Author Topic: The bitter irony of feminist pro-aborts eradicating their own gender  (Read 1769 times)

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The bitter irony of sex-selective abortion



Missouri state Treasurer Sarah Steelman recently earned the opprobrium of abortion-rights advocates by calling for a ban on sex-selective abortions. Critics have derided this as an attempt by the Republican gubernatorial candidate to pander to pro-lifers. But a quick glance at international statistics suggests that sex-selective abortion is no dystopian fantasy. It is a chilling reality throughout the world and in our own backyard.

Consider the situation in India. The British medical journal The Lancet recently estimated that as many as half a million female fetuses are aborted there each year because of their gender. Since the mid-1980s, when ultrasound technology began allowing parents to learn the sex of their children before birth, the number of Indian girls per 1,000 boys has declined from 962 in 1981 to 927 in 2001.

The disparity is even more pronounced in India's wealthier urban areas, where greater access to technology and a government-backed emphasis on small families have combined with age-old bias toward boys to make the womb a disproportionately dangerous place for girls. The ratio of girls per 1,000 boys in these areas hovers around the 700s and 800s, with as few as 300 girls per 1,000 boys in some high-caste urban areas of Punjab.

As investigative journalist Gita Aravamudan argues in her 2007 book, "Disappearing Daughters: The Tragedy of Female Feticide," "Female infanticide is akin to serial killing. But female feticide is more like a holocaust. A whole gender is getting exterminated."

The problem extends beyond India. A recent United Nations Population Fund report says at least 60 million girls are "missing" in Asia because of to sex-selective abortion, infanticide and neglect. The most egregious example is China, where a brutally enforced one-child policy has produced a national ratio of 117 boys born for every 100 girls, with some provinces posting ratios of more than 130 boys per 100 girls.

Demographers predict a shortage of some 30 million Chinese women by 2020, which they fear will contribute to early, coerced marriages of young girls, increased violence against women and more exploitation of women and girls through the region's already burgeoning sex trade.

Most Americans rightly recoil from sex-selective abortion, but it is neither illegal nor unheard of here.
Lax abortion laws and technological access make it easier than ever for parents to target and delete unwanted daughters or sons before birth.

A new study suggests that female feticide may be disturbingly common in some American communities. In an analysis of 2000 Census data published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Columbia University economists Douglas Almond and Lena Edlund examined the sex ratio of births among U.S.-born children of Chinese, Korean and Asian-Indian parents. They found "evidence of sex selection, most likely at the prenatal stage."

The sex of a firstborn child in these families conformed to the natural pattern of 1.05 boys to every girl, a pattern that continued for other children when the firstborn was a boy. But if the firstborn child was a girl, the likelihood of a boy coming next was considerably higher than normal at 1.17-to-1. After two girls, the probability of a boy's birth rose to a decidedly unnatural 1.51-to-1.

The study does not mean that most Asian-Americans practice sex selection, of course. What the numbers do suggest is that this ultimate form of misogyny can happen in any culture that fails to defend the intrinsic dignity of every human life.

Sadly, most American feminist leaders have remained silent in the face of this modern atrocity. Their refusal to brook any limits on abortion rights has led to one of the bitterest ironies of our post-feminist age: that the abortion license touted as the key to liberating future generations of women would become the preferred means of eradicating them

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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<<Sadly, most American feminist leaders have remained silent in the face of this modern atrocity. Their refusal to brook any limits on abortion rights has led to one of the bitterest ironies of our post-feminist age: that the abortion license touted as the key to liberating future generations of women would become the preferred means of eradicating them>>

But the few who are still being born will wind up as the Queen Bees of the nation.  If a nubile female can wrap a guy around her little finger even now, just think of how much power they'll have over men in the next few generations.  This is great news for some unborn females, and the rest of them won't know what they're missing out on.

Personally, I think it's very short-sighted of parents to abort female fetuses.  My dad always used to say, "A son is a son till he takes him a wife/But a daughter's a daughter for all of her life."  Truer words were never spoken.


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The reduction of females , and the empowerment of those that remain will very likely reduce the total reproduction rate of the Human race significantly. Planned Parenthood and ZPG should be happy with the prospect.

This might be worth the misery of a few million murders every year.

Michael Tee

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<<This might be worth the misery of a few million murders every year.>>

If I were you, plane, I'd focus a little more on the thousands of REAL murders of real people going on in Iraq every week, thanks to the actions of your own government and its killer thugs and a little less on the millions of "murders" of zygotes and blastomeres flushed down the toilets of America to no one else's particular distress.


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<<This might be worth the misery of a few million murders every year.>>

If I were you, plane, I'd focus a little more on the thousands of REAL murders of real people going on in Iraq every week, thanks to the actions of your own government and its killer thugs and a little less on the millions of "murders" of zygotes and blastomeres flushed down the toilets of America to no one else's particular distress.

What is unreal about the deaths of human beings ?

I am under the impression that you and I are both Human beings , but if I could dehumanise you with a dismissive term for your person could I kill you and not care?

Michael Tee

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<<What is unreal about the deaths of human beings ?>>

Nothing. What's unreal is to call a blastocyst or a zygote a human being.

<<I am under the impression that you and I are both Human beings>>

very good, plane. 

 <<but if I could dehumanise you with a dismissive term for your person could I kill you and not care?>>

Well, the fact is, plane, I am not a zygote or a blastocyst, so you can't really call me one, and therefore you can't "dehumanise" me.  In fact, since I AM a human being, there is no word you can dehumanize me with, because my humanity trumps any word that would come out of your mouth.  So your question is kind of moot.

Your problem, minus all the tortured polemic, is that you would like to give zygotes and blastocysts the same rights as human beings have, but in fact everybody can see that they are NOT human beings and they don't have human rights.  And all the verbal sleight of hand that you anti-abortion people have will never change the natural facts of life one iota.


