Author Topic: It is just a fad.  (Read 388 times)

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It is just a fad.
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:20:26 AM »
Civilisation is a Fad.

In the span of history it isn't very old and for all we know it may not get much older.

The great migrations of the civilized ages could be halted by grand tragedies that impoverish us all into the stone age, hey it could happen.

If our future returns us to the situation we had in the past and travel becomes terribly difficult and expensive as it used to be before civilisation-

Then populations will adapt to the environments they are stuck in , where dark skinned families are living in cold climates they will gradually loose their dark coloration for the evolutionary advantage that translucent skin gives to vitamin D production. Where light skinned families are stuck in sunny climes there will be selection in favor of dark skin which is less damaged by sun exposure.

       Then who will be more evolved?

     Evolutionary adaptation usually takes a long time and it isn't a form of progress in which more is better. Rather Evolution is a pressure twards better adaptation to the circumstances that exist.

   Dark skin is highly evolved and perfectly adapted to lots of sun, light skin and hair is highly evolved to circumstances of little sun, where a little less melanin can make the difference between having rickets or not.

        High intelligence seems like a quality of such versatility that it would be an advantage in any environment, that evolutionary pressure would always be twards greater intelligence , but perhaps this is not so. Civilisation has made our lives a lot safer and easyer so that we become adapted to civilisation by becoming more tame and cooperative reproductive success in our world of civilisation rewards compliance.

Wild men in the past couldn't be specialists , they livedin an unfriendly world where they took care of themselves withe few friends and little help, a Wild man has a more practical need for intelligence where his shrewdness keeps him alive from day to day it is lack of civilisation that would cause strong evolutionary pressure twards cleverness rather than civilisations pressure twards compliance more than intelligence having value.

  Since Cro Mangion man had a brain case larger than ours by about the volume of a tennis ball, it might not be hard to make the case that the path of evolution now is away from individualintelligence and twards specialisation , compliance and civil behavior.

    Those few of us that exhibit very high intelligence , might ought  be considered to be throwbacks to a less evolved era.

Projecting the trajectory of evolution onto the future as we become better adapted to civilisation , perhaps we will continue to become specialists until we are so dependant on each other that we are a hive more than a civilisation, or perhaps our intelligence will evolve past a threshhold below which social structures cannot be maintained and the colapse of civilisation would cause us a major die off leaving behind only those throwbacks too primitive and unevolved to need civilisation.

It is just a fad anyway.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 02:40:00 AM by Plane »