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Guest 08:59:44 AM Viewing the topic Speaker’s Aide Hindered Inquiry.
Guest 08:59:16 AM Viewing the topic Evidence Suggests Watergate Was A Setup.
Guest 08:58:33 AM Viewing the topic "America is today's California".
Guest 08:58:26 AM Viewing the topic Who's Really Winning in Afghanistan?.
Guest 08:58:16 AM Viewing the topic BenghaziGate Hearings.
Guest 08:58:10 AM Viewing the topic Toyota rescues Kammen chair.
Guest 08:58:09 AM Viewing the topic metoo is so romantic.
Guest 08:57:58 AM Viewing the topic Priceless.
Guest 08:57:58 AM Unknown Action
Guest 08:57:46 AM Viewing the topic The Ukraine is gaining strength @.
Guest 08:57:43 AM Searching the forum.
Guest 08:57:18 AM Viewing the topic Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?.
Guest 08:57:17 AM Viewing the topic Dealing with some of those terms: Islamofascism.
Guest 08:57:16 AM Viewing the topic Overused and misused words. .
Guest 08:57:13 AM Viewing the topic I wonder if it has occurred to anyone.
Guest 08:57:08 AM Viewing the topic Cain on Foreign Policy.
Guest 08:57:02 AM Viewing the topic These protest has one thing in common and it's the police.
Guest 08:56:17 AM Viewing the topic Is Anybody Out There?.
Guest 08:56:14 AM Viewing the topic Send your kiddies to 'Jesus Camp'.
Guest 08:56:10 AM Viewing the topic Evidence Suggests Watergate Was A Setup.
Guest 08:56:07 AM Viewing the topic another Ron Paul post.
Guest 08:56:06 AM Viewing the topic Bette Midler.
Guest 08:56:03 AM Viewing the topic The most popular president of my lifetime..
Guest 08:56:01 AM Viewing the topic Interview with the Master.
Guest 08:55:42 AM Viewing the topic Bill Clinton melts down on Fox News Sunday.
Guest 08:55:27 AM Viewing the topic Dream Act.
Guest 08:55:08 AM Viewing the topic Cain has "all this stuff twirling around in his head"..
Guest 08:54:58 AM Viewing the topic Dream Act.
Guest 08:54:43 AM Viewing the topic Anti-Semitism Czar Attacks Israel -- Wierd Choice .