Author Topic: A wonderful thing has happened in 2010  (Read 364 times)

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A wonderful thing has happened in 2010
« on: October 10, 2010, 05:13:15 PM »
The election of Obama has turned out to be a wonderful thing for America.

A blessing has come to America with Obama becoming our president, and the Democrats in control of OUR Congress, and the Republican Party unable to stop, block, or deny them anything.  At this point OUR future looks really good; how could any Conservative be depressed or disappointed?

Now America knows just who the radicals are, and what they stand for, and what their goals are. We now know who represents racism, failure, division, and incompetence -- it's the Democrat Party. The party of food stamps and unemployment. The party of high taxes and enemy to small business. A dear friend to wallstreet, big banks, unions, and minorities. The Democrat Party isn't interested in White Middle Class America, or being a party for all Americans. They have selected groups such as homosexuals, terrorists, criminals, bigots, Christian-haters, minorities, elitists, and others that happily smear, besmirch, torture, hate, and terrorize average Joe American Citizen. The party of illegal aliens that won't use the government to secure the border yet stand in states way to defend their rights and borders, all at the peril of law-abiding citizens.

The good news is the American people have recently discovered that the Democrat Party of JFK is dead. That the party has been hijacked b counter-culture punks of the 60's. Former hippies, you know them, the children of the 60's that said don't trust anyone over 30. Picturing Nancy Pelosi dancing topless at Woodstock sends shivers down my spine, or visualizing Harry Reid with maggot infested long hair is sadly something I can do. Maybe in 1969 the pair hooked up, dropped acid, had sex, and passed along a few SDT's -- you can almost count on that!

What a great lesson Middle Class America has learned in 2010. Thank you Obama, Pelosi & Reid for showing America your true colors. It took 30 years or so but finally we all know who you are and what you stand for.

We wholeheartedly reject you. America rejects you!