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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

Pages: 1 ... 1857 1858 [1859] 1860 1861 1862
3DHS / Re: Scalia
« on: October 22, 2006, 03:56:39 PM »
Well, I have always believed that many social issues sohuld be resolved at the state level as they know better what is acceptable than a bunch of stuffed shirts in D.C.

So, you considER Scalia to be a "stuffed shirt in DC"?

How about if one state (say Minnesota) decides to legalize abortions, and another (SD?) decides to prohibit them. And then dozens of South Dakota women flock to Minnesota to have abortions. So SD makes it a capital crime for any woman to cross the state line to have an abortion.

Then what?Surely you can see what a total mess this could become.

3DHS / Re: Iraq makes it to 160!
« on: October 22, 2006, 10:11:41 AM »
The death rate depends on at least THREE factors: (1) the average age of the population (older people die at a greater rate)
(2) deaths due to disease (which explains the high death rates for African countries that have not been at war), and (3) death due to war and other violence.

3DHS / Re: You can't go , because you owe.
« on: October 22, 2006, 10:06:35 AM »
  Perhaps we can come up with a fix , but it will have to be a big fix , as big as cutting Social security to a bare minimum or annexing Mexico.

Pray tell, how would annexing a poorer country like Mexico solve the Social Security problem?

Annexing Canada might be a solution: the addition of all those liberals and socialists would prevent the idiotic Republicans from being elected for a long, long time.

Not that annexing Canada or Mexico is ever going to happen.

3DHS / Re: Is this fair?
« on: October 22, 2006, 09:59:03 AM »
Bin Laden is only a threat because Sockpuppet Juniorbush has failed to catch him.
Any voter with an IQ above room temperature should know this.

It's not fair, but it is also stupid.

Then again, so are many voters, especially those who voted for this despicable turkey in the first place.

3DHS / Re: If defeat is inevitable in Iraq
« on: October 21, 2006, 09:07:56 AM »

Obama is not ready for prime time and he should not even consider a vp slot offering.

Okay. why not?

Was ANYONE elected president ever LESS COMPETENT gthan Juniorbush?
Was any VP ever less liked than Dickless Cheney?

3DHS / A financial advice, the Bible sucks long and deeply
« on: October 21, 2006, 08:59:28 AM »
The Bible is pretty much the WORST text one can imagine that one should turn to for financial advice.

The Bible prohibits lending money at interest. Of course, no sane person would lend money to anyone outside his family or perhaps his group of friends for any other reason. This was the case from the time of the Fall of Rome, all through the Middle Ages until the Renaissance.

The Jews interpreted it to mean that they could not lend money at interest to other Jews, but to Christiansd it was OK. Thius led to the amassing of huge fortunes by Jewish bankers, such as a man named Fugger, followed by antisemetic persecurions and pogroms, incited by rulers who didn't want to have to pay back their debts.

Of course, the Christian belief that the world might well end next Tuesday and such quaint nonsense such as The Rapture are anything but motivation for financial responsibility.

3DHS / Re: Is it Real or is it Memorex?
« on: October 21, 2006, 08:44:23 AM »
Is this, stagnation, really good for the country, the Professor asks rhetorically?

What we have under the current group of assholes is worse than nothing: squandering billions on an unwinnable war, suspension of habeus corpus, torture, spuying oon citizens and no adult supervision at all.

Stagnating injustice is better than encouraging it.

No one has ever deserved impeachment more than Sockpuppet Juniorbush and Puppeteer Cheney.

The least competent administration since Jefferson Davis.

3DHS / Re: Question that Bush can't answer
« on: October 19, 2006, 09:09:42 PM »
Juniorbush saying that he refuses to discuss waterboarding or any technique in public is just plain stupid. There is nothing that the leaders of the insurgency could do to prepare their possibly captured members against waterboarding.

 Everyone knows what it is, and there seems to be nothing anyone can do to prepare a person so that he will not feel that he is drowning when being waterboarded when he is. The fact is that a person could very easily be killed by drowning during the application of this technique. Also there is a possibility of death due to some other cause, a cardiac infarction, just to name one.

NOTHING that Juniorbush would say or not say about waterboardoing would help the enemy prepare against it.

He refuses to say that he considers waterboarding to be torture (which it most clearly is) because he has standing orders to his inquisitors to waterboard at will. He is a lair and a goon, and believes that if he is a discrete liar and goon there are probably those who will believe his dodging the question and his silly excuse for dodging it makes sense, somehow.

And I am sure that this is true.

They would be the morons who believe that 9-11 was caused by those who "hate our freedoms".

« on: October 19, 2006, 08:57:45 PM »
Winning in Iraq (Whatever that means) will not cause a victory to the "War on Terror".

