Author Topic: it looks to that everybody is guilty  (Read 2834 times)

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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2008, 01:02:25 AM »

We as carnavores maintain a level of denial in terms of indifference to animals, so that we can eat them without weeping or gulping with guilt.  Everybody who lives on a farm knows this, and also those who read the tales of the child with the pet turkey or cow.  God gave this dilemma of existential philosophy to all inhabitants of the earth.

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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2008, 01:54:39 AM »
<<Ever watch a cat and an insect?>>

No, but I watched my kids' long-haired dachshund with insects

Dogs are not predators.


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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2008, 10:53:31 AM »
You realize that most of those are made up, right?
How do you know this?

I am pretty sure that there is enough stupidity around for there to be no real need to make them up.
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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2008, 11:34:02 AM »
How do you know this?

Most of them have been discredited by Snopes and other debunking sites.
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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty-tiger
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2008, 07:53:55 PM »


is it my imagination or is that lawyer stupid.
what holds a tiger does not hold a cat.
but I very much doubt cats are willing go there willingly.
he should of pointed to fact that tiger on it`s hindlegs touch the top of that fence
that works much better


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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2008, 08:08:31 PM »
Two things should have been apparent to the people who designed the tiger enclosure at the zoo: (1) tigers are dangerous beasts, and (2) within a large population, there will be people so idiotic that they will taunt tigers. It appears that these two facts were not taken into consideration, and I would agree with Kimba that everyone is to blame: the zoo designers, the idiotic brothers, and the tiger, in that order.

It is hardest to blame the tiger, as he was doing what tigers not managed by Disney are supposed to do.
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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2008, 08:18:06 PM »
I would never blame the tiger,but that doesn`t mean she shouldn`t be put down.
she was a danger and it simply needed to be done.
once an animal has attacked a human it needs to be killed
animal right supporter think it`s nonsense
but thiers a good bit of logic in it
unlike most animals humans are soft and has no fur or feathers
no horns,claws or fangs.
once animal figure this out the fear factor kinda goes.
we`re a walking easy meal


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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2008, 09:22:23 AM »
From a practical standpoint, a tiger that has attacked a human is a danger to all humans, including zookeepers. If they allow such an animal to continue living in the zoo and it attacks again, the liability suit would cost more than a new, less dangerous tiger.

Still, tigers should not be able to reach zoo visitors at all. There was a serious error involved in this case on the part of the zoo, and I would speculate that the goofy kids who provoked th tiger will get a juicy settlement. The tiger containment will probably get a redesign as well.

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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2008, 01:40:00 PM »
if those kids were found messing with the tiger and still got rich from it.
would this encourage more idiots to do this?


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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2008, 03:59:18 PM »
if those kids were found messing with the tiger and still got rich from it.
would this encourage more idiots to do this?

I think they would have to be truly stupid idiots.

The deal is that you taunt the tiger, and there are two outcomes: one you get somewhat mauled and after some court procedings, rich.

The other possibility is that you get killed, and possibly eaten. Your parents might get rich, but they would have to bid their farewells to a coffin full of tiger turds.

Criminals tend to be unbright. Here in Sothh Florida we recently had a threesome of Black drugstore robbers who stole from 20 drgstores in a month. They are said to have netted about $20,000 for this. One of the thieves girlfriends swiped the radio out of her botyfriend's car, so (clever dude that he was) he reported it to the police. When he started telling the cop about how he suspected his girlfriend, she  told one of her girlfriends in too loud a voice (they were all in the same place) that if he ratted out her, she would tell the cop about the drugstore burglaries. The cop noted this and returned with reinforcements and arrested all of them.

Of course, the crooks they don't catch are lots smarter than the ones they do.
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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2008, 04:13:23 PM »
the problem with criminals is they tend to get that reverse darwin thing going
if they`re dumb they easily get caught and learn from other dumb criminals how to  steal in prison
and go out and get caught again.
not noticing guys in prison have a pattern of always getting caught.
police are not much better since they tend to think prison is a graduate school and never made the connection they got caught.
I pointed that out to my cop friends and they`ve yet found a counter to that arguement


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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2008, 04:24:54 PM »
Prison can be a sort of a graduate school in crime, because the police don't catch everyone for every crime. The thieves that committed crimes according to plans A,B, and C, and just got caught for B, could easily conclude that plans A and C were most effective and pass that on to their cellmates.

Don't wear personal ID badges while robbing banks, don't use your own personal car as the getaway vehicle, try to avoid flashy clothing, and facial tattoos.
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Re: it looks to that everybody is guilty
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2008, 04:44:38 PM »
true for the ones who notice this but quite afew repeat the same mistakes.
flashy clothes and facial tattoos
alot of folks refuse to believe thats a problem
for some reason that subject is a mental blind spot
i know people who just can`t believe wearing expensive clothes in a bad neighborhood is a problem(mainly parents)
and alot of folks with tattoos just simply in denial thats it`s noticable.