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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

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3DHS / The Balls fell of Juniorbush
« on: November 06, 2006, 07:37:21 AM »
The actual LIAR was Sockpuppet Juniorbush, who lied about his being a DESERTER.

The Swiftboat assholes are a bunch of Fascist clowns still whimpering about their losing in Vietnam. They swallowed all the JBK Nixon propaganda and still think that there was some reason for them to have been suckered into a losing, unwinnable war by elist sumbitches who stayed out and saved their worthless butts, like Rove, Juniorbush and Cheney.

The US had nothing to win in Vietnam. They didn't deserve to win, either.
But the one clear winner was the Arms Industry, currently personified by the cowardly Dickhead Cheney.

3DHS / Wicker man movies
« on: November 05, 2006, 08:06:39 PM »
The original Wicker Man was as perfect a film as I have ever seen. They were wrong to remake it, and any changes they may have made it I am sure were for the worse.

In the original, it is a clash between societies: the British society of the inspector played by Lee and the society of the Island, which was pagan and no less logical.

I haven't seen the new version, and I don't know if I really want to.

I am pretty sure that I wouldn't want to se a remake of Little Big Man or Groundhog Day or Easy Rider, either.

3DHS / Re: Kerry Apologizes for 'A Botched Joke'
« on: November 02, 2006, 06:29:49 PM »
If the military is so exceedingly clever, how is it that after three years in Iraq, they have still not subdued the populace?
Is that they are not competent, or could it be that they are indeed competent, but are led by blundering moron civilians like Juniorbush  Cheney and Rumsfeld?

At some point, the truth manifests itself.

I don't think that any substantial number of the troops are in the military because of poor study habits in colllege.
No doubt some, but not many.

Of course, Kerry was referring to Juniorbush not studying and thus obtaining the smarts necessary for him to have seen what a ghastly morass Iraq would become.

3DHS / Re: Priceless
« on: November 02, 2006, 01:33:25 PM »
She was the wealthiest widow in Virginia, not all the colonies.

Was there an annual article on wealthy widows at that time?
You know, like the Forbes 500 of widderladies?

Could you tell us the wealthiest 100 or so widows that are alive today?

I think it would be of benefit to us all if one of us were to wed one of them...

3DHS / Re: God will get you if you don't vote for....
« on: November 02, 2006, 04:02:04 AM »
Harris has no chance.

She's doomed.

Crist has no solutions for anything, he's just an empty suit.

He's probably not even related to Jesus.

I am not voting for either oif these turkeys.

3DHS / Re: When 60 % of US thinks Bush is a jerk,
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:59:31 AM »
Santorum is going down.

Crashandburn, for sure.

Who cares by how much, he's doomed, and rightly so.

We won't hear anymore from him unless he marries his golden retriever.

3DHS / Re: Priceless
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:57:02 AM »
Lamentably, John Kerry can't help them.

Juniorbush, Rummy or Cheney could help them, but won't.

Tough sh*t, hunh?

With luck, they will not be eaten by giant camel spiders.

When they get back, if they get back, maybe the GI Bill will help them enroll in a school where they can learn to spell better.

3DHS / Re: Diversity's Oppressions
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:53:58 AM »
There are many dialects of Chinese. The official language is Mandarin, but Cantonese, Hakka and Wu are also spoken by many millions of people. Hakka is what is spoken in Fukien Province, across the straits from Taiwan.

There is also a Taiwanese language. Everyone who graduates from school in Taiwan speaks Mandarin, and most speak Taiwanese.

My friend Ying was born in Taiwan, and speaks Taiwanese and Mandarin and can understand Hakka. But when we eat at the South Gasrden restaurant, where we like the Yakamein soup for $3.50, he has to speak to them in English, because they speak Cantonese and don't understand almost any Mandarin, Taiwanese or Hakka.

They do understand Shi Shi (thanks).

I think most education in the PRC in the cities nowadays involves learning Mandarin. It has been the official language since before the days of the Gupomindang (Sun Yatsen and the Nationalist party).

Pretty much everyone can READ Chinese, either traditional (as taught in Taiwan) or simplified (the PRC).
The written form is unrelated to the spoken forms.

3DHS / Re: invention ideas submission
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:42:59 AM »
Seriously though , I did have an idea , could a shoe close with a mechanism simular to a ring binder?

They used to sell shoes like this in the 1960's. The tongue closed and heald the shoe together, sort of like a ring binder.

I had several pairs of these. I have not seen them lately.

Velcro closure is your best bet Haband sells shoes with velcro closures.

The Curly shoelaces work, too.

3DHS / Re: John Kerry insults our troops as dumb
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:38:45 AM »
The graduation rate at most universities is a lot lower than you think. 30% or fewer who began college four years ago will finish this year. There are many dropouts. Some do actually join the military.

It is actually true that a person with a healthy instinct for survival might think twice for signing up for the military, considering that the end of the mess in Iraq and Afghanistan is not in sight. It is highly probable that a recent enlistee might be sent to somewhere they will be shot at.

It is quite unlikely that that single enlistee would cause the US tio win a victory in either Iraq or Afghanistan. It is far more likely that they would be killed or maimed horribly.

Let's just say that staying alive would be more difficult for a recent enlistee than it was for a mamber of the Texas or Alabama Airforce
national Guard when Juniorbush was a member, either before or after the yella sumbitch went AWOL.

3DHS / Re: God will get you if you don't vote for....
« on: November 01, 2006, 03:41:51 PM »
There is no particular payback required for doing your job as your job description requires , what part of her participation in the 2000 election was discrectionary?

She was NOT just doing her job. She was actively screwing around to PREVENT the voters' choice from being reported.

She is a spoiled, fatcat, mentally troubled, dingbat superannuated Barbie with a room-temp IQ. There are not enough Floridians who share her personality for any of them to be elected anything.

It is downright scary that she was elected Representative and Secretary of State. I know I didn't vote for her.

3DHS / Re: Diversity's Oppressions
« on: November 01, 2006, 03:22:48 PM »
I totally agree,but us americans are losing our creative edge
ex. our forum has a creative writing section ,but it`s kicking my ass in coming up with something to write.
we are so starve for stories that our movies are using comic books.
don`t get me wrong,I`m a big time comicbook fan and totally completely love that it`s happening.
but It`s the truth creative imagination is down the drain right now.

The reason they are using comics for movie stories has nothing- NOTHING to do with a lack of decent screenplays and/or novels to use for the plots of films. There is not a lack of creativity of the artistic sort used in films. They are making movies of comics because it has proven to get a decent box office figure. On broadway, they are using Disney toons and rock music to make musical comedies, like The Lion King and Abba's Momma Mia. They could surely find something more creative for that, but would the NYC audience pay $150 per ticket to see it? That is the issue with regard to theatre and films.

Deadly weapon VIII is almost certainly not going to be any sort of great film, but the title will guarantee hundreds of thousands of ticket sales and tens of thousands of DVDs sold.  An original screenplay couldn't do that as readily, if at all.

Your being unable to write something you like is not symptomatic of the country. Perhaps you need more practice. Perhaps you have some sort of mental block. But it is unrelated to creativity or a lack of same in the US today. Keep at it, you will eventually turn out something you are satisfied with.

Where we lack creativity in the US seems to be a lack ot technical espertise in developing new products and systems. Most of our engineering students in the US are not Americans, and engineering is the key to complex new innovative products.

3DHS / Re: Here is a Bush blooper that wasnt so well reported
« on: November 01, 2006, 02:19:14 PM »
There are many, many words that describe what Juniorbush's style is, but "honesty" is not one of them.

He obviously says what he is told to say at all times. He is told to mispronounce words like "noo-cue-ler", so as to gain a degree of empathy for the dolts and clods who have been lampooned for sounding like morons (as in Cletus on the Simpsons) for all their lives.

There is nothing honest about anything this clown ever says. He is a 100% oily synthetic crude Texan, refined only in the way that Texas crude oil is refined.

3DHS / Re: John Kerry insults our troops as dumb
« on: October 31, 2006, 09:14:50 PM »
It is not the soldiers whose lack of study got them "stuck in Iraq". It is Rumsfeld, Cheney and Juniorbush.
Soldiers go where they are told, regardless of how well they studied.

Kerry was insulting Juniorbush and Co., not the soldiers.

3DHS / Re: John Kerry insults our troops as dumb
« on: October 31, 2006, 09:12:27 PM »
Wasn't there a news release showing Bush had better grades at Yale than either Bush or Kerry?

Are you sure? Did Bush really have better grades than Bush?

Do grades actually indicate an ability to govern?

Juniorbush is an anti-intellectual. He deliberately mispronounces words like Noo-cue-lur and sounds like he had just been coached to pronounce every word separately, as though he was repeating sentences told to him as someone would explain ideas slowly, as to a moron.

He can only repeat again and again the same stupid lines that were obviously fed to him by Rove or some other handler. Stay the course, stay the course, they hate our freedoms, they hate our freedoms.

Kerry may have made lower grades in the classes taught by the more difficult professors, and Juniorbush may have only taken courses taught by the profs who specialized in teaching 'Legacy' (ie dim hereditary) students.

Whatever the case, Juniorbush has made godawful choices and then performed in the most hideously incompetent way possible. It might be that he has been possessed by Lopez Rega, Isabel Peron's astrologer and Svengali.

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