Author Topic: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?  (Read 2425 times)

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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2008, 08:01:40 PM »
ROFL...Brass has a conniption of a conservative pundit daring to speak truth to his perceptions, then posts a post from an even further leftist lying pundit, Kos.      :D



I thought the issue was whether or not a mother told Obama not to mention the soldier's name and that she was outraged when he did at the debate.

I thought we were dealing with realities.


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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2008, 08:23:08 PM »
Yea, perceptions.  The same perceptions that allow you, Tee, and Xo to spew your nonsense, regarding the lying us into war, it's all about the oil, no plane hit the pentagon, dren like that.  Perceptions that you appear to want to take to the grave in how "truthful" they must be, deapite the overwhelming evidence, logic, and common sense to the contrary
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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2008, 08:25:35 PM »
Hey, dude, you're just out there trying to spark any old bullshit and nobody's buying anymore.

The right was trying to say that Obama told the guy's name when his mother didn't want it told and that she was pissed about it.  That was a lie.

The End.


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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2008, 09:39:10 PM »
So where is the lie?

She did email Obama and asked that her sons name not be used.


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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2008, 11:19:14 PM »
Ball in Brass' court
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2008, 01:58:15 AM »
<<The same perceptions that allow you, Tee, and Xo to spew your nonsense, regarding the lying us into war . . . >>

You were in fact lied into war and I believe most Americans now believe that to be the case.

<< . . .  it's all about the oil>>

Also the plain truth - - every lie that was invented to justify the invasion was so patently false that it had to be abandoned in the end; the current lies are no more believable than any of the other lies that preceded them.  It was the oil and could not have been about anything else.

<< . . .  no plane hit the pentagon, dren like that. >>

For the record, I never claimed that no plane hit the Pentagon.  The U.S. military has been involved in so many massive deceptions and lies for as long as I can remember, that anyone who takes their word on anything would have to be practically brain-dead.  I don't know if a plane hit the Pentagon or not, although it seems possible that one did.  That the Pentagon claims that it did or did not is of no reasonable relevance whatsoever.

<< Perceptions that you appear to want to take to the grave in how "truthful" they must be, deapite the overwhelming evidence, logic, and common sense to the contrary>>

The perception that Tracy Jopek had no problem with Obama mentioning the bracelet or the family during the Friday night debate was confirmed in an AP interview on Sunday by Tracy herself.  BT wants to know where is the lie?  It is here:

<<Jopek began by saying that his ex-wife was taken aback, even upset, that Obama has made the death of her son a campaign issue. >>

That was denied by the ex-wife in her AP interview. 

<<Jopek . . .  went on to say that "she . . . wanted it to be something between Barack Obama and herself." Apparently, they were all shocked it became such a big deal.>>

Another lie, the ex said she had no problem when Obama mentioned the name and the bracelet in the debate.

<<But, he also said that his ex-wife . . . wanted Obama to stop wearing the reminder of her son's sacrifice that he keeps turning into a campaign soundbyte. >>

Another fucking lie.  The ex-wife had no problem with Obama wearing the ring, as she also confirmed in her AP interview.

I KNEW this was a pack of lies from the beginning - - why?  Because if the wife who gave the bracelet to Obama were really pissed off, she herself would have gone to the media rather than let some schmuck speak for her. 

Once again the right-wing crypto-fascist movement mistakes fiction for fact and blames people who DIDN'T fall into it for not falling in.  Bizzarro World values again.  I fell into a trap so I'm the smart guy - - you never fell for it, so you're the dumb guy.  Smart is dumb and dumb is smart in Bizarro World.


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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2008, 02:13:01 AM »
<<The same perceptions that allow you, Tee, and Xo to spew your nonsense, regarding the lying us into war . . . >>

You were in fact lied into war and I believe most Americans now believe that to be the case.

Problem being you have no proof of such, simply the tired old dribblings of the same BDS Tee-leaf dot connecting, where Bush wakes up <--> he's evil <--> lied us into war.  And where you're confronted with the facts to the contrary, without missing a beat, you rationalize why the facts either don't matter, the facts aren't really the facts, and/or that it's just one big massive cover-up.  That's largely the foundation to 98% of your anti-Bush, anti U.S. Military dren

« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 03:01:57 AM by sirs »
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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2008, 02:26:16 AM »
"Jopek acknowledged e-mailing the Obama campaign in February asking that the presidential candidate not mention her son in speeches or debates".

So where is the lie?

I also notice she said nothing about her ex husband beating the crap out of her.

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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2008, 02:35:52 AM »
<<"Jopek acknowledged e-mailing the Obama campaign in February asking that the presidential candidate not mention her son in speeches or debates".

<<So where is the lie?>>

Just re-read my post No. 20 in this thread - - I listed two or three lies.  They're written down in black and white, in plain English.  Get back to me if I wrote anything so complex that you can't understand it.

<<I also notice she said nothing about her ex husband beating the crap out of her.>>

It was my theory, not a fact.  As I stated at the time, there were other possible explanations for the ex-husband speaking while the ex-wife remained silent.


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Re: Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2008, 02:50:11 AM »
Get back to me if I wrote anything so complex that you can't understand it.

Well see mister mikey I'm just a dumb southern hick and i don't know the slick ways of you urban northern commies, but I'm just having a hard time understanding how she could write an email to Obama in February asking that he not use her son's name in speeches and debates and when her ex reports that exchange he is the one lying. She did write Obama and that is what he said.

Granted she supports Obama and she rationalized Obama's betrayal because McCain mentioned a bracelet he wears and Obama really had o choice to honer her request because McCain the big meanie forced him to do it.

And also being the understanding type I can comprehend  how she might say something to her ex in private, that she wished Obama hadn't done that and then say something a little in different in public because the reasoning behind her request was that she didn't want her son to become some peripheral pawn and if she didn't forgive Obama for a breach of trust then a hellstorm of publicity would ensue.

But what do I know.

Your posts are so complex, full of multi-syllabic words and all I'm sure i'm missing some nuance .