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Religious Dick

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Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« on: February 15, 2011, 04:33:42 AM »
Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
by Patrick J. Buchanan

Multiculturalism has "totally failed," says German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"State multiculturalism has had disastrous results," says Britain's David Cameron.

Is multiculturalism a failure in France? "My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure," says President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Ex-Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar has declared multiculturalism a failure in Spain, saying it divides and debilitates Western societies.

Only in Canada and the U.S., it seems, is the issue still in dispute.

Yet these European leaders are not leading anyone. They are far behind the people, and their belated appreciation of the idea of national identity is but a product of political panic. Take Merkel in Germany.

Last summer, Thilo Sarrazin published a book the title of which may be translated as "Germany Abolishes Itself."

Sarrazin argued that Germany's gastarbeiters, guest workers-Turks, Kurds, Arabs-are dumbing down the nation. While Germany's birth rate fell below replacement levels decades ago, these foreigners with less intelligence and much higher dropout, welfare and crime rates are rapidly replacing the declining German population.

"It is a matter of culture," said Sarrazin, and "Islam is the culture." This is why Muslim immigrants are
"socially, culturally and intellectually inferior to most everyone else." Yet Sarrazin did use the phrase a "genetic minus" to describe migrants from the Middle East.

Were these the ravings of a neo-fascist intellectual and closet admirer of the late Fuhrer? Not at all. Sarrazin was a proud member of the Social Democratic Party of Willy Brandt and a board member of the Bundesbank.

With Merkel and the German establishment howling for his head, Thilo resigned, unrepentant. Two-thirds of Germans said he had a right to speak his mind, a third said they agreed with him, and "Germany Abolishes Itself" has sold over a million copies.

It was in response to the firestorm of the Sarrazin affair that Merkel discovered that multiculturalism was a failure. Her EU colleagues have since been falling all over one another to agree.

Another factor has contributed to the sudden awakening of the EU's elite-an explosion of anti-immigrant parties that are siphoning off working-class voters from socialist parties and nationalist voters from conservative parties.

Among these are Jean-Marie Le Pen's National Front in France, the British National Party, the Vlaams Belang in Belgium, Geert Wilders' Freedom Party in Holland, the Swiss People's Party of Christoph Blocher, which won the battle to ban the burka, the Austrian Freedom Party and Alliance for Austria's Future, the Jobbik Party of Hungary, the Lega Nord in Italy, which favors secession, the Danish People's Party, and the Sweden Democrats, who just won a toehold in parliament.

What these parties share is that all are anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and ethnonational. They want to retain, or restore, a nation of, by and for their own kind, with its own history, holidays, heroes, language, literature, music and art. They are fiercely resistant to any dilution of the ethnic composition or cultural character of their countries.

What is the menace of multiculturalism these people see?

From Moscow to Marseilles, from Stockholm to Sicily, they see the Muslims pouring in and creating tiny nations within the nation, and being unwilling to embrace a new identity as Englishmen, French or German.

And their fears are not unjustified.

For just as the populist parties are deeply ethnonational, proud of their identity as Swiss, Austrian, German, English, Dutch or Flemish, the newcomers, too, are deeply ethnonational: Turkish, Arab and African.

And Islam is a faith that is itself anti-multicultural.

Devout Muslims do not believe all religions are equal. They believe there is one God, Allah, and submission to his law is the path to paradise. They do not believe in freedom of speech and the press if it means mocking the Prophet. They do not believe in Western dress codes or mixing men and women in schools and sports. They do not believe all lifestyles are equal. Some think adulterers should be stoned and honor killings are justified for girls who disgrace the family.

They wish to live their faith and their culture in our countries, to live alongside us but to dwell apart.

"If you come to France," said Sarkozy last week, "you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community, and if you do not want to accept that, you cannot be welcome in France."

A little late for that. Some 5 million to 8 million Arabs and Muslims are in France, their birth rate is higher, and more are on the way.

The real questions: Whose idea was it to bring these people in? And what do France, Britain and Germany do if they say: This is a democracy, we will live as we wish to live, according to our beliefs, not yours.

How does a liberal, permissive society that celebrates diversity impose its values on a militant immigrant minority that rejects them?

Answer: It doesn't. All the rest is chatter.

This is what James Burnham meant when he wrote that liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 04:41:19 AM by Religious Dick »
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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 10:48:40 AM »
Yes....I believe it will.

