Michael Tee
Hero Member
Posts: 12308
Re: Sharpton on Daily Show: OWS! has already changed the national conversation
« Reply #81 on: Today at 07:44:01 AM »Quote<<No room for the individual when it comes to blacks? >>
No room for the individual when it comes to Norwegians?
Traitors are easily recognized by the betrayal of their own people and by their embrace of their own people's enemies. They're commonly despised, as evidenced by their pejorative nicknames.
If calling out an Uncle Tom is an example of anti-black racism, then calling out a quisling is an example of anti-Norwegian racism and calling out a Judas goat is an example of anti-goat racism.
I can't even begin to tell you how lame and stupid your arguments are. They're pathetic. It's just ludicrous that REAL racists who support the GOP and its racist aims think that they have the right to insult real anti-racists like myself by calling us racists. It's just so dumb that even though I resolve not to involve myself in this stupidity any longer, I just can't resist pointing out its dumbness every time it comes up.
Here are some basic facts for you to consider: that the GOP is a racist organization is painfully obvious from the fact that despite its outlandish and over-the-top use of Uncle Tom tokens, the overwhelming majority of blacks are not fooled by their bullshit or by their Toms and persist in voting Democratic. The only explanation for this that the GOP can offer is the egregious Herman Cain's suggestion that they are brainwashed. Too fucking dumb to know where their own interests lie. But I'M the "racist." LMFAO
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<< If Black is a group and white is a group , why does anyone have a problem with Nathan Bedford Forrest , who wasn't doing the Quisling thing. He thought he was doing what his group needed.>>
Leave it to a Southerner to be totally oblivious to the difference between a group's legitimate aspirations to equality and social justice on the one hand and OTOH, a group's desire to subjugate and oppress another group and totally disrespect their legitimate aspirations to justice and equality.
If you really don't know the difference by now, plane, I am afraid that nobody can help you.
I don't see you being anti racist as being anti white racist. All other flavors seem to pass your inspection.
It is strange to assume Republicans are enemys of Black persons , the party was founded in abolition and never needed a 180 as the Democrats had to do.
Democrats generally appeal more to poor and poorly educated, ironicly also they appeal a lot to the ivy leager, I think there is a notion amoung some of the highly educated that they have noblese oblige or whitemans burden.
There are more and more Black people in the middle class and higher , these guys are poorly served by Democrats and remain only in case of self sacrificing loyalty.
The best Republican plan is to stay the course and produce an ever increaseing cadre of well educated and moneyed Black voters , but not to over do it such that they start produceing a lot of black guys that feel the whitemans burden.