It seems improbable that they will win miliotarily in Iraq. After all, there are 22,000,000 Iraqis and the US and thye UK have well under 200,000 troops. The Iraqi military ranges from barely competent to hideously wimpy.

Tet was a psychological victory of the Viet Cong and NVA over the US, if not a military one.

The Iraq War, like the Vietnam War, is a war of an occupying force, which everyone knows, must someday leave, over a native insurgency, which everyone knows, is bound to stay. The US cannot win this militarily. There could be a political solution that is less than a total train wreck for the USW, but they will need better and more flexible diplomats than the clowns Juniorbush has hired.

3DHS / Re: A better mouse?
« on: October 17, 2006, 06:27:26 PM »
If you object, fight for lower taxes.

I will object to a larger and more spendthrift military, thank you very much.

Juniorbush, as a warongering incompetent blatherskyte, is hardly for "lower taxes", he just wants to borrow and squander and get some future generation to pay for his borrowing and squandering.

3DHS / Re: why is marraige a goodthing?
« on: October 17, 2006, 05:01:07 PM »
a friend of mines boyfriends proposed with thee most romantic proposal
your not getting any younger.
i very much doubt this is a rare line used.

It is about as obvious a line as could exist.

The thought behind it would have to be, "You are going to get married anyway, and your time is running out. Better settle for me, because it's probably the best you can do. IN a few years, you will be old and wrinkly and no man will be interested in you."

True, but unromantic, and the sassumption is that a bad marriage is better than a life unmarried is dubious at best.

I was married twice, for 25 years (of which five were happy) and 6 years (of which 6 months at best were tolerable).

3DHS / Re: A better mouse?
« on: October 17, 2006, 03:37:50 PM »
In tanks, etc. The military would have no problem paying $250 for these gizmos.

$250 of MY MONEY, it should be mentioned, to fight some dumbass war that should have never been mongered.

Chances are, it could be produced in the usual place (the PRC) and sold for under $50 at a handsome profit.

3DHS / Re: A better mouse?
« on: October 17, 2006, 02:52:15 PM »
A clever idea, but hideously overpriced at $250. It may have no moving parts, but it still could cease to function, and would likely be impossible to very difficult to repair.

My guess is that it would not outlive 14 Paint Perfect trackballs, such as I am using now.

3DHS / Re: why is marriage a goodthing?
« on: October 17, 2006, 02:41:21 PM »
By marriage is a personal thing, I mean that the DECISION to get married is a personal thing. Whether the marriage is a success or a disaster also depends on the couple nearly all of the time, though having a child with physical and/or mental problems could certainly;y affect the outcome.

It would be a personal decision for a man to have a vasectomy or a woman to have her tubes tied prior to the wedding, too.

My point is that statistics have zilch to do with the degree by which any two married people succeed or fail at having a happy marriage.

3DHS / Re: So, seriously.....any ideas on how to deal with North Korea?
« on: October 17, 2006, 01:33:44 PM »
This is China's problem much more than it is the US's problem. It is also a bigger problem for South Korea and Japan.

NK is close to all the other countries and could use their nukes as well as their much more numerous conventional weapons on them as well.

The Russians share a border with N.Korea, and the US does not, so it's probably a bigger problem for them, although that part of Russia is not heavily populated nor economically significant.

China and S. Korea together could probably pull off some sort of coup if they could enlist the aid of the NK Army.

The CIA and other US intel services have proven to be a collection of overpaid, incompetent, blundering sycophants, if for no other reason than they only reach conclusions that agree with the incompetent, blundering assortment of warmongering assholes that include Juniorbush, Cheney, Rice, Rummy and Negroponte.

I imagine that there may be a few knowledgeable officials in US Intel that need to be heard. The US does have a sizeable number of Korean Americans and has every reason, after 55 years of occupation bases in SK, to know more about NK than it did about Iraq, after all. The problem would be getting the voices of these competent intel people heard over the sound of the water gently slapping up against John Negroponte's ample flab as he spends his days in some sort of hot tub, I hear.

Krauthammer is clearly nuts, but could be useful to spew disinformation.

As Andy Rooney said, a sane NK citizen might consider it entirely useful for his country to have nuclear weapons, as a deterrent. It is more logical for Kim to claim that he is protecting his people with a nuclear program than it is for Juniorbush to claim that invading Iraq was necessary to protect the US, which it clearly wasn't.

It is ideal from any country's point of view, that it have a bigger army and better weapons than any conceivable enemy. But this is not possible: everyone cannot have the biggest army and the best weapons.

It would be better for the people of every country  if NO ONE had any nukes at all.

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