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<<What is unreal about the deaths of human beings ?>>

Nothing. What's unreal is to call a blastocyst or a zygote a human being.

<<I am under the impression that you and I are both Human beings>>

very good, plane. 

 <<but if I could dehumanise you with a dismissive term for your person could I kill you and not care?>>

Well, the fact is, plane, I am not a zygote or a blastocyst, so you can't really call me one, and therefore you can't "dehumanise" me.  In fact, since I AM a human being, there is no word you can dehumanize me with, because my humanity trumps any word that would come out of your mouth.  So your question is kind of moot.

Your problem, minus all the tortured polemic, is that you would like to give zygotes and blastocysts the same rights as human beings have, but in fact everybody can see that they are NOT human beings and they don't have human rights.  And all the verbal sleight of hand that you anti-abortion people have will never change the natural facts of life one iota.

It is working now as it has worked in the past you and I are the products of conception just diffrent from a zygote in terms of size and learning.It is well within liveing mempory that your same argument was used to point out the odvious diffrence between persons and Negros and Jews , or whatever it was more convienient to kill than to acnoledge humanity in.

The truth is stareing us in the face , there is a cohort of females reduced by 20% in some places , Some of these are twenty years old , what happened to the millions of women that are represented by gaps in the ranks?

They are dead.


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The truth is stareing us in the face , there is a cohort of females reduced by 20% in some places , Some of these are twenty years old , what happened to the millions of women that are represented by gaps in the ranks?

They are dead.


Do you have a proposal to reanimate them?

The technology to predetermine the sex of a fetus was discovered before the ancient cultures of China and India could adapt from a tradition based on the necessities of war, namely that me got killed off fighting.

Polygamy is one way that some societies have adapted to the constant killing of men in war, causing an overabundance of women.

This is not a problem that anyone outside of these cultures can resolve. I do not think that the US can actually invade China and India and prevent parents from aborting female fetuses by force. As for doing it by propaganda, well, go ahead and try.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

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<< you and I are the products of conception just diffrent from a zygote in terms of size and learning.>>

"Just" different in size and learning?  What about learning ability?  Get me and the zygote a "Teach Yourself Brazilian Portuguese" book and see which one of us finishes the course first.

I am "just different" from an oak tree in terms of size, mobility and language skills but I don't think I'm an oak tree.  If you think I'm pretty much the same as a zygote except for a few trivial details, well I guess that's one way of looking at things. 

<<It is well within liveing mempory that your same argument was used to point out the odvious diffrence between persons and Negros and Jews , or whatever it was more convienient to kill than to acnoledge humanity in.>>

plane I'm not in the least offended by what you just wrote because I happen to know you're a nice guy and I know the spirit in which the remark is made, but I'm not sure you understand how that argument is perceived by a lot of Jewish people - - I know your intention is to elevate the status of the zygote and not in any way to lower the status of the Jew, but they will see it as "Your life is worth the same as a zygote's" (not a good thing) or in other words, the tragedy of the Holocaust was no worse than the abortion of six million zygotes.  And they see that as a very definite devaluation of their own being.  That's just a friendly heads-up, just so you know the remark is a bombshell.  You might or might not want to drop that particular bombshell on some people, but if you do, at least you'll know it's a bombshell before you drop it and not after.

Personally, I think the argument is absurd.  A human being is a complex of memories and feelings, which the zygote is not  Fears and dread as the Holocaust victim is herded onto the cattle car, beaten with clubs, abused, stripped, threatened or bitten by dogs, marched to the gas chamber naked through the snow - - these aren't things that a zygote will ever have to experience and it's just nuts to think of a zygote as a human being.  Even a dog would have more capacity to think and react than a zygote.  What you are saying is just so out-of-touch with reality and human experience that it is almost pathological.  MOst people understand this.  The common law of England, common now to all English-speaking countries, has understood this for centuries:  a fetus is not a human being.  A fetus has no rights.  That a legislature, succumbing to religious doctrine, declares otherwise, is meaningless.  That same legislature, if so minded, could declare tomorrow that the Roman Catholic Church is the One True Church.  Declaring it don't make it so.


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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: The bitter irony of feminist pro-aborts eradicating their own gender
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2008, 02:21:10 PM »
No, it's not.

Maybe they should put some time limits on the abortion process.  If the mother can't do it one minute after birth, why should she be able to do it one minute before birth?

I'll fix the limit somewhere - - at the very least, an undifferentiated spherical mass of cells is fair game.  Anything after that is up for debate.

That baby was kind of cute.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 02:26:12 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: The bitter irony of feminist pro-aborts eradicating their own gender
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2008, 04:08:03 PM »
"Just" different in size and learning?  What about learning ability?  Get me and the zygote a "Teach Yourself Brazilian Portuguese" book and see which one of us finishes the course first.

I would bet big on the Zygote, the ability to learn language is stronger in early youth so a zygote could give you an eight month head start and stil learn flawless Portugese sooner than the advradge adult.

No, it's not.

Maybe they should put some time limits on the abortion process.  If the mother can't do it one minute after birth, why should she be able to do it one minute before birth?

I'll fix the limit somewhere - - at the very least, an undifferentiated spherical mass of cells is fair game.  Anything after that is up for debate.

That baby was kind of cute.
Thank you, CUFSG

Oh that makes the diffrence?

Then lets revisit the reality of sex selection , by the time sex can be determined by sonogram the Child has a distinctively human look , has wakeing periods and resting periods , rem sleep and an ability to respond to pain.

Zygotes are without sexual markers , so are blastocysts.

So what was killed was a girl ,so many times over that a generation is shortchanged for mates . Those gaps in the line were killed .