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Brown vs. DeWine
« on: October 29, 2006, 02:22:42 PM »

Waning DeWine is getting waxed
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Brent Larkin
Plain Dealer Columnist

Nearly a year ago, a large daily newspaper based in Cleveland ran an editorial suggesting that, given the unimpressive start to his campaign for the U.S. Senate, Sherrod Brown's political skills might be eroding.

At the time, such speculation seemed to make some sense. After all, Brown's handling of the brief challenge from fellow Democrat Paul Hackett was anything but graceful. Then, in early November 2005, Brown's staff fell on its sword for him over a letter to Sen. Mike DeWine that contained language plagiarized from an Internet blogger.

It was these lapses that prompted the newspaper to wonder if Brown "has let his campaign skills get out of shape."

Well, the wondering is over. Those little stumbles we wrote about in 2005 don't mean a thing a year later.

What matters now is that Sherrod Brown has had pretty much a politically perfect 2006. Not only has Brown led DeWine in the polls for more than a month now, but DeWine is still nowhere near 50 percent in any of those surveys. For a 12-year incumbent, that's an ominous, usually fatal, sign.

DeWine clearly knows he's about cooked. Some of his comments at Friday's City Club debate smacked of desperation.

Memo to Mike: Sure it's frustrating to run against a candidate who will say virtually anything that might benefit him politically. But members of your party have been doing the same thing for years. Plus, it's pathetic for a sitting U.S. senator to allege that in the 1980s, an employee of Sherrod Brown may have eaten a banana laced with marijuana. If you're going down, go down with some class. Don't go down the Ken Blackwell way.

At the top of any list of why DeWine is likely to lose is the political climate. Largely because of President Bush and his catastrophic adventure in Iraq, the climate is bad for Republicans everywhere. In Ohio, it's far worse because of the state's lagging economy, all of the serious scandals impacting Republican officeholders, and a wildly unpopular Republican governor.

But to attribute all of DeWine's underdog status to the political climate gives Brown's considerable political skills short shrift. The fact is, Brown is a superior politician who has run a far better campaign.

When DeWine first went negative against Brown in television commercials in July, he did so with a doctored ad that used fake footage of the burning World Trade Center towers. Brown pounced on this incredibly foolish mistake with ads of his own.

Since then, Brown repeatedly has trounced DeWine in the ad war. In terms of effectiveness, Brown's ads grade out at a solid "A," while "C+" would be a generous mark for DeWine's.

DeWine has been a very effective senator for this state. Effectiveness and power rankings released last week by the nonpartisan ranked DeWine 25th out of the 100 senators in those two categories, far ahead of Sen. George Voinovich, who was ranked 62nd.

But in winning two elections to the Senate, the fact is DeWine has never been in a close race. In 1994 - a year when the political climate favored Republicans in a huge way - he beat Democrat Joel Hyatt, who ran a poor campaign. Six years later, DeWine swamped Democrat Ted Celeste, who was little more than a token opponent.

So, this is the first Senate election in which DeWine has run against a Democratic opponent with formidable political skills - and it shows.

Brown can be extraordinarily engaging. But he's also got thin skin and is often quick to question the motives of anyone who dares to disagree with him. Brown is rarely wrong. Just ask him.

Those traits might pose significant problems for Brown in the Senate, but he didn't become the youngest person ever to serve in the Ohio General Assembly by being stupid. And he didn't win a race for Congress in a district he had never lived within 80 miles of - and then hold that district for six more terms - by being a political pushover.

Lots of people never gave Brown much of a shot in this race. Now it looks as if he's nine days away from proving them wrong.

Larkin is director of The Plain Dealer's editorial pages.
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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2006, 02:32:56 PM »
What a ringing endorsement of Brown. This must be an example of "Party uber alles"


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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2006, 03:07:42 PM »
Sherrod's been a good congressman, as far as I can tell.   He has voted on some things the way I wanted him to, on  other things, not so much.    He has not taken advantage of the health insurance  plan for congressional members, saying he would do so only after all Ohioans were covered by health insurance.   That, I really, deeply appreciate. 

