Author Topic: May I say....  (Read 5214 times)

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Re: May I say....
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2006, 05:38:03 PM »
Dude, true oversight is NOT retaliation.

The corrupt GOP has lost so much money its outrageous.  Billions in Iraq, just gone.

What was that story about Halliburton billing Iraq $25 grand a day for each gas truck and some of them didn't even run. 

It's not retaliation. Its retribution.


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Re: May I say....
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2006, 05:50:10 PM »
Despite 12 years in the minority, Pelosi said Democrats would return to power without rancor, but with a forward-looking vision."Democrats are not about getting even,"she said."Democrats are about helping Americans get ahead."

"The campaign is over. Democrats are ready to lead. We are prepared to govern,"she said Tuesday night."We will do so working together with the administration and the Republicans in Congress in partnership, not in partisanship."

                                               -- Nancy Pelosi, the New Speaker of the House,4670,ELNPelosi,00.html
« Last Edit: November 08, 2006, 05:55:11 PM by The_Professor »


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Re: May I say....
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2006, 07:48:43 PM »
The Republicans got what they deserve. They took our trust and corrupted it via corruption, ill-advised military ventures and so on. They also are spending money at a prodigious clip....sigh.

I hope the Democrats can do better. I have great hopes for some of them such as Schuler of North Carolina and Marshall of Georgia. And others. However, retaliation tacts such as hearings, etc. might change my mind. I want RESULTS not bickering. I want bipartisan successes. I want them to finally WORK for the good of all the people.

The oppurtunity is now present .

Will the business of the Democratic majority in Congress be the good of the nation or consolidating position?

We shall see , if we are observant.

Michael Tee

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Re: May I say....
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2006, 09:17:42 PM »
<< did 6 million calls...and I am so proud to have been a part of it..WE WON!!>>

Congratulations, terra, and thanks from a grateful world for a job well done!  But don't let up now.  Keep up the pressure.  There are still plenty of rats in the woodwork.

People like the folks who put Bush in office are tireless.  When they lose an election, they regroup immediately, look for fresh faces and continue to push their scheming evil agenda overtly and covertly.  They remind me of the saying "Rust never sleeps."  But you and did it, terra - - you kicked their ass.  All the best.



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Re: May I say....
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2006, 02:56:19 PM »
<< did 6 million calls...and I am so proud to have been a part of it..WE WON!!>>

Congratulations, terra, and thanks from a grateful world for a job well done!  But don't let up now.  Keep up the pressure.  There are still plenty of rats in the woodwork.

People like the folks who put Bush in office are tireless.  When they lose an election, they regroup immediately, look for fresh faces and continue to push their scheming evil agenda overtly and covertly.  They remind me of the saying "Rust never sleeps."  But you and did it, terra - - you kicked their ass.  All the best.


Dean is keeping the 50 state work going. It's not fadeing away....

We all kicked ass! MoveOn made it so easy to do something. MoveOn is a member run takes money only from members...and I believe should be used for much more.

Making phone calls to get out the vote, I discovered really how ignorant the people of this country is about what is going on, our history and what is the Bill of Rights.  I have a new slogan for MoveOn and this nation...
MoveOn the Constitution. Plaster the Bill of Rights on the courthouse walls...not the 10 Commandments.  Our schools do not teach Civics or History in many schools.,...while they all have football teams. Knowledge would make keeping a Democray much easier to hold onto... If more people  had knowledge there would be less Republicans, they cater to keeping people ignorant.

lol...We  raised 27 million bucks from members and made 6000,000 calls....WE did Kick Ass!  ; )



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Re: May I say....
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2006, 02:14:14 AM »
".... MoveOn is a member run takes money only from members...and I believe should be used for much more."

George Soros still a member?


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Re: May I say....
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2006, 05:25:45 PM »
"Whinge" and "whinging" are both words in their own right.

Yes, they are. And both "whinging" and "whining" make sense in the context of Terra's post. But "whining" is more insulting, so that's why I assumed it was what she meant. Also, "whinge" and "whinging" are more commonly used by the Brits; it's not something most Americans would say.

LOL...WEll I had a Brit grandfather and I read. I may not spell  or type worth crap but my vocabulary is not too bad.