"From Moscow to Marseilles, from Stockholm to Sicily, they see the Muslims pouring in
and creating tiny nations within the nation, and being unwilling to embrace a new identity
as Englishmen, French or German"
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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2011, 02:39:40 PM »
maybe not
I`m betting in less than 7 years alot of muslim girls will get tired of seeing people wearing comforatble clothes and eventually asked upsetting questioned.
oh wait that`s happening now.

how does one explain eating pork is bad, but the people who eat it are pretty damn healthy.

ex. me


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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2011, 03:33:14 PM »
Probably the most popular meat on the planet is pork, so it can't be all that unhealthy, but of course, nor every pig has trichinosis, and if you cook pork properly, you won't get it, anyway.

You could ask, "Why don't people eat more cuy (guinea pig), everyone in the Andes eats lots of it?"
The Chinese don't seem to be very fond of cheese. I used to go to the 10/10 (Republic of China Day on Sun Yatsen's birthday) with a friend, and they had the hotel cater some of the food and then several Chinese restaurants brought food as well.

At the end of the celebration, there were MOUNTAINS of untouched white and yellow cheese cubes left that had been supplied by the hotel, but it was hard to find a single grain of rice remaining.

I was told that the Chinese didn't eat cheese because they are lactose intolerant, which may be partially true.

I think one can state that appetite is not an entirely rational aspect of civilization
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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 05:15:22 PM »
I was told that the Chinese didn't eat cheese because they are lactose intolerant, which may be partially true.

Most Chinese are lactose intolerant; it's genetic.
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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2011, 06:10:31 PM »
I`m lactose intolerant. the quickest way for me to lose weight is to drink a milkshake.  I`m not repulsed, but cheese doesn`t attract me.


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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2011, 06:18:56 PM »
to be fair the idea to not eat an animal that eat it`s own waste does not exactly a bad idea . that the most common claim I hear about people not eating pork. but  I still like a good porkchop.


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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2011, 06:56:56 PM »
no nachos in China?
I have heard it can help to eat yogurt if you are lactose intolerant

not sure if it is true...seems kind of high but this article claims 70%
of the people in the world are lactose intolerant

I dont wanna open another "can of worms" about diet but I once heard a speaker say that
we really shouldn't be drinking cows milk...especially if it is pasturized. He basically said
"think about it...what is a cows milk intended for?...It's intended to make a tiny little calf
grow into a hug fat cow". Some doctors and some studies think milk is way over-rated
as supplying calcium and being something that is touted as being so healthy. If Asian's
dont drink milk....I wonder if that is a factor in lower heart disease....anyone know
if Asians in developed countries in fact have lower heart disease and obesity?

« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 10:32:16 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2011, 06:59:51 PM »
I believe that rodents have a tendency to run the same food through their digestive systems twice: that is why rats, mice and rabbits are not kosher, I think.

Capybaras, the largest rodents on Earth, are the traditional Easter feast animal in Venezuela. They once got the Pope to declare the capybara a fish so they could eat them at this time.
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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2011, 07:05:12 PM »
When I was a kid, my parents agreed with the idea that "milk is the perfect food", and we would put away two gallons a week. No one was overweight.

Since then, my doctor told me that milk was not all that perfect, and I started drinking soymilk. Normally 1/2 gallon of this lasts me two weeks. But when I drink cow's milk or eat ice cream, it tends to give me diarrhea now, until I have eaten some yogurt: after that it gives me no problems. Cheese does not seem to bother me, ever.

So I think there are two kinds of lactose intolerance: one that is genetic and another that depends on what sort of bacteria you have in your system to digest it. Or perhaps some people have antibodies, enzymes or something else that kill off the bacteria in question.
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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2011, 07:15:49 PM »
I`ve eaten tons of yogurt to no effect, but never had dairy afterward to see if it helps. not sure I wanna test it.

love soymilk, but only the chinese type. not really liking to american version, the flavor is abit off for my liking.

interesting fact people should know about soymilk, it has a high amount of unsoluable calcium -meaning you should not depend on it as a source of calcium on your diet. too many people think any vegetables as a all-in-one food source.


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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2011, 01:34:08 PM »
I tend to think that things taste different to different people. Soybean milk made in a soymilk machine taste perfectly awful to me: it tastes like spoiled boiled beans. I like Publix supermarket's Vanilla soymilk just fine, though.
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Re: Will Multiculturalism End Europe?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2011, 01:51:39 PM »

awhile back I had dinner with a friend of mine and I offered him a sip of my soymilk and he offered his diet pepsi and we both hated it.
we keep think of that scene in alien nation with the very same result.