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Messages - Plane

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3DHS / Syrian Strike
« on: April 06, 2017, 11:42:06 PM »
These are rough years to be Syrian.

I think it quite possible that todays airstrike will open the storage containers of war gas that might be stored in the stricken airbase.

A big spill of this stuff would not only prove Bashir Assad's guilt, it would make survival in the neighborhood of this airbase very difficult.

Did the Syrians keep much war gas when President Obama gave them an opportunity to get them out of theater?

If they did then they better hope the US has no intelligence on the location, such as flight path of delivering ordinance.

This is more than a little bad news for the Syrian government , especially if they have only half as much war gas as they gave to president Obama. The more of this weapon they have the more they are vulnerable to us .

Because there is not enough Syrian Air Force to deliver the gas to their foe in large enough quantity to get rid of it .

There is plenty of US Navy missile and aircraft to release this stuff , quite close to its origin.

3DHS / Re: I use ivanka as my standard are person is full of bs
« on: April 06, 2017, 11:32:47 PM »
Complicit implies that she was "in on" something bad being planned and executed.

This is what is implied, but what exactly is supposed to be the >bad thing< specifically?

Is she complicit in the planning and /or execution of a good thing?

Referring to the plans and actions that got Donald Trump elected?

If that is what is being referred , then the real disagreement is whether the election of Donald Trump is a good or a bad thing.

To me the jury is not ready with that verdict, but the verdict on whether the election of Hillary would have been a worse thing is months old now.

So I am hurt with Bill Clinton who was complicit in the planning and attempt to install the worst possible candidate in the Presidency , more than I have any potential for being hurt with Ivanka.

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: April 06, 2017, 11:24:28 PM »
When I was younger I had a bad attitude twards food service jobs and tried to avoid them.

Digging ditch , much more agreeable.

I have had a lot of side jobs , delivering Pizza, cleaning up brush, installing water heater, whatever was available.

There is still a lot of "side action" jobs hunting going on , who is competing for these opportunity's

3DHS / Re: The Gorsuch Conundrum
« on: April 04, 2017, 07:31:24 PM »
Could we get a Democrat to explain the phrase "A nation of laws , not men" one of these days?

3DHS / Boris Johnson
« on: April 04, 2017, 07:13:03 PM »

Why must they come so far for a temporary home?

Seems it would be cheaper to rent half of Egypt than to resettle half of Syria here.

3DHS / Re: It's ILLEGAL immigration!!!
« on: April 01, 2017, 06:57:10 PM »
That sounds bizarre.

Are real voters listening?

   That worked well for Fidel Castro.

   When the Mariel boatlift was threatening to make Cuba loose everyone with a marketable skill , Fidel soured the mix by mixing in almost every hardened criminal he had in prison.

    Even Jimmy Carter didn't want that.

3DHS / Re: Am I wrong to defend trump?
« on: April 01, 2017, 06:39:17 PM »
  Politics , Logic

Oil , Water?

3DHS / Re: It's ILLEGAL immigration!!!
« on: April 01, 2017, 06:37:32 PM »

That is ridiculous.

3DHS / Re: The insults are soo blatant I think trump will get 8 years
« on: April 01, 2017, 06:29:24 PM »
I saw a meme about conservatives denying thier racist and stated they should own it. Last I checked owning it means embracing it. Lets just say liberals are definataly not think before they act.


That is nice to see you say.

As far as I am concerned conservatism does not need racism .

3DHS / Boycott ?
« on: April 01, 2017, 05:45:54 PM »

According to Lyst, a London-based e-commerce website which tracks clothing retail, sales of Ivanka Trump products rocketed in February.

It says sales increased 346% from January to February this year and 557%, compared with average orders last year.

"To see such an extreme spike in one month is completely unheard of and came as a huge surprise to us," says Lyst's US spokesperson Sarah Tanner

Ok, so there is a very organized wallet based boycott of Trump products.

And I have never wanted a perfume so much before.
Or a beer,I drink Yuengling now and then anyway.

3DHS / Re: "I'm not a lawyer, but I play one in debate forums"
« on: March 27, 2017, 07:01:34 PM »
  If we really need them we should honor their arrival and not make them sneak in .

   There needs to be a reasonable way to admit enough legal aliens and legal immigrants to match the need.

    So , who measures the need?

3DHS / Re: The insults are soo blatant I think trump will get 8 years
« on: March 27, 2017, 06:55:40 PM »
  I think you are right about the backfiring effect of idiotic insults.

   If Trump himself can take them, ...

3DHS / Re: The CBO "issue"....
« on: March 22, 2017, 10:29:20 PM »
Actually the tax payers aren't so much stuck with paying as much as the Hospital ER's are simply screwed out of getting reimbursed for their services, since they are under legal requirement to care for anyone that comes into their ER

Depending on how you look at it.

The service is government mandated , that is a tax.

The cost is passed along to other customers.

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