Author Topic: what a bunch of losers! OWS....what a joke!  (Read 1308 times)

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what a bunch of losers! OWS....what a joke!
« on: October 24, 2011, 10:39:45 PM »
The OWS protester organizers got 500 grand in donations but they're not redistributing the money to all the protesters.  That's right, the top 1% of the protesters have the money, and you know what they did with it?  They put it in a bank.  But wait aren't banks what they are protesting? I bet they are not refusing the the interest they are collecting from the bank they are protesting!  So with a half million dollars in the bank, isn't Occupy Wall Street part of the 1% now? Ha Ha Ha Ha Friggin Loser Morons!

Occupy Wall Street's Finance Committee has nearly $500,000 in the bank, and donations continue to pour in -- but its reluctance to share the wealth with other protesters is fraying tempers. Some drummers -- incensed they got no money to replace or safeguard their drums after a midnight vandal destroyed their instruments Wednesday -- are threatening to splinter off. "F--k Finance. I hope Mayor Bloomberg gets an injunction and demands to see the movement's books. We need to know how much money we really have and where it's going,? said a frustrated Bryan Smith, 45, who joined OWS in Lower Manhattan nearly three weeks ago from Los Angeles, where he works in TV production. "The other day, I took in $2,000. I kept $650 for my group, and gave the rest to Finance. Then I went to them with a request -- so many people need things, and they should not be going without basic comfort items -- and I was told to fill out paperwork. Paperwork! Are they the government now?" Smith fumed, even as he cajoled the passing crowd for more cash. The Finance Committee dives on whatever dollars are raised by all the OWS working groups, said Smith, and doesn't give it back. The Comfort group has an allowance of $150 a day, while larger working groups, like the Kitchen group, get up to $2,000. "What can I do with $150?? said Smith. "We have three tons of wet laundry here from the rainstorm -- how do I get that done? We need winter gear, shoes, socks. I could spend $10,000 alone for backpacks people need. We raise all this money. Where is it?" Pete Dutro, 36, a Brooklyn tattoo artist who is getting a master's in finance and sits on the Finance Committee, said big purchases like Smith's can't get immediate approval. "We don't have the power for that. They have to go to the General Assembly. If it's approved, we pay out that amount and make sure everything is accounted for," he said. Within the next few days, the Financial Committee will release a detailed report, he said. Yesterday, a huge flat-screen TV went up in Zuccotti Park for a movie night and pajama party with popcorn. Organizers hoped it would attract new recruits -- even as some long-timers complained that the movement was getting too diffuse after yesterday's lackluster showing at a police-brutality event in Union Square that barely attracted 50 participants. "I think it's getting too spread out," said John Glowa, 57. "My sense from where I live is that it's losing steam. We gotta plug the holes." Some activists, like those in Pulse, the committee that represents Zuccotti Park drummers, are a bit worn out by all the collective activity. Last week, on a rainy night, someone stabbed holes in many of the protesters' drums with a knife, said Elijah Moses, 19, of Queens, a founder of the Pulse Working Group. Moses asked the General Assembly -- the nightly meeting where protesters collectively vote on OWS decisions -- for $8,000 to replace the drums, and build a small shed to lock them up. "They said no -- they turned us down. I'm really frustrated," said Moses.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 10:45:07 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: what a bunch of losers! OWS....what a joke!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2011, 11:21:09 PM »
If the money's in the bank, then the top 1% of the protestors aren't spending it on themselves, but safeguarding it for the movement.  Although it IS somewhat ironic that they need the bank's services to stash their cash.

OWS took some bold steps into unknown territory when they decided to by-pass the usual ineffective methods of working within the party of their choice to make real changes.  They had no road-map since they were doing what hadn't been done before, and they made a lot of their decisions on the fly.  Here they seem to be facing the first challenge that they aren't able to resolve at the moment - - they were unprepared and they're stymied, at least for now.

What I am having trouble understanding is your glee at their predicament.  Why such undisguised joy in another's ineptness?  Why are they a bunch of losers after building a movement that spread to hundreds of cities in America and dozens more around the world?  When Apple was about to crash and burn and was saved in the end by an infusion of Microsoft money, were you jumping around waving your arms gleefully in the air and denouncing the "bunch of losers?"  People run into unanticipated bumps in the road - - if they weren't daring, bold and imaginative in the first place, they never would have gotten so far down the road as to encounter the bump in the first place.


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Re: what a bunch of losers! OWS....what a joke!
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 03:21:58 PM »
    The bank account is a good idea, imagine the problem of keeping a half million in pockets.

    Whoever stabbed the drums was a dirty so and so , was he mad politicly or just tired of the drumming?

      I reccomend five gallon pickle buckets, cheaper than ordinary drums and pretty weather proof, good and noisy ,even with a stab hole in them.

     Bucket drums

Michael Tee

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Re: what a bunch of losers! OWS....what a joke!
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2011, 03:29:57 PM »
Good audio, terrible visual, great drumming.  Couldn't really see what the guy was using as a drum.  Office waste baskets can be used, too.


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Re: what a bunch of losers! OWS....what a joke!
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2011, 04:01:05 PM »
it IS somewhat ironic that they need the bank's services to stash their cash. What I am having trouble understanding is your glee at their predicament.  Why such undisguised joy in another's ineptness?  Why are they a bunch of losers after building a movement that spread to hundreds of cities in America and dozens more around the world?  When Apple was about to crash and burn and was saved in the end by an infusion of Microsoft money, were you jumping around waving your arms gleefully in the air and denouncing the "bunch of losers?"  People run into unanticipated bumps in the road - - if they weren't daring, bold and imaginative in the first place, they never would have gotten so far down the road as to encounter the bump in the first place.

Michael it's not so much "glee" as it is realizing what a joke they are.
They have no idea how lucky they are.
If they traveled to North Korea, Cuba, and other places where corporations and "Wall Street"
are shunned they would really see what life is like on the other side.
Ya know the places people risk their lives to flee from and immigrate in mass to places
that embrace the free market, democracy, and a business environment.
These morons love to use their cell phones, i-pads, and other devices
that were born out of capitalism and corporations to protest corporations!
It's like "oh I love my warm nice coat but I hate the evil company that made it".
It's lunacy!
My only sympathy with any of the protesters are the ones that are
there to protest what Sarah Palin calls "Crony Capitialism". And by
most interviews I've seen these protesters are more about wanting
"freebies" and/or anarchy than anything else.

They are realizing wet sleeping bags suck, so soon most of them
will run along back to their life full of i-tunes, cell phones, cable tv,
on-line bill pay (ha try that in North Korea!) grocery stores brimming
with products, Starbucks, and pretend they dont like capitalism.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987