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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

Pages: 1 ... 1858 1859 [1860] 1861 1862
3DHS / is marriaige a good thing?
« on: October 17, 2006, 09:01:41 AM »
It really doesn't matter whether there are more or fewer married households. Marriage is a personal thing. It is good for some people, adequate for some,  barely tolerable for others and a pain in the ass for others. The statistics are meaningless here, just like statistics that seek to prove that tomato soup is good for you because a majority of people like it.

People need to evaluate the entire question of whether to get married, including ythe pros and cons, and do whatever floats their individual boats.

The popularity of marriage proves only how popular it is. This is irrelevent to any specific individual.

3DHS / Re: Naaa, no Islamofascist goal here
« on: October 15, 2006, 07:16:39 PM »

They will do better after they convert the leadership of China to Islam , but then the Chaphilate will be headquartered in Peking.

Sandpeople religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) are exclusivist, meaning one cannot be a believer in any one of them and anything else (Shinto, Buddhism, Tao) at the same time. They havre never been popular in China.

There is no chance that China will ever become an Islamic nation. No one who knows the Chinese or Islam will believe that this is possible.

3DHS / Re: The Clinton Legacy: North Korea's Bomb
« on: October 12, 2006, 10:05:46 PM »
Observe that this article, from some source I have never heard of, claimed that a stage of a rocket intended to LAUNCH A SATELLITE went over JAPANESE TERRITORY. NOT JAPAN, Japanese Territory, which might mean some stray islet out there or someplace within the fishing waters.

This article is obvious propaganda. Any dunce can tell from the way it is worded.

The fact is that Kim got NOTHING for his promise, and so why should he keep it? Why?

If you pay for something and do not get it, do you pay for it anyway?

It makes sense to me for North Korea rto claim to have nukes, just as it makes sense for Israel to have them.

If it actually went over Japan itself, and had been some sort of agressive weapon, and not a failed attempt at launching a satellite, that might have been something dangerous.

But it wasn't.

And Juniordunce and his puppeteers really do deserve tarring, feathering and being run out of town on a rail. And should it happen, I would rejoice heartily.

The worst administration since Jefferson Davis.

3DHS / Re: Republicans and evangelicals
« on: October 12, 2006, 04:53:22 PM »
I would encourage you to take a realistic look at both parties.  See under which party the country has prospered the most.

I have; that's why I usually vote Republican.

This is just stupid and if you actually knew the economic history of the US you could not come to this lame conclusion.

A two party system would not be an entirely bad idea if neither of the two parties were the Republicans. The GOP sucks, anmd has pretty much sucked since TR left it in 1912.

3DHS / Re: The Clinton Legacy: North Korea's Bomb
« on: October 12, 2006, 04:48:26 PM »
Actually, according to the deal Clinton made, Japan would provide over $1 billion in funding for the construction of the 2 light water reactors. That funding was then retracted by Japan when N. Korea lauched two missiles over Japan on 31 August 98. It was that event which eventually killed the deal.

This isn't true.

Nothing was lobbed "over Japan".

The current nuclear status is mostly due to the typical incompetence of Juniorbush and his puppeteers at understanding Kim and dealing diplomatically with himA good diplomat can even achieve success with a buffoon. But the fact is that both Kim and and the Juniorbushies are utter  buffoons of the lowest order.

This crap where Juniorbush says that he wants to resolve problems diplomatically (with Iraq, then wirth Iran and N. Korea) and then refuses to talk is idiocy of the worst sort. Appointing an annoying thug like Boulton is typical for these loons.

If there were any justice in the world, a mob of several million indignant Americans would drag these clowns Juniorbush, Cheney, Rice, Rummy, Rove, and Mitch McConnell and Henry "The Thing that Will Not Die" Kissinger and  out of their cushy offices, like the pestilent maggots that they are,  tie them to poles, coat them with tar and feathers, running them out of town on the rail, leaving them somewhere beyond the Beltway. It's what they deserve.

That, or drowning their sorry butts in the Reflecting Pool. What a bunch of utterly worthless cowardly chickenhawks they are.

