguans' problems. Only Haiti is poorer than Nicaragua.

Now the people of Nicaragua know that Juniorbush has placed our country's balls in a vise in Iraq and he is utterly powerless to prevent the Nicaraguans from electing whomever they damn well choose.

I say more power to them.

Viva Ortega!  Muera Bush! Que chingue mucho a su arrugada abuela el pendejo Cheney!

3DHS / Re: Meet the Press
« on: November 06, 2006, 07:49:57 AM »
My job does not directly kill anyone , never has been that.

But I have made certain that F-15s would fire their missles.
I have made certain that Paratroopers could jump from C-141s
I have ensured that the Fuel would flow in an AC-130.

Back when I was in the military my job was to keep my ship afloat and in good condition to bombard a beach with 5" shells weighing seventy five pounds each.

None of these are good career choices for a Mennonite , good thing I am Babtist (mostly).
In your dreams, what you do must be done.

It makes no difference where that beach was, it just needed shelling. The people living there deserved to die. It is a good thing that you were there to kill them, otherwise, they might have.....

done what, exactly?

Not been targets? Sneaked into the US and taken American Jobs?

How would that have affected any of us in the least? (Other than us having to pay through the noise for the F-15's and the bombs and all that wasted fuel), I mean)

Even if you did not work for the current Fascist War Machine, you would have found a job somewhere. The folks at the local Wall*Mart would still have their jobs.

I think you should either choose to be a mennonite (you can spell Mennonite) or learn how to spell Baptist.

It is always best never to be anything you cannot spell.

War is a business. A huge, whacking, destructive stupid business that always has a negative balance sheet.

Had there been no US intervention in Afghanistan, the USSR would have still lost, it would have still collapsed. There would have been no Al Qaeda, and bin Laden would be behind a desk somewhere, ordering Pakis about.

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