A rubber stamp for Bush and/or the GOP, or a more independent vote: Not hard for me to choose the latter.
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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2006, 03:16:45 PM »
DeWine has been a very effective senator for this state. Effectiveness and power rankings released last week by the nonpartisan ranked DeWine 25th out of the 100 senators in those two categories, far ahead of Sen. George Voinovich, who was ranked 62nd.


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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2006, 03:18:52 PM »
This article is about who is more glib and who has hired the better ad agency.

I much prefer your follow up where you give your opinion of what sort of service you can expect from the actual behavior you have seem.

If the Article deserves a passing grade , your follow up deserves at least one grade higher.


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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2006, 03:19:17 PM »
Memo to Mike: Sure it's frustrating to run against a candidate who will say virtually anything that might benefit him politically.

... Brown can be extraordinarily engaging. But he's also got thin skin and is often quick to question the motives of anyone who dares to disagree with him. Brown is rarely wrong. Just ask him.

Those traits might pose significant problems for Brown in the Senate,


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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2006, 03:16:53 AM »
Memo to Mike: Sure it's frustrating to run against a candidate who will say virtually anything that might benefit him politically.

... Brown can be extraordinarily engaging. But he's also got thin skin and is often quick to question the motives of anyone who dares to disagree with him. Brown is rarely wrong. Just ask him.

Those traits might pose significant problems for Brown in the Senate,

They'll pose problems for him if he has to deal with me and the rest of us pissed-off Ohioans, never mind the Senate. 
DeWine....I wrote his office and called, got brushed off by his office staff.  Had to remind them that I was a constituent, that they worked for Ohioans like me.   The only time I ever got any follow-up was a letter a couple of weeks ago.
"I truly  look forward to serving you again.  Very sincerely yours, Mike DeWine."
He's a nice man, but he's useless when it comes to voting in my interests. 
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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2006, 03:25:01 AM »
He's a nice man, but he's useless when it comes to voting in my interests. 

yet ranked him in the top 25 percentile for effectiveness in servicing his constituents.

oh well. The good news is that Brown will have so little seniority that he probably won't affect me here in GA.


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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2006, 02:05:41 PM »
I saw Brown and Dewine answer questions on MSNBC. I must say that Brown did a far superior job, especially in discussing the economy and how it relates to Ohio and the average working class individual. It is nice to hear a Democrat talk about the working class and not skitter away in fear of being attacked for "class warfare." He seems like a genuinely solid candidate, but then I'm not an Ohio voter.

From what I have read the entire Ohio Republican Party has been reeling from the Governor on down. I don't fully understand it all, but apparently they've had a lot of problems.

I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2006, 01:15:56 AM »
Coingate.  Losing Worker's Compensation Funds by betting on rare coins.  Can you imagine? 
"BWC lost $215 million in high-risk fund


COLUMBUS - The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation admitted today that it lost $215 million in a high-risk fund that few people knew about."

or for a summary, see Wikipedia's version:

People are furious.  The state is mostly GOP-ruled these days, so that is who they're venting at.  Rep.  Ney  pled guilty, is going to prison. He hasn't resigned yet.
 Gov. Taft pled guilty to smaller charges and I think paid a fine.  Noe is going to prison for quite some time.   
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Re: Brown vs. DeWine
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2006, 03:41:09 PM »

What the hell were they thinking? That really pisses me off.

That's what I see in our GOP candidate for Senator, Bob Corker. (I offer the caveat that any politician may do this, regardless of party) He's generally been in the business of making himself wealthier first and worrying about the people he serves second.

The particular scam your state's GOP entered into here is baffling. I mean, I can see the potential for some profit, but it seems to me even the most ruthless self-serving ass could see that the risks outweighed the potential gains.
I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
   So stuff my nose with garlic
   Coat my eyes with butter
   Fill my ears with silver
   Stick my legs in plaster
   Tell me lies about Vietnam.