3DHS / Re: The Clinton Legacy: North Korea's Bomb
« on: October 12, 2006, 03:36:36 PM »
And don't forget the 2 nuclear power plants that Clinton pretty much gave Kim, that without them, NK would have never had the possibility of making "the bomb", in the 1st place.

Clinton never gave anything nuclear to Kim. Nada, Bupkiss, Zilch.

The gist of the Clinton agreem,ent was that in return for agreeing NOT to refine Unranium, Kim would receive light water reactors to produce electricity. These could not be used tpo produce any sort of bomb-making substance.

Then JuniorDolt was "elected" and cancelled all provisions for any deal with North Korea. North Korea received no nuclear anything.

Kim felt that he had been screwed, and since he had received nothing, his part of the deal was invalid.

So he built the bomb, and tested it, or at least that's what he wanted us to believe he did.

How is Kim's nuclear deterrent different from that of the US?

Why should Kim not feel that he was screwed, since he received nothing in return for his agreement?

This is just more typical crap from the Rove propaganda machine.

I am not ducking. I am not covering.

Juniorbush will only stop lying when he is deceased.

3DHS / Re: Will the West survive?
« on: October 08, 2006, 10:31:25 PM »
Will the West Survive?

Now that's a dumb question. IT will change, as everything does over time, according to the Hegelian formula Action > Reaction > Synthesis. The Syntheses becomes a new Action and the process repeats itself all over again.

The West willl change, the Middle East wil change, Islamic nations will change, as will everything else.

Al Qaeda is a reactionary organization: it is trying to preserve a society which is changing against the medieval structure of the Koran. Before, Arabs could shelter their women and young men from change. Now satellkite TV makes it possible for women, even illiterate women, to see other women drive cars, work in an office or a factory with men. Young men can watch Baywatch babes spilling out of their bikinis, their boobs a-bouncing as they run along the beach.

American troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia. Some military personnel smuggled Bibles into Saudi Arabia and were passing them around. Booze was being drunk by US troops stationed in the sacred sands of Saudia.

It is the Muslims who will change the most as a result of the increased contact via the media between the West and Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Muslim world.  The struggle to prevent modernity from coming to Saudia that will end, as Prohibition ended, after some violence, with an abandonment of the idea that Arabia can stay in the XIII century forever.

Consider that the IRA in the UK, with all its bombs and all its protests, did not really change British society. Al Qaeda is less well organized than any branch of the IRA.

3DHS / Re: In Case Anyone's Still Wondering Why Do They Hate Us . . .
« on: October 08, 2006, 06:13:44 PM »
The actions of Israeli soldiers are now official actions of the US Government?

Or is it just another convenient excuse to hate?

The bullets were likely made in the US, as were the guns. Israel is a beggar nation all it does is done because the US bankrolls it.

This is not hate, it is just pointing out the fact that Irsrael is not the benevolent "democracy" that the AIPAC propsaganda constantly says it is. Israel is an unwelcome colony in the Middle East. The Palestinians were not responsible for the Holocaust, and yet they have paid the price for it.

3DHS / Re: Can the West defeat the Islamist threat? 10 reasons why not
« on: October 08, 2006, 05:52:17 PM »
Last estimates I heard of power line loss in the US grid was 7.2% - nowhere near 50%.

Your estimates, are quite simply WRONG. IT's UP to 50%, and depends on the distance beween the generating plant and the consumer. But even if what you are saying is exactly true, rather than bogus, 7.2% is still an amount that need not be lost if the electricity is generated on your roof rather than shunted along the power lines.

You are not going to get accurate figures from the industry, since they benefit from bogus figures. Everyone conected with the energy are speciaiists in bogosity. Lying is what they do best.

The fact is that we could save a huge amount of energy by using solar and wind power, and we don't, because the industry will not allow it.

It is always a bad idea to ask the barber if you need a haircut.

3DHS / Re: Can the West defeat the Islamist threat? 10 reasons why not
« on: October 08, 2006, 01:05:30 AM »
The Islamists have THE SAME RIGHTS to run their own countries as we do ours.

The problem is not that our oil is undert their sand.

It is not the "Liberals" who have kept the US from energy independence, it is Big Oil. Energy independence will no be on oil, but on solar, possibly wind energy for out own individual homes (half the electricity is LOST in the transmission lines).

This war was provoked by the big international oil companies, and they are no more loyal to the US than to any other market.
It was Olebush that stupidly stationed troops in Saudi Arabia, and the dolts in the Defense Dept that allowed military wives and personnel to run about Saudi Arabia passing out Christian testaments and other evangelical nonsense.

Stating that "staying the course" is dumb when it is obvious that said course leads over a precipice is not treason: it is patriotism of the highest order.

Face it: we have been cursed with an administration of profiteering, incompetent, religious nutball, sanctimonious warmongering imperialists; the sooner we throw their sorry asses out in the street, the better. If a gigantic mob of enraged and indignant citizens were to pull Juniorbush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi and the rest of their doltish crew out of their cushy offices and drown them on prime-time TV in the Reflecting Pool, it would improve this country greatly, because never again would cowardly chickenhawk assholes dare to screw over the American people again.

3DHS / Re: Will the West survive?
« on: October 06, 2006, 09:42:06 PM »
Well, of COURSE "the West", whatever that might be, "will survive", whatever is meant by survival. Jews survive. Armenians survive. Cambodians survive.  There are still Samaritans who have survived.

The question is idiotic. Germany survived Hitler, the Nazis and the Occupation. Nations do not cease to be, even when defeated.



How about "silly" and "pretentious"?

3DHS / Re: Iraq, According to Colin Powell
« on: October 04, 2006, 06:50:09 PM »
Staying the course is a good idea only if you are on a useful course.

They are on the wrong course, however.

Powell was a graduate of many Army courses on geopolitics, and has more formal study of foreign affairs than Cheney and Rummy combined.

Juniorbush's experience is less, since he has only eaten at the International House of Pancakes six times, and that is the sum total of his experience.

3DHS / Re: Republicans Dropped The Dime on Foley
« on: October 04, 2006, 06:45:49 PM »
Foley has done what President Clinton should have done when caught doing something simular and also breaking the law.

Simular?   Similar, perhaps.

Clinton wasn't breaking the law with Monica. He was charged with lying about "having sex with that woman", and he did not have sexual intercourse with her, either, by the way.

What happened was that Monica, who was not breaking any laws, either, was illegally pressured to spill the beans by threatening her with bogus charges.

The real shame is that there is no special prosecutor to go after Juniorbush, Cheney and Rumsfeld who have done stuff that has caused people to DIE. Nothing Clinton was charged with caused anyone to die, or suffer, or even get a hangnail.

Have you noticed we have a spell checker?  You can post correctly spelled messages now, without even learning how to spell.

He should have admitted what he did, period, not resign.

I don't think that Foley would have been reelected had he not resigned, but he wasn't charged with any crime and didn't have to resign.  His name is still on the ballot, but people who vote for his name Will really be voting for some other guy.

I doubt that they will hold this seat, and to that I say, hooray.
The Republicans have already demonstrated that they are clueless as to how to run a country.

3DHS / Re: Dow Soars to New Closing High of 11,727
« on: October 04, 2006, 12:02:47 AM »
If you are still invested in oil companies, you are not going to make much money in that 401-K.

Most of the money in the market has already been made for this period. Watch and see the Euro go way up against the dollar.

One Latin America fund, up 52% in the last year. Another Emerging Markets fund, up 49%.

The US cannot continue to piss away billions per week in Iraq and Afghanistan without serious harm to the economy.

3DHS / Re: Yo Lanya....Brass....Tee....
« on: October 03, 2006, 11:58:44 PM »
Remember that Monica did not want to testify at all, and Starr and his henchmen had to threaten her with incarceration to make her talk. And of course, Monica had committed no crime and was an adult.

I think that if this was serious enough to cause this congressman to resign, there is a lot more than we have heard so far.


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