<<Hey these Russian jokes are pretty good.>>
usually just anti-Soviet gripes, where you could substitute any repressive regime for the Communists and the joke would be just as funny. Plug-in-a-name jokes, like "Q:What do you call ten (lawyers/politicians/dentists/etc/) at the bottom of the sea? A: A good start".) That said, here's the best Soviet-era Russian joke I ever heard, from the groom's speech at a Ukrainian wedding in Toronto:
A teacher asks her class to give an example of a tragedy. Little Piotr puts up his hand, "I know! I know!"
"What, Piotr? What is tragedy?"
"Tragedy is when car with papa, mama and two small children going on wrong side of road is hit by truck and everybody inside is killed."
"No, Piotr, would not be tragedy. Would be big unfortunate accident, but not tragedy. Any one else? Class?"
Little Dmitri puts up his hand. 'I know, teacher, I know!!!"
"Yes, Dmitri? Tell us. Tell us what is tragedy."
"Is tragedy when greatest scientist, greatest poet, greatest composer and greatest chess master of our glorious Soviet motherland all get sick and die at same time."
"No, Dmitri, that would not be tragedy. Would be great loss, but not tragedy. Anyone else want to try? Class?"
Little Ivan Ivanovich's hand shoots up. " Teacher, I know! I know what is tragedy!!!"
"Yes, Ivan Ivanovich? You know what is tragedy? Tell us, please, what is tragedy?"
"Tragedy is when plane carrying glorious General Secretary of our Communist Party. Premier of Soviet Union and Chairman of KGB flying together in airplane and rotten American capitalist leaders fire missile, hit airplane and kill everyone on board. THAT is tragedy!"
"Yes, very good, Ivan Ivanovich. THAT would be tragedy. And, please, tell class: How did you know it was tragedy?"
"Was easy, teacher. I figured it out. Was no accident. Was no great loss. Must be tragedy."