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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

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3DHS / Re: Government doing too much?
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:51:51 PM »
I still do not believe in tax cuts. Sorry.

Does not believing in tax cuts mean that you are a believer in taxes?

Some taxes are worse than others. There is no such thing as a good tax. Taxes are simply necessary to the operation of any worthwile government.

3DHS / Re: Government doing too much?
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:47:39 PM »
This is a bogus topic when worded this way.

Most people are overjoyed when the government intervenes to solve THEIR problem. It's just that they are unconcerned with SOMEONE ELSE'S problem.

People without healthcare would like the government to help them get decent healthcare.

People with young childern are all for public daycare for toddlers.

Old folks are all for programs for old folks.

and so on and so on and so on.

The government grew a bit under Reagan, a bit more under Olebush and has exploded under Juniorbush.

The difference is the Republicans will monger a ghastly, unwinneable war and throw money at it for years, and the Democrats will tend to piss it all away on education, fuel to keep the poor and elderly warm in the winter, and food stamps.

There is no chance that a vote for a Republican will result in anything useful happening. There is a slight chance that a vote for a Democrat might.

3DHS / Re: Diversity's Oppressions
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:36:40 PM »
Americans are innovators. Actually a small number of Americans are innovators. Americans also tend to excel at new approaches to marketing. Both advertising and propaganda originated in the US. So did Tupperware parties, Multi-level marketing and franchised restaurants and other sorts of franchises.

The Japanese are best at taking a concept and perfecting it to the point of making its creation an art form.
Flower arranging, Paper folding (origami), calligraphy, bonsai and rock gardens are all examples of this. So are modern TV's, DVD and VCR players, Toyotas and Lexuses.

WE are better off having both the American and the Japanese types of creative spirit on the planet.

3DHS / Re: God will get you if you don't vote for....
« on: October 31, 2006, 07:04:16 PM »
The Republican Party did not want Harris to run because she is a dipsh*t withered Barbie type. If she had been a withered dipsh*t Ken type, I doubt they'd have had a problem with her.

She threatened to spend a bazillion dollars of her daddy's money, and that frightened away all the Real estate swindlers, bankers and secondstring pols that the GOP draws on for its candidates when they don't have a president's son like Jebbie or a Jesus brother type like Charlie Crist handy, so she got the nomination.

It's really a good thing, because now she'll be out of the House AND FL politics forever.

Apparently she was luded out or miltowned down for her debate with Nelson, since she didn;pt go berserk as a lot of people were expecting her to.

If she's writing a book, it will be as well received as her candidacy, I predict.

3DHS / Re: 13 Reasons to vote Republican on Nov. 7
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:58:54 AM »
Thirteen piles of horsesh*t.

Watch them crash and burn.

As a Fundie Jesusfreak, you should know that Rove thinks you are a pathetic dupe.

3DHS / Re: Diversity's Oppressions
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:55:57 AM »
Abandoning Iraqi allies to their fate would ensure that other nations would think twice before becoming or remaining our allies. With a nuclear Iran looming on the horizon, we are going to need all the allies we can get.

This is exactly the sort of rot we got from the ratwing about why we should not leave Vietnam.

Bullsh*t then, bullsh*t now.

The rest of the world knows that lying assholes Juniorbush and Cheney LIED us into Iraq. They think we are dolts for following their incompetent, bungling direction this far.

Iran is at most, Israel's problem. Not mine.

Opinionjournal = ratwing bullshit

3DHS / Re: Economic Disaster Looms
« on: October 30, 2006, 05:24:55 PM »
It would be time for the feds to pay back their debts, wouldn't it? SS has all those bonds sitting around that they could cash in...

That would, of course, be part of my plan.
I would also raise the SS rates to tax everyone at the current SS rate.
It would help if the government were not so ready to monger unwinnable wars in places like Iraq.
I think an inheritence tax on inherited wealth over $5,000,000, and pegged to the CPI would make a lot of sense.

It is true that economics is not an exact science. But it is also true that we do know oodles more about it than we did back in the days of Herbert Hoover and FDR, and this needs to be taken into account.

I naturally favor SS paying me at the rate that was promised me long ago, being as I have bewen paying into the mutha since I was 16, barring only four years when I was studying and living out of the country. I earned money in Mexico, but I am afraid that I did not pay any SS taxes to any government on it.

I could probably live on what I have saved in my IRA's and 403-B's, but the SS payments would make life easier, for sure.

3DHS / Re: Because we don't already have enough fried foods..
« on: October 30, 2006, 05:05:57 PM »
From an evolutionary perspective, we humans have not yet adapted to eating fried, or even cooked, foods. When we came down from the trees and lived in the caves, mostly we ate raw foods: bugs, smaller mammals and reptiles, berries and fruits and such. To fry stuff meant we had to learn how to kill large animals, because they are the ones that have enough grease in them to fry stuff in (lard, tallow, etc.) Only much later did we begin squeezing olives for oil, and much later still, we figured out how to get oil from corn, sesame, safflowers and peanuts.

The evolutionary process will not readily adapt us to a diet of fried stuff, because we generally do not have massive coronaries from clogged veins until most of us have reproduced. It will depend, therefore, on those older souls reproducing in their 40's and 50's that will eventually survive the ones that died of said massive infarctions and strokes that will result in our descendents developing a tolerence for the  massive ingestion of fried objects without dying of clogged arteries, just as a tolerence for breathing polluted air from generations of cooking fires has resulted in a few of us not dying premature deaths due to smoking tobacco and other smokeable substances.

3DHS / Re: Economic Disaster Looms
« on: October 30, 2006, 03:21:14 PM »
Social Security should at the minimum be barred from contributing to the general fund and iou's should not be considered legal tender. I would prefer that the program be privatized. or more likely modeled after the thrift savings program. All those under 40 would be enrolled in the new program, all those over 40 would remain in the old program. I have no problem eliminating the ceiling on income eligible for SS taxes.

O How utterly clever!

Tell me, when all the people over 40 are retired, and no longer paying in, where will the government find money to pay for their benefits, since the people who are working have all their money going to their benefits?

I suppose that if they stop paying the geezers, some of them will starve and die. But many will vote before they croak.
And they will not vote in favor of the klutzes who passed your clever plan.

The guys who passed this plan will be quite lucky if the geezers do not parade about, with the heads of the originators of your plan stuck atop tall sticks.

3DHS / Re: Because we don't already have enough fried foods..
« on: October 30, 2006, 03:09:01 PM »
"It tastes great," said Sue Gooding, a spokeswoman for the State Fair of Texas where Gonzales' fried Coke made its debut this fall. "It was a huge success."

Is it less filling, too?

It sounds like the ideal thing to eat with a deep-fried battered Mars Bar.

3DHS / Re: G.B.S.
« on: October 30, 2006, 03:04:06 PM »
What was the advradge European or American Wage in Karls day?

Your spelling is ever so quaint. average spelled advradge, indeed.

My guess is that the average wage in 1879 in the US and Europe wouild buy just about what the average manufacturing wage will buy in China at present.

If wages are higher in other places, it is not because of the glorious magniminity of the boss, but the development of  tools that make the individual many times more productive.

That, and the fact that todays's worker needs to be a lot better educated than in the 1870's to use the new tools anmd machinery. The history of unions in raising wages also figures in here.

But my point is that there is a race to the bottom for ever-lower wages and ever-higher productivity, that crosses international boundaries ever seeking the lowest wages.   

There's a place for intellectual rigor, but that place is not a forum like this, where one's interlocutors are likely to ask for documented proof that shit runs downhill and the sun rises in the east.  I'll bring as much intellectual rigor to the debate as the debate deserves, and frankly, I've already invested way too much.  It's just completely ignored and I hear "with no evidence, Tee says . . . " as if nothing I ever dig up is evidence.  Fuck that.  I'm upset with myself for falling for that bullshit more than once.  Your request for "evidence" is made in bad faith.  You don't recognize it when it's produced and a few posts down you don't even admit any of it was produced.  Fuck that.  In the future, I will decide whether production of sources is warranted based on who is asking for it.\
I agree with this remark.

Anyone that doubts a statement can easily look it up.


You said Clinton was so much smarter than Bush that it would have been no problem for Clinton to eliminate Bin Laden.

Osama had been stirring the po since at least 93. Clinton was President until 2001.

Why didn't he eliminate Bin Laden. Doesn't matter what Bush did. You specifically claimed that Clinton would have taken care of Bin Laden. He didn't when the ball was in his court.

Doesn't matter what Bush did.


No, it does too matter. Juniorbush has had a declaration of war, near-universel approval to go after OBL and a carte blanche to kill Bin Laden in two countries, and has not accomplished this goal.

Droolingly, knuckle-walkingly incompetent. That's Juniorbush.
Worst president since Jefferson Davis.

3DHS / Re: G.B.S.
« on: October 30, 2006, 09:09:04 AM »
It's okay, no one is perfect, XO.

This is a malicious lie spread by Christians, who want their guy to always come in first.

But Jesus wasn't exactly perfect. He required a LOT of help by Paul to even become known, and after 2000 years, he still has a lower degree of Brand Awareness than Coca-Cola, which has been around for under 200 years.

Coca-Cola's promise of a "Pause that Refreshes" has also proven to be more accurate than Jesus' promise to return 'before the last of ye have left this world' and establish a perfect world.

One would expect a greater degree of perfection from a Deity than from a patent medicine turned soft drink.

I sunbmit that Karl Marx was dead-on in his diagnoses of what is wrong with capitalism, as manufacturing races ever closer to the bottom. He just wasn't right about the solution. And neither are any of the assorted ratwingers.

3DHS / Re: G.B.S.
« on: October 29, 2006, 08:46:29 PM »
Shaw's example was about the irrationalities of English spelling. The problem is, of course, that the English language has many more distinguishable sounds (39 to 45 in standard pronounciation typre) than letters (26) to express them.

Shaw offered a prize of £50,000 to anyone who would devise a phonetic alphabet for the English language. The prize, plus a whole lot of interest, was paid to someone in the 1950's. The new alphabet does not resemble the Latin alphabet at all, and has never been adopted.

Shaw was a Socialist, by